In transgenic worms, hrpu-2::GFP signal was observed in a variety of cell types, including motor neurons and many other neurons (such as nerve ring neurons and ventral nerve cord neurons), body-wall muscle cells, pharyngeal muscle cells, and intestinal cells. In determining the colocalization of HRPU-2 and SLO-2, we observed that both transgenes are expressed in body-wall muscle cells and many neurons, including the VA5 and VD5 motor neurons used for electrophysiological recordings, although their expression patterns differ in some tissues such as pharyngeal muscles. |
pnc-1b::exon1b::GFPNLS transgenic animals had extensive expression in the neurons of the pharynx and the nerve ring, although never in ASK or within the gonad. Within the egg laying apparatus, weak expression was detected in the vulval muscle of a minority of animals. Thus, the pnc-1b reporter overlaps in expression pattern with the pnc-1a reporter only in head muscle and perhaps vulval muscle. |
Paakg-5::GFP is expressed in the female gonad sheath cells, vulva epithelium and neurons, ventral cord neurons and excretory cell. It is also seen in the spermatheca and epithelial seam cells. In addition to the excretory cell, Paakg-5::GFP displays strong expression levels in the pharyngeal epithelia, neurons, some ring neurons and sensory neuron termini. In the tail, Paakg- 5::GFP signal mostly localizes to the pre-anal ganglion, rectum epithelium, intestinal-rectal valve and phasmid support cells. For a summary of Paakg-5::GFP see table S10. |
Head Paak-2::GFP expression is mostly seen in the excretory cell but is also observed in pharyngeal neurons, epithelial cells, a subset of ring neurons, amphid socket cells and head body wall muscles. Paak-2::GFP is also expressed in the posterior intestine, rectal gland and epithelial cells, and in phasmids. Paak-2::GFP is detected in vulval muscles. For a summary of Paak-2::GFP see table S10. |
Expression becomes detectable around the comma stage of embryogenesis and persists through adulthood. Expression in vulval precursor cells is strong and can first be seen in L3. PQN-47::GFP is expressed in seam cells, peaking at L2 and ceasing after the seam cells differentiate in late L4, concurrent with the appearance of alae. The intestine shows variably undetectable to low pqn-47 expression (always less than in the neurons) and gets dimmer as development progresses, especially after L3. The two bulbs of the pharynx, specifically pharyngeal muscle cells pm3-8 (not pm6), are variably bright. Overall expression levels are lower in adults than younger animals, with only some expression in head and tail neurons remaining. Head and nerve ring neurons, pharyngeal cells, ventral nerve cord cells, vulval precursor cells, seam (though interestingly not hyp7), as well as cells in the tail show the strongest pqn-47 expression. Muscle, intestine, the distal tip cells of the gonad, the spermatheca, and a large neuron that may be CAN that is essential for survival but of unknown function near the vulva (also bathed in pseudocoelom fluid, and next to the seam and canal cells), as well as a subset of the ciliated neurons of the head (amphid neurons ASI, ADL, ASK, or AWB) and tail including phasmid cilia PHA and PHB, also express pqn-47. We could not detect expression in the pharyngeal glands as reported for a different promoter pqn-47 fusion construct made as part of a high-throughput analysis of gene expression, although other tissues did show similar patterns. Promoter and translational reporters show pqn-47 expression in numerous somatic cells, including cells uniquely poised to mediate or transmit signal(s) involved in the regulation of molting, some of which have been implicated in molting. For example, many cells expressing PQN-47 have significant exposure to the pseudocoelom, and as such are candidates to transmit or detect endocrine signals; the H-shaped excretory cell and its ducts, which form extensive gap junctions with the hypodermis and lie against the pseudocoelom along the entire body of the worm (Nelson and Riddle, 1984), the head mesodermal cell (hmc) lies in the pseudocoelom up against the (excretory) gland cell and forms gap junctions with them and muscle, and the VPI cells at the juncture of the pharynx and intestine are bathed by the pseudocoelom, as well as the intestine itself. |
