Using NeuroPAL, we confirmed sIs14542 expression in AVH, but not AVJ. We further corroborated hlh-34prom expression in AVH by observing that in the embryo, expression of otIs768 is first transiently observed in 4 cells, two of which show signs of cell death; later in embryogenesis, and then during all stages of postembryonic and adult development, expression becomes restricted to 2 cells. This is consistent with expression in the bilateral AVH neuron pair, since their two sisters cells are, unlike the sisters of the AVJ neuron pair, destined to die by apotosis (Sulston et al. 1983). |
Embryonic expression of exc-7 was first observed at the bean stage. By reverse lineaging with use of SIMI-Biocell software, we confirm the identity of one of the expressing cells at this stage as the excretory canal cell. In L1 animals, broad expression in the head, ventral nerve cord (VNC), and tail was observed. In young adults, expression is notably observed in vulva cells. In the nervous system specifically, expression is observed in many neurons throughout the body, but unlike Drosophila Elav, exc-7::gfp it is not panneuronally expressed. We confirmed previously reported expression in cholinergic VNC MNs, but absence of GABAergic VNC MNs, consistent with previous reports (Fujita et al., 1999; Loria et al., 2003) and consistent with exc-7 functioning in cholinergic, but not GABAergic neurons to control alternative splicing (Norris et al., 2014). exc-7::gfp is also expressed in some non-neuronal cell types, including muscle and hypodermis, but not in the gut. A previous report showed that exc-7 is only transiently and weakly expressed in the excretory cell, which, based on exc-7's excretory mutant phenotype, has puzzled researchers (Fujita et al., 2003). We find that the gfp tagged exc-7 locus is strongly and continuously expressed in the excretory canal cell. |
[ser-2::gfp] transcriptional fusion constructs. Ser-2 reporter constructs were generated by using a PCR fusion protocol, using pPD95.75 as a template for green fluorescent protein (gfp). For all gfp fusion primers listed, gfp vector sequence is indicated in lowercase, and gene-specific sequence is indicated in uppercase. [ser-2::gfp] translational fusion. A translational fusion of the whole ser-2 locus to gfp was created by using an in vivo recombination technique. Specifically, two overlapping PCR fragments, one containing the 5' part of a locus, the other containing the remainder of the locus PCR-fused to gfp, were coinjected into the worm. Recombination of these two fragments via the homologous region leads to the expression of a full-length ser-2::gfp fusion. |
Expression using the upstream regulatory regions of exon 1bc (ser-2prom2::gfp) is mostly restricted to the AIYL/R, AIZL/R, RID, DVA, BDUL/R, SIADL/R, and SIAVL/R interneurons. Less consistent expression is observed in PVT. In addition, expression is observed in the RMEL/R motor neurons. Outside the nervous system, expression can be observed in the excretory gland cells. No more transcriptional regulatory information is contained within intronic regions by generating a fusion of gfp to the full coding genomic ser-2 locus using an in vivo recombination technique([ser-2::gfp] translational fusion. Transgenic animals expressing such a construct show an expression pattern similar to the one observed with the ser-2prom1::gfp construct. The upstream regulatory region of the third splice form, containing exon 1d(ser-2prom3::gfp), drives expression exclusively in two sensory neuron classes, OLL(L/R) and PVD(L/R). ser-2prom1::gfp is expressed in the AIY interneuron class and a set of unidentified neurons. These neurons were identified as head and tail interneuron classes, namely AVHL/R, AUAL/R, AIYL/R, RICL/R, SABVL/R, RID, RIAL/R, SABD, SDQ, CANL/R, DA9, LUAL/R, ALNL/R, and PVCL/R. In addition to its expression in neurons, ser-2prom1::gfp is also expressed in pharyngeal cells (NSM neurons and pm1/6 muscles) and in head muscles. In males, expression can be observed in posterior dorsal and ventral body wall muscles, the male-specific diagonal muscles, and several posterior neurons likely to be CP neurons. |
Picture: Fig. 2a, b. |
MAGI-1::GFP was expressed in several interneurons, including AVA, AVD, AVE, RIM, and RIA. |
