Embryonic expression of exc-7 was first observed at the bean stage. By reverse lineaging with use of SIMI-Biocell software, we confirm the identity of one of the expressing cells at this stage as the excretory canal cell. In L1 animals, broad expression in the head, ventral nerve cord (VNC), and tail was observed. In young adults, expression is notably observed in vulva cells. In the nervous system specifically, expression is observed in many neurons throughout the body, but unlike Drosophila Elav, exc-7::gfp it is not panneuronally expressed. We confirmed previously reported expression in cholinergic VNC MNs, but absence of GABAergic VNC MNs, consistent with previous reports (Fujita et al., 1999; Loria et al., 2003) and consistent with exc-7 functioning in cholinergic, but not GABAergic neurons to control alternative splicing (Norris et al., 2014). exc-7::gfp is also expressed in some non-neuronal cell types, including muscle and hypodermis, but not in the gut. A previous report showed that exc-7 is only transiently and weakly expressed in the excretory cell, which, based on exc-7's excretory mutant phenotype, has puzzled researchers (Fujita et al., 2003). We find that the gfp tagged exc-7 locus is strongly and continuously expressed in the excretory canal cell. |
Picture: Fig. 3c, Fig S4a, to S4c. |
grld-1 was expressed in many cell types, including, muscles, epithelial cells and neurons. Coexpressing mCherry under the opt-3 promoter, grld-1 was found expressed in AVE. grld-1 was also expressed in many of the neurons that are important for the nose-touch behavior, including the A-type motor neurons, the sensory neuron, ASH, and the glr-1expressing interneurons AVA and AVD. |
This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope). |
Expression observed in most or all neurons at high levels as well as in some hypodermal and muscle cells. In most neurons, sax-3::GFP expression is transient, peaking during the period of axon outgrowth. Highest level of expression is observed in the embryo, particularly during the initial period of axon outgrowth at 350-400 min (comma-stage). At comma-stage high level of expression is observed in anterior embryo, including most developing neurons of the nerve ring and a swath of ventral cells that includes the developing motor neurons of the ventral nerve cord and posterior neurons such as PVQ. Lower level of expression is observed in the epidermal cells. 200-400 - cell stage; 200-300 min of development: Expression seen in all epidermal cells at low level. 3-fold stage; >500 min of development: Expression seen in muscles that extend from nerve ring to the anterior tip of the head. L1: Expression in motor neurons in the head including RMD, RMG, SMD, SIA and SIB neurons; projection interneurons in the head and tail, including AVA, AVB, PVC, AVD, PVQ and ALA neurons; and the sensory OLQ neuron. This neuronal expression diminishes throughout postembryonic development. During L1, expression persists in the head muscles and appears in muscles along the body wall, with ventral muscles expressing more strongly than posterior muscles. This expression continues until the adult stage. Epidermal expression was rarely seen in larval stages. L2: Expression observed in HSN motor neurons. HSN motor neurons extends a growth cone (axon from their lateral cell bodies) towards the ventral midline and expression is at its highest at this point. L3: Expression observed in the axon reaching the ventral nerve cord. L4: Expression continues in HSN, when HSN axon grows anteriorly to the head. Adult: Expression decreases in HSN at this stage after the completion of HSN axon outgrowth. In addition expression observed in motor neurons, interneurons and sensory neurons listed above also postembryonic ventral cord motorneurons, some interneurons from the tail and head, body wall and vulval muscles. |
Table in fig 1C |
While frpr-5 and frpr-12 expression is largely restricted to canonical circuit elements such as pre-motor command interneurons and body touch receptor neurons,the other four receptors are expressed in diverse neuron classes including chemosensory neurons and non-command interneurons. |
Transcriptional reporters were expressed in neurons and body wall muscle and were similarly expressed in both males and hermaphrodites. Colocalization with other reporters and anatomical criteria enabled identification of the expressing neurons as the ciliated sensory neurons OLL, PHA and PQR, the nonciliated sensory neurons URY and URX, the touch receptor neurons ALM, PLM, AVM and PVM, the interneurons in the retro-vesicular ganglion RIF and AVF, the command interneurons AVD and PVC, the ring motor neurons RMED and RMEV, and two other neurons tentatively identified as either PVQ or PVW and DB2. No expression was observed in amphid or male-specific neurons. |
RAB-6.1 is broadly expressed in most tissues, with a large degree of overlapping expression with RAB-6.2. RAB-6.1::GFP is highly expressed in body wall muscle, intestine, somatic gonad, distal tip cells, vulva, and neurons. RAB-6.1 is expressed in multiple GLR-1-expressing neurons, including AVB, AVD, RIG, and PVC, but not AVA or RMDV. |
RAB-6.1 colocalizes with RAB-6.2 at the Golgi in neurons. RAB-6.1 is localized to intestinal Golgi. |
Picture: Figure 2, Fig. S2BE. |