The ppm-2 promoter is active in many neurons including those of the nerve ring, the motor neurons, and the mechanosensory neurons. ppm-2 promoter activity was also detected in gut, muscle, and pharynx. |
GFP expression was observed from early embryogenesis through to the adult. In the L1/L2, many nerve cells in the nerve ring, elsewhere in head and in the tail expressed GFP, as well as many other cells in the head, in the hypodermis and/or muscle. GFP expression was also observed in the intestine in some larvae and adults but this was much weaker and less consistent than other components. Additionally, strong expression in some other unidentified cells in the centre of the body of L1/L2s was seen inconsistently. The GFP remained in some neurons at high levels into adulthood. |
GFP expression was seen from late embryogenesis to the adult. The level of GFP was higher in the L1/L2 stages, particularly in the head. The GFP was nuclear-localized in neuronal, hypodermal and muscle cells, and possibly all cells in the head. The level of GFP was much lower in the adult and in many fewer cells, including some neurons in the nerve ring and in the tail, the hypodermis, body wall muscle and in the vulva and rectum, but still nuclear-localized. |
Very high levels of nuclear-localized GFP was observed from the L1 to the adult. In the adult, GFP was seen in the body wall, in the hypodermis and possibly some muscle cells, and in some neurons in the nerve ring and the ventral nerve cord. In larvae, GFP expression was mostly in neurons and also head muscle, but not hypodermis. Some nuclei had a 'speckled' appearance as if the GFP was localized to sub-nuclear structures or was aggregating. |
Supplemental Table S4. |
Supplemental Table S4. |
Supplemental Table S4. |
GFP was expressed in many neurons in the nerve ring and elsewhere in the head. GFP was also observed in the procorpus of the pharynx, in rectal cells and in hypodermal cells in larvae and adults. There was extensive GFP expression in the developing reproductive system from the L3 stage which was maintained into adulthood. |
GFP was expressed in many neurons in the nerve ring and elsewhere in the head. GFP was also observed in the procorpus of the pharynx, in rectal cells and in hypodermal cells in larvae and adults. There was extensive GFP expression in the developing reproductive system from the L3 stage which was maintained into adulthood. |
GFP was expressed in many neurons in the nerve ring and elsewhere in the head. GFP was also observed in the procorpus of the pharynx, in rectal cells and in hypodermal cells in larvae and adults. There was extensive GFP expression in the developing reproductive system from the L3 stage which was maintained into adulthood. |
We found that ckr-1 is broadly expressed in the nervous system, showing expression in a subset of ventral nerve cord motor neurons, amphid and phasmid sensory neurons, premotor interneurons, and motor neurons in the nerve ring. We identified many of these neurons, largely from analysis of ckr-1 co-expression with previously characterized reporters. In the ventral nerve cord, we found that ckr-1 is expressed in cholinergic, but not GABAergic, ventral cord motor neurons. Amongst head neurons, the ckr-1 reporter is expressed in GABAergic RMEV, RMED, AVL and RIS neurons, cholinergic SMDV, SMDD, and RIV head motor neurons, the interneuron RIG, the serotonergic NSM neuron, and in the interneurons AIA and AIB. Additional studies using DiI uptake indicated that ckr-1 is also expressed in the amphid sensory neurons ASK and ASI and the phasmid sensory neurons PHA and PHB. With the exception of the ventral cord cholinergic neurons, the ckr-1 reporter almost exclusively labeled neurons that do not receive direct synaptic input from DVA, suggesting that NLP-12 acts at least partially through extrasynaptic mechanisms. |
