

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  Neuron, striated rootlet in male, possibly sensory in tail spike Name  PHCL
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0004362 Synonym  lineage name: TL.pppaa

1 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
nucleus of pedigree TL.pppaa TL.pppaa nucleus   WBbt:0002610

2 Expression Clusters

Regulated By Treatment Description Algorithm Primary Identifier
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 20_1 expressed in neuron. scVI 0.6.0 WBPaper00065841:20_1
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 54_0 expressed in neuron. scVI 0.6.0 WBPaper00065841:54_0

63 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
    Expr2937 Both ahr-1:GFP reporters are expressed during embryonic and larval development. Expression is first detected in two cells 260 min after the first cleavage. By midembryogenesis (pre-comma stage), 14 cells express the pJ360 ahr-1:GFP fusion gene. At the 2-fold stage of embryogenesis, two cells express ahr-1:GFP in the tail, and the remaining fluorescing cells are in the forming head. During the first larval stage. ahr-1:GFP is expressed in 28 neurons, several blast cells, and two phasmid socket cells. The neurons that express ahr-1:GFP include ALNR/ALNL, AQR/PQR, AVM/PVM, BDUR/BDUL, PLMR/PLML, PLNR/PLNL, PHCL/PHCR, PVWL/PVWR, RMEL/RMER, SDQR/SDQL, and URXR/URXL. The T.pa, T.ppa, and T.ppp blast cells in the tail express ahr-1:GFP, as do all of their descendents, including the PHso1 and PHso2 phasmid socket cells. ahr-1:GFP is also expressed in the MI and I3 neurons in the pharynx and the G2 and W blast cells. Four additional cells in the head express ahr-1:GFP, tentatively identified as the ASK and RIP neurons. The pJ360 construct includes the entire ahr-1 genomic sequence, and transgenic animals express this fusion protein in a subset of neuronal nuclei. The pHT102 transgene lacks most of the ahr-1 coding sequence and labels axons as well as nuclei.
    Expr14590 Embryonic expression of exc-7 was first observed at the bean stage. By reverse lineaging with use of SIMI-Biocell software, we confirm the identity of one of the expressing cells at this stage as the excretory canal cell. In L1 animals, broad expression in the head, ventral nerve cord (VNC), and tail was observed. In young adults, expression is notably observed in vulva cells. In the nervous system specifically, expression is observed in many neurons throughout the body, but unlike Drosophila Elav, exc-7::gfp it is not panneuronally expressed. We confirmed previously reported expression in cholinergic VNC MNs, but absence of GABAergic VNC MNs, consistent with previous reports (Fujita et al., 1999; Loria et al., 2003) and consistent with exc-7 functioning in cholinergic, but not GABAergic neurons to control alternative splicing (Norris et al., 2014). exc-7::gfp is also expressed in some non-neuronal cell types, including muscle and hypodermis, but not in the gut. A previous report showed that exc-7 is only transiently and weakly expressed in the excretory cell, which, based on exc-7's excretory mutant phenotype, has puzzled researchers (Fujita et al., 2003). We find that the gfp tagged exc-7 locus is strongly and continuously expressed in the excretory canal cell.  
    Expr11375 eat-4 is expressed in 78 of the 302 neurons of the adult hermaphrodite, which fall into 38 neuron classes (out of a total of 118 anatomically defined neuron classes in the hermaphrodite). Most of these neurons are either sensory- or interneurons. Only two motorneurons utilize glutamate; both are located in the pharynx.  
Promoter 3   Expr15392    
Promoter 4   Expr15393    
All of the reporter constructs produced the same cell-specific expression pattern as transgenes.   