The expression of genomic magi-1::gfp and magi-1::rfp chimeric transgenes, which contain 4 kb of upstream sequence and either the complete magi-1 ORF or only the genomic magi-1 long isoform sequences, yielded similar results The magi-1L:::gfp reporter transgene reflects the expression of the long isoform. Expression of MAGI-1L::GFP was detected in the pharynx, head neurons, ventral cord, and vulva of animals mosaic for the extrachromosomal array. Expression of MAGI-1L::RFP was also detected in the pharynx, intestine, vulval epithelia (L4 stage), and vulval muscle (adult stage) of animals mosaic for the extrachromosomal array. This antibody labeled both neurons and epithelial junctions in immunofluorescence experiments. Within the hypodermis and intestine, there was a high degree of colocalization between MAGI-1 and DLG-1. The anus and vulva also were labeled in larval and adult animals. Finally, MAGI-1 expression was observed in some neurons in the head, including a subset of the GLR-1::GFP-expressing command interneurons. MAGI-1 is expressed in the backward but not the forward command interneurons; MAGI-1 expression was not detected in any of the mechanosensory neurons. MAGI-1 was detected in the neurons AVA, AVD, and SMD, as well as RMD and RMDV. |
Anti-MAGI-1 antibody detected MAGI-1 localization to puncta along the ventral cord; however, MAGI-1 is expressed in more neurons than just those that express GLR-1, making analysis of colocalization in the ventral cord difficult. To help restrict the analysis to the GLR-1-expressing neurons, both MAGI-1 isoforms were expressed as mRFP chimeric proteins under the glr-1 promoter; both substantially colocalized with GLR-1. |
Picture: N.A. |
Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in pharyngeal epithelium, pm1, pm2, pm3, pm4, mc2. Weak or rare expression in pm6, vir. Expression in the nervous system: AVD, AVK, RIS, URB. Pharyngeal and neuronal expression of inx-6 start around threefold stage, and some of the expression in head and tail neurons disappears after L1 stage. |
Expression of CFI-1 was identified in mid-late embryos (twofold and later) and throughout larval development and in the adult. CFI-1 was expressed in a small number of cells in the head and tail regions of the animals, with occasional faint staining in ventral cord neurons. In the head, only neurons and muscle cells expressed CFI-1. In the tail, only four neuronal cells expressed CFI-1. A cfi-1::GFP fusion gene was expressed in a pattern similar to that observed with anti-CFI-1 antisera. Using the cfi-1::GFP and anti-CFI-1 antisera a number of the cells expressing cfi-1 was identified based on their anatomical positions and neuronal morphologies. CFI-1 protein was expressed in IL2 and URA neurons, and in the AVD and PVC interneurons. Weaker expression was detected in the PVC sister neuron LUA. Most, if not all, head muscle cells expressed CFI-1, and m6 and m7 muscles in the pharynx expressed the protein as well. A small number of other cells also stained occasionally. |
CFI-1 protein is localized to nuclei of staining cells. |
Picture: Fig. 2a, b. |
MAGI-1::GFP was expressed in several interneurons, including AVA, AVD, AVE, RIM, and RIA. |
PDF-2::GFP signals could be observed throughout post-embryonic life. The PDF-2::GFP-expressing cells were identified as the interneurons BDUL/R, AVG, AIML/R, RIS, AVD and PVT, the chemosensory neuron pairs PHA and PHB, the motor neurons RID and RIML/R, the sensory neurons AQR and PQR, and less frequently in the PVPL/R interneurons. Outside the nervous system, strong expression was observed in rectal gland cells rectD and rectVL/R, the intestino-rectal valve cells virL/R and three posterior arcade cells in the head. Weak GFP fluorescence could also be observed in four additional head neurons that could not be unequivocally identified. GFP fluorescence was visible in neuronal cell bodies, axons and dendrites. |
Since these gfp fusions lack the introns and the 3' untranslated region, they might be lacking potential regulatory sequences. In that case, the gfp expression patterns may not precisely represent those of the endogenous kin-8 gene. cam-1 is called kin-8 in this article. |
Expressed in chemosensory neurons in amphid: ASH. Other sensory neurons: ADE, FLP. Touch receptor neurons: AVM, ALM, PVM, PLM. Amphid interneurons: AIY, AIZ. Other interneurons: RIC, RMG, RIS, DVA, AVA, AVE, PVC, AVK, PVQ. Interneurons?: ALN, BDU, SDQ. Ring motor/inter neurons: RMD, RMDV. Ring motor neurons: RMED, RMEV Five neurons out of the following six, RIV, AVH, AVB, AVJ, AVD, AIN. About seven neurons in retrovesicular ganglion. Pharyngeal muscles in procorpus and isthmus. M4 and several pharyngeal neurons. A part of intestine and a few body wall muscles near the head (weak). Distal tip cells (sometimes and weak). A few ventral motor neurons and seam cells (rarely and weak). The expression patterns did not appear to change through the larva to adult stages. Embryonic expression was also observed. |
Picture: Fig 3. |
Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in M5, I1, I3, I6, NSM. Weak or rare expression in posterior arcades. Expression in the nervous system: Phsh, ADA, ADE, ADL, AIN, AIY, ALM, AUA, AVA, AVD, AVH, AVJ, AVK, AVM, AWB, BDU, CAN, CEP, DAn, DBn, DDn, DVB, DVC, FLP, HSN, IL1, IL2, LUA, OLL, PDA, PDB, PDE, PHA, PHB, PHC, PLM, PLN, PVC, PVD, PVM, PVN, PVP, PVQ, PVR, PVT, PVW, RIB, RIC, RIF, RIP, RIS, RME, SDQ, SIA (early larva), SIB (early larva), SMB (early larva), SMD (early larva), URA, URB, VAn, VBn, VCn, VDn, M5, I1, I6, NSM. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in vulval muscle, uterine muscle, HSN, VCn. In developing larva stage, expressed in HSN, VCn, and anchor cell. |