neuron with its cell body situated in the tail, posterior to rectum. |
tail neuron
The left and right lateral ganglia lie beside the nerve ring in the head. They each contain about (30) neuron cell bodies and send their neuronal processes into the ring at its posterior margin either laterally or ventrally via the amphid commissures and ventral ganglion, but form no local neuropil separate from the nerve ring. The lateral ganglia are in close contact with the lateral hypodermal cords. |
lateral ganglion
lateral ganglia |
ganglion anterior to the nerve ring |
anterior ganglion
ganglion lies beside the nerve ring in the head, just anterior of the retrovesicular ganglion. It contains about 20 interneuron and motorneuron cell bodies that all send their neuronal processes into the ring. The cell bodies are divided into two groups by the intrusion of the excretory duct and canal. The cells are bounded by a basal lamina which physically separates them from the lateral ganglion even though they are adjacent to one another. |
ventral ganglion
ventral ganglia |
ganglion that lies beside the nerve ring in the head. It contains neuron cell bodies that send their neuronal processes into the ring and longitudinal nerves, but form no local neuropil separate from the nerve ring. The dorsal ganglion is in close contact with the dorsal hypodermal cord. |
dorsal ganglion
neuron whose cell body is in the retrovesicular ganglion. |
retrovesicular ganglion neuron
retrovesicular ganglion |