Expr1438 The reporter transgenes express ubiquitously in the early embryo starting at about the 100 cell stage during gastrulation. In late embryogenesis and posthatching, expression is more limited. Strongest expression is observed in migrating cells and growing neurons as these cells undergo movements on the epidermis. At hatching, the reporters express in many neurons throughout the animal, in several cells of the pharynx including some pharyngeal neurons, in the elongated processes of the excretory cells, in the amphid and phasmid sheath and socket cells, in the tail hypodermis, and at later stages in intestine, muscles, vulva, and somatic gonad including the gonad sheath and hermaphrodite distal tip cells. The neurons expressing unc-73 include the PLM, ALM, PDE, HSN, CAN, PHC, and PVN neurons and the ventral cord motorneurons. Expression in the HSNs is absent in early larval stages, but begins late in the second larval stage (L2), precisely when axon outgrowth is initiated from the HSN cell bodies. The Q neuroblasts, Pn neuroectoblasts, sex myoblasts (SMs), and canal associated neurons (CANs) express unc-73 reporters. The left and right Q cells begin to express the GFP reporter as they initiate their migrations along the longitudinal axis of the epidermis during the early first larval (L1) stage, and expression in these cells continues beyond the completion of their first division. The unc-73 reporters express in the Pn cells just before this second phase of movemen. The distal tip cells also express the unc-73/reporters during their migration.  
    Expr11065 PTL-1::GFP fusion protein is expressed in the PHC neurons prior to and during hypodermal morphogenesis. In adults, PTL-1::GFP is expressed in most neurons of the tail.  
This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr733 Staining is seen in a set of 47 nuclei in fixed newly hatched first larval stage (L1). All stained cells are neurons. Hermaphrodite express in cells. RIH, RIR, PVR, IL2L/R, URYVL/R, RIPL/R, AIZL/R, FLPL/R, ADAL/R, RMGL/R, BPUL/R, PLML/R, ALML/R, ALNL/R, HSNL/R, URBL/R, NSML/R, URADL/R, IL2DL/R, I2L/R, IL2VL/R, URAVL/R, URXL/R, AIML/R, URYDL/R, PQR, PVM, SDQL/R, PVDL/R, PHCL/R, PLNL/R. Male cells express as in hermaphrodite except for HSNL/R which die, and show expression in CEMDL/R, CEMVL/R which die in hermaphrodites. Expression pattern is first determined in the Q lineage. Once expression has been initiated in a cell, it is maintained by that cell and all of its descendants in all cases except for SDQ.  
Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr3222 Epidermis: ncr-1Ap(l)::gfp was strongly expressed in the excretory cell and rectal epithelial cells from the early L1 larval stage and through all life stages. Seam cell expression was first observed in the late L1 stage, while expression in the lateral hypodermis increased during the L3 stage and peaked during the L4 stage. Seam cell and hypodermal expression gradually decreased in the adult stage and was hardly visible among older adults. ncr-1Ap(s)::gfp was not expressed in the hypodermis under normal growth conditions, though lateral hypodermal but not seam cell expression was dramatically upregulated in starved animals of all developmental stages. No increase in hypodermal expression was seen in starved ncr-1Ap(l)::gfp animals. Intestine: Both ncr-1Ap(s)::gfp and ncr-1Ap(l)::gfp were strongly expressed throughout the intestine, with posterior intestinal expression consistently stronger than anterior expression. Musculature: ncr-1Ap(l)::gfp was strongly expressed in pharyngeal muscles, but not in body wall muscles. Nervous system: ncr-1Ap(s)::gfp and ncr-1Ap(l)::gfp were expressed in the same set of head and tail neurons and a pair of neuron-like cells identified as the XXX cells. According to their location and cellular morphology, the head neurons were identified as the pharyngeal neuron I6, the inner labial sensory neurons IL2s and the amphid neurons ASE and ASG. The expression level in the amphid neurons was weaker than in the other head neurons. The tail neurons were identified as PHC, in which expression was first detected during the L2 stage, consistent with the time of birth of the neurons at the end of L1. In contrast to the widespread expression of ncr-1Ap::gfp, ncr-1Bp::gfp is expressed exclusively in 10-12 pairs of head and tail neurons. The tail neurons were identified as PHA, PHB and DVC. One pair of head neurons was identified as AWC. The other head neurons were very tentatively identified as RIC, RIM, FLP, ADA, ADE, RID and maybe AIY. We also occasionally observed expression in a pair of head cells anterior to the nerve ring. The position and morphology of these cells are similar to the XXX cells. With the exception of PHC neurons, expression in the tissues above was first observed during late embryogenesis and did not change during development. Somatic gonad: Both ncr-1Ap(s)::gfp and ncr-1Ap(l)::gfp were strongly expressed in the spermatheca and weakly in the gonadal sheath cells. The expression in the somatic gonad could be observed only in adults. Three reporter constructs, ncr-1Ap(s)::gfp, ncr-1Ap(l)::gfp and ncr-1Bp::gfp were made for ncr-1 because of its complex gene structure. The results indicate that ncr-1 expression is widespread and largely coincides with the reported distribution pattern of cholesterol in C. elegans, which includes the following tissues: intestine, pharynx, excretory gland cell, nerve ring, spermatheca and germ cells, including both oocytes and sperm.  