Since these gfp fusions lack the introns and the 3' untranslated region, they might be lacking potential regulatory sequences. In that case, the gfp expression patterns may not precisely represent those of the endogenous kin-8 gene. cam-1 is called kin-8 in this article. |
Expressed in chemosensory neurons in amphid: ASH. Other sensory neurons: ADE, FLP. Touch receptor neurons: AVM, ALM, PVM, PLM. Amphid interneurons: AIY, AIZ. Other interneurons: RIC, RMG, RIS, DVA, AVA, AVE, PVC, AVK, PVQ. Interneurons?: ALN, BDU, SDQ. Ring motor/inter neurons: RMD, RMDV. Ring motor neurons: RMED, RMEV Five neurons out of the following six, RIV, AVH, AVB, AVJ, AVD, AIN. About seven neurons in retrovesicular ganglion. Pharyngeal muscles in procorpus and isthmus. M4 and several pharyngeal neurons. A part of intestine and a few body wall muscles near the head (weak). Distal tip cells (sometimes and weak). A few ventral motor neurons and seam cells (rarely and weak). The expression patterns did not appear to change through the larva to adult stages. Embryonic expression was also observed. |
Picture: Fig 3. |
Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in M5, I1, I3, I6, NSM. Weak or rare expression in posterior arcades. Expression in the nervous system: Phsh, ADA, ADE, ADL, AIN, AIY, ALM, AUA, AVA, AVD, AVH, AVJ, AVK, AVM, AWB, BDU, CAN, CEP, DAn, DBn, DDn, DVB, DVC, FLP, HSN, IL1, IL2, LUA, OLL, PDA, PDB, PDE, PHA, PHB, PHC, PLM, PLN, PVC, PVD, PVM, PVN, PVP, PVQ, PVR, PVT, PVW, RIB, RIC, RIF, RIP, RIS, RME, SDQ, SIA (early larva), SIB (early larva), SMB (early larva), SMD (early larva), URA, URB, VAn, VBn, VCn, VDn, M5, I1, I6, NSM. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in vulval muscle, uterine muscle, HSN, VCn. In developing larva stage, expressed in HSN, VCn, and anchor cell. |
In addition to expression in a number of neurons (RMEL/R, RID, BDUL/R, AIYL/R, AVHL/R, AIZL/R, ALNL/R, RICL/R, RIAL/R and PDA) as has been reported previously, intense fluorescence was also observed in uterine toroid cells (ut1 and ut2). |
Expressed in AVH/AVJ, BAG, PDA, PVR, SAA, SDQ, SMB. Faint or variable expression observed in BDU. Male specific expression in Rays 1, 4, 5, 7, CP9. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
At the L1 larval stage CEH-6ceh-6 is expressed in four pairs of bilaterally symmetric neurons in the lateral ring ganglion of the animal. These neurons are the RMDDLR, RMDVLR, AUALR and AVHLR neurons. The expression in RMDD and RMDV is weaker than in AUA and AVH. ceh-6 is also expressed in the excretory cell, very strongly with the lacZ reporter construct but more weakly with the antibody, which is probably due to the large volume of the nucleus. Despite the nuclear localization signal in the lacZ construct, the beta-galactosidase was occasionally expressed at such high levels that the excretory canals were also stained. Posterior to the excretory cell, the neurons SABVLR in the retro-vesicular ganglion express CEH-6ceh-6. Additional CEH-6-expressing cells in the body and tail were observed only with the antiserum, indicating that the ceh-6 reporters may not contain all promoter elements. In the body region, expression was observed in dividing P.na cells in the ventral nerve cord in L1 animals. The Pn.a expression is transient, appearing before the cell division of Pn.a and fading in the daughter cells. During the cell division, CEH-6 is localized to the cytoplasm of the dividing cells. It appears that the posterior daughters lose CEH-6 before that of the anterior daughter, as seen in the anterior Pn.ap cells. In the tail, CEH-6 expression in L1 animals is seen around the rectum in the five rectal cells B, Y, U, F and K. After K has divided, only the rectal cell K.a expresses CEH-6, though expression during the division was not monitored. At the L2 stage, a sixth cell becomes apparent that, based on its position at the very bottom of the rectum, is deduced to be P12.pa. Head and rectal expression of CEH-6 persists into adulthood. In addition, in adult animals four symmetric CEH-6 expressing cells are seen around the vulva, possibly one set of the vul cells, though did not determine their identity. During embryogenesis ceh-6 is expressed at the comma stage in two clusters one cluster corresponds to the ectodermal cells surrounding the anus (B, Y, U, F and K), and the other cluster corresponded to the cells in the head described above, many of which are located relatively close to each other at that stage in development. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. cgc6469 mentioned that this reporter gene is transcriptional fusion. |