nmgp-1 expresses mostly in sensory neurons and in the egg-laying apparatus of adult hermaphrodites. GFP expression driven by the putative nmgp-1 promoter was detected in several cells, primarily neurons. Within the head, we saw GFP expression in pharyngeal neurons, as many somas and processes within the metacorpus and the posterior bulb ventral ganglia were observed. In addition, some of the processes next to the bulb might correspond to CEP sheath glial cells. In the midbody, we saw labeling of cells within the egg-laying apparatus. Posteriorly, we observed cells in the tail ganglia and possibly phasmid neurons. Neuronal processes along dorsal and ventral cords were also labeled. In addition, to identify specific neurons, we used the NeuroPAL strain (OH15500) developed by Hobert's Lab (Yemini et al., 2021). This strain has a stereotyped fluorescent color map to identify all neurons. We injected it with the same plasmid for GFP expression under the nmgp-1 promoter. The following neurons were identified as expressing GFP: ALA, CEPD, IL1 (head neurons from the nerve ring), the sensory amphid neurons ASK, neurons from the anterior ventral nerve cord (VA6, VB7, DB5, AS5, VD6, DD3, DA4) and posterior ventral cord (VA11, VD11, AS10, DA7, DB7, CB11, VA11), neurons from the preanal ganglion (PVP, PVT, DD6, AS11, VA12, DA8, DA9) dorso-rectal ganglion (DVB, DVA, DVC) and lumbar ganglion (PVQ, PHC). The neurons identified include sensory neurons (amphid and mechanosensory), motor neurons and interneurons. |
Paakb-1::GFP is strongly expressed in pharyngeal muscles, the pharyngeal intestinal valve cells as previously noted and a few head neurons of the pharynx and the ring region. It is also detected in some support cells. Tail expression of Paakb-1::GFP includes the tail minor epithelium, the rectal-intestinal valve, posterior intestine and body wall muscles. Mid-body expression is mostly restricted to muscles of the vulva, uterus and body wall, but is also detected in the intestine. For a summary of Paakb-1::GFP see table S10. |
The mau-2 transcript is abundant in the embryonic and young adulthood stages, whereas it is present in low amounts throughout the larval stages. |
sea-2 is strongly expressed in various tissues, including seam cells, intestine cells, pharyngeal muscles and nerve ring neurons. SEA-2::GFP expression persisted into adulthood. |
SEA-2::GFP is diffusely localized in both cytoplasm and nucleus. |
[Pdyb-1::GFP] transcriptional fusion. [Pdyb-1:: DYB-1::GFP] translational fusion. [Pdyb::DYB-1::mStrawberry] translational fusion. |
Expression of GFP under the control of the dyb-1 promoter (Pdyb-1) resulted in GFP epifluorescence in many neurons and several muscles, including body-wall muscle. When mStrawberry-tagged full-length DYB-1 (DYB-1::mStrawberry) was coexpressed with GFP-tagged full-length SLO-1 (SLO-1::GFP) under the controls of their respective promoters, the two fusion proteins appeared as puncta with colocalization at muscle dense body regions and along the dorsal nerve cord. The two fusion proteins also showed overlapping expression in the nerve ring. |
Nuclear-localized GFP expression in many nerve ring neurons, and sometimes very weakly in intestine and head muscle. |
GFP was observed from comma stage embryo to adult. However the expression pattern demonstrated considerable differences between independent transgenic strains generated with the same reporter gene fusion fosmid clone. All showed bright fluorescence in several neurons in the nerve ring and in the DVA neuron, revealing the DVA axon in some individuals. GFP was seen in the intestine in some L3s, L4s and adults but this fluorescence is weaker than other components and inconsistent between and within individuals. GFP was also observed in vulval muscles in some L4s. |
GFP was observed from the bean stage embryo through to the adult. Fluorescence was diffuse, throughout the body wall, in what appeared to be the hypodermis. The GFP looked to be excluded from the nucleus in some tissues such as the ventral nerve cord. The brightest fluorescence was in neurons in the nerve ring and in other cells in the head, in some cells round the rectum, in the spermathecae, in the ventral nerve cord and in the intestine. Fluorescence was brightest from L2 to L4. UL4077 gave the clearest expression pattern, with the GFP fluorescence much weaker and more diffuse in UL4078 and UL4079, making it difficult to identify components. |
Supplemental Table S4. |
Supplemental Table S4. |
Supplemental Table S4. |
Supplemental Table S4. |