We also used smFISH to examine the expression of cdh-4 and cdh-3. Consistent with transgenic reporter studies (Sundararajan et al., 2014), we observed cdh-4 mRNA spots in the Q neuroblasts, as well as a wide range of other cells, including the neighboring seam and P cells, ventral nerve cord neurons and cells in the head region. In contrast, we found that during the initial polarization and migration phase, cdh-3 was specifically expressed in the Q neuroblasts, with additional expression only in a few unidentified cells in the head. Similar to unc-40, there was no significant difference in expression between QL and QR. Moreover, for both cdh-3 and cdh-4, the expression level correlated with migration distance (cdh-3 QL, Spearman r = 0.5765, p < 0.0001, QR, Spearman r = -0.4838, p < 0.0004; cdh-4 QL, Spearman r = 0.3176, p < 0.03, QR, Spearman r = -0.5070, p < 0.0004), indicating that expression increases during polarization and migration.
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6 Anatomy Terms
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a large process bundle that runs along the vental mid-line extending from the ventral region of the nerve ring.
Blast cell lying ventrolaterally in the late embryo and L1 larval stage which divides during the late L1 larva in stereotypical reiterated fashion to give rise to many motor neurons which begin function in the ventral cord and preanal ganglion of the early L2 larva, as well as hypodermal cells (which fuse into hyp7) and a series of programmed cell deaths. In addition, the Pn.p daughters of P3 through P8 lineages persist without fusing into the hyp7 syncytium until mid L3 stage when they can be induced to divide further to produce vulval epithelial cells (vulA - vulF) or more hyp7 cells. P0 is also known as W.