GFP expression was observed in about 30 neurons of adult hermaphrodite worms. pida-1::GFP 7.6 expression was prominent in a subset of neurons in the head nerve ring, around the vulva, in a few cells in the ventral cord, and in the tail. Although the GFP was concentrated in the nucleus, the whole cell body including axons was labelled. Labeled processes included two lateral and one dorsal axon and a bundle of ventral axons running the length of the body, a pair of lateral axon bundles running from the head to the tip of the nose, and a pair of axons running from the anal region to the tip of the tail. GFP expression was observed as early as in late embryos. Larvae showed expression in the head and the tail, whereas GFP expression near the vulva and in the ventral cord was only seen in late L4 and adult animals. The expression pattern in dauer larvae was similar to that in other larval stages. Males exhibited many more GFP-expressing cells in the tail and additional cells in the head, and expression in the ventral cord differed from that observed in hermaphrodites. The GFP-expressing neurons in the hermaphrodite head were identified as ADE, ALA, ASI, ASK, AUA, ASG, AVH, and AVJ. Expression in ASG, AVH, and AVJ was not as bright as in other cells and was variable from individual to individual. A few other GFP-expressing anterior neurons could not be identified unequivocally. The fluorescent cells in the midsection of the animal were identified as the vulval motoneurons VC and HSN and the vulval uv1 cells. These are all hermaphrodite-specific and GFP expression was not observed until the late L4 larval stage. A lateral pair of neurons in the posterior half of the animal with weak GFP expression was identified as PDE. They possess ventrally directed processes entering the ventral nerve cord. In the preanal ganglion a pair of neurons with weak GFP expression was identified as PVP. Three pairs of GFP-expressing cells in the tail were identified as PHA, PHB, and PHC. Corresponding cells for the dorsal axon and a preanal structure have not been identified. The latter short process originates from the ventral nerve cord and peters out and terminates at the hypodermis. |
GFP was concentrated in the nucleus, the whole cell body including axons was also labelled. |
Expression of lin-11::GFP is first observed after the time when most postmitotic neurons are born (at approx. 300 minutes postfertilization). In larvae, the LIN-11::GFP fusion protein is localized to the nuclei of multiple neurons in the head and lumbar ganglia. In addition, lin-11 expression is observed in uterine and vulval cells, as well as in the VC motor neurons. In the lumbar ganglia, lin-11 expression is observed in the PVPL/R and PVQ neurons, and in an additional unpaired neuron identified as DVC or DVA. In contrast to shorter lin-11::GFP fusion genes, the rescuing lin-11::GFP fusion gene is not expressed in the PHA sensory neurons. In the head, lin-11 expression was observed in the sensory neurons ADF and ADL, in the interneurons AIZ, RIC and AVG, and in another neuron type tentatively identified as either AVH or AVJ. However, expression in a number of additional neurons was also observed using the full-length lin-11::GFP fusion gene. lin-11 expression was observed in the AVA and AVE interneurons. Faint and occasional expression was also detected in the ASH polymodal sensory neurons. lin-11 expression was observed in the AWA neurons in embryos and young larvae, but not in later stages. Expression of lin-11 in the AWA neurons is observed consistently in three-fold embryos, where expression of lin-11 overlaps with that of ODR-7 (32/32 AWA neurons examined). Expression decreases by hatching such that in L1 larvae, expression in the AWA neurons is fainter and observed only occasionally, and is absent in later larvae and adults. lin-11 expression was also observed strongly and consistently in the ASG chemosensory neurons. Expression in the ASG neurons is observed throughout postembryonic development. lin-11 expression was also detected in a few other non-sensory neurons in the head and tail that were not identified definitively. |
Expressed in nuclei of multiple neurons in the head and lumbar ganglia. |