pharyngeal cell
any of 20 large epithelial cells which form a tube and are mostly situated as bilaterally symmetric pairs around the tubular lumen. Each of these cell pairs forms an intestinal ring ( II-IX int rings). The most anterior intestinal ring (int ring I), however, is made of four cells. Intestinal cells contain large nuclei with large nucleoli and numerous autofluorescent granules in their cytoplasm. |
intestinal cell
Embryonic cell of pedigree ABaraaappaa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. |
arc post D
ABaraaappaa |
Embryonic cell of pedigree ABaraaappap, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. |
arc post VR
ABaraaappap |
Embryonic cell of pedigree ABaraaapaaa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. |
arc post DR
ABaraaapaaa |
Embryonic cell of pedigree ABarapapapa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. |
arc post V
ABarapapapa |
Embryonic cell of pedigree ABalpaappap, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. |
arc post VL
ABalpaappap |
Embryonic cell of pedigree ABalpaappaa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. |
arc ant DL
ABalpaappaa |
Embryonic cell of pedigree ABalpapaapa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. |
arc ant V
ABalpapaapa |
Embryonic cell of pedigree ABalpaapaaa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. |
arc post DL
ABalpaapaaa |
Embryonic cell of pedigree ABaraaapppa, interface between pharynx and hypodermis, form anterior part of the buccal cavity. |
arc ant DR
ABaraaapppa |