Picture: Figure 7.   Expr7808 A highly reproducible pattern of DKF-1 expression was observed as animals matured from embryo to adult. Intense fluorescence signals corresponding to DKF-1GFP revealed robust kinase accumulation in both (a) a region bounded by the anterior and posterior bulbs of the pharynx and (b) a tail area that contains lumbar, dorsorectal and pre-anal ganglia. Specifically, DKF-1 is differentially enriched in a cluster of cells that are immediately adjacent to the posterior pharyngeal bulb. Strong signals also emanate from cells positioned along the lateral surface of this bulb in animals carrying the dkf-1P::DKF-1GFP transgene. At the anterior pharyngeal bulb, DKF-1 accumulates selectively in bodies and in very thin processes (dendrites and axons) of two neurons. Nearly all cells expressing DKF-1 appear to be neurons. Two fluorescent cells with similar sizes and locations (at the anterior edge of the isthmusposterior bulb) may be M2 motor neurons. The location of the more posterior fluorescent neuron approximates the position of the cell body of an NSM neuron. DKF-1 also accumulates in a cell resembling I1. Other candidate DKF-1-enriched cells in the pharyngeal region include: the AWB, ADL, and ADF chemosensory neurons; and AVB and AIA interneurons.n C. elegans tail, DKF-1GFP expression is differentially elevated in neurons located within the dense neuropile of several tail ganglia. The pattern of fluorescence reveals that cell bodies and/or processes of phasmid neurons (PHA, PHB, and PHC), interneurons (PVC, DVA, DVB, PVQ, PVT) and motor neurons (VD13, DD6, VA12) are candidate sites for accumulation of DKF-1 protein. Expressed in neuronal cell bodies and/or processes.
Picture: Fig 3.   Expr8694 Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in M5, I1, I3, I6, NSM. Weak or rare expression in posterior arcades. Expression in the nervous system: Phsh, ADA, ADE, ADL, AIN, AIY, ALM, AUA, AVA, AVD, AVH, AVJ, AVK, AVM, AWB, BDU, CAN, CEP, DAn, DBn, DDn, DVB, DVC, FLP, HSN, IL1, IL2, LUA, OLL, PDA, PDB, PDE, PHA, PHB, PHC, PLM, PLN, PVC, PVD, PVM, PVN, PVP, PVQ, PVR, PVT, PVW, RIB, RIC, RIF, RIP, RIS, RME, SDQ, SIA (early larva), SIB (early larva), SMB (early larva), SMD (early larva), URA, URB, VAn, VBn, VCn, VDn, M5, I1, I6, NSM. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in vulval muscle, uterine muscle, HSN, VCn. In developing larva stage, expressed in HSN, VCn, and anchor cell.  
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. late embryo(author) = fully-elongated embryo (wjc)   Expr1056 GFP expression in the anterior was observed in the sensory neurons AFDL/R, in the interneurons BDUL/R, and in the asymmetrical interneuron ALA. The expression pattern of the GFP constructs was continuous from the late embryonic through all larval stages and maintained in adults. Both constructs show the same expression pattern. Larval and adult expression of CEH-14 protein in AFDL/R and BDUL/R was confirmed by immunolocalization using the CEH-14-specific antiserum. One additional cell expressing CEH-14 was observed in the head, at a location consistent with that for ALA. The staining was always nuclear. In the tail region, ceh-14 is expressed in PVT, PVQL/R, DVC, PVNL/R, PVWL/R, PVR, PHCL/R, PHAL/R, and PHBL/R. Always expressed in nuclei.
    Expr3135 C47A10.6 expressed in both head (labial) and tail neurons (phasmid PHCL/R). C47A10.6 also showed medium to strong expression in scattered nonchemosensory neurons.  

0 Life Stages

3 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
neuron of lumbar ganglion, left. lumbar left ganglion neuron   WBbt:0005097
post-embryonic cell of pedigree TL.pppa TL.pppa   WBbt:0007379
Neuron class of two neurons with cell bodies situated in the lumbar ganglia. Posteriorly directed processes run from the cell bodies into the tails pike running alongside the processes of PLM and PLN. The disposition of these processes suggests that they may be sensory dendrites. PHC   WBbt:0008446