

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Life Stage :

Definition  A C. elegans L4 larval life stage that occurs after the animal has recovered from the dauer diapause. Primary Identifier  WBls:0000828
Public Name  post dauer L4 stage Ce

0 Anatomy Terms

2 Contained In

Remark Definition Other Name Public Name Primary Identifier
  A developmental life stage of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans that occurs from egg hatching until adulthood. larva Ce WBls:0000023
  A C. elegans life stage that occurs during the larval life stage C. elegans life stage occurring during larval stage WBls:0000817

0 Expression Clusters

5 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
    Expr14949 In dauer animals, expression occurs specifically in the hypodermis. Expression is undetectable under the dissecting scope in uncommitted L2d. Expression increases in the hypodermis 81-fold in dauer-committed L2d, 4,612-fold in pheromone-induced dauers, and 372-fold in starvation-induced dauers. The hypodermal expression remains but the intensity is significantly reduced in aged dauers and post-dauer L4s.  
    Expr1790 daf-9 was strikingly expressed in a ventral pair of bilateral neurons identified as the IL1Vs or URAVs in the anterior ganglia. Neuronal expression first appeared shortly before hatch, increased greatly during larval development, and perdured in reproductive and postreproductive adults. By mid-L2, DAF-9 also appeared in the cytoplasm of the hypodermis, the syncitial epidermis surrounding the worm, but was absent from midline epidermal seam cells. Levels peaked around the L2 molt and diminished during L4. In some cases, transient expression was seen in L3 vulval blast cells. daf-9 was also expressed within the hermaphrodite spermatheca starting in late L4 larvae, and continuing even in old adults. In some extrachromosomal lines, sporadic weak expression was seen in the excretory cell, a few unidentified head neurons, and vulval muscles. In males, daf-9 was expressed in IL1V/URAVs and hypodermis but not somatic gonad. In dauer larvae, daf-9 was strongly expressed in IL1V/URAV and specifically extended into axonal but not dendritic processes. No hypodermal expression was evident in dauers. In post-dauer stages, daf-9 was expressed in a pattern similar to reproductively growing animals, except expression was absent in the hypodermis. DAF-9 was perinuclear, consistent with residence in endoplasmic reticulum.
Real-time RT-PCR was used to measure levels of gene expression at the L2, dauer, and post-dauer stages. All values were normalized to the mif expression levels of L2s.   Expr1730 Ce-mif-1 mRNA transcription did not change significantly in the presence of dauer pheromone.  
Real-time RT-PCR was used to measure levels of gene expression at the L2, dauer, and post-dauer stages. All values were normalized to the mif expression levels of L2s.   Expr1728 Ce-mif-2 transcription level increased over 100-fold during dauer when compared to expression levels in the L2. As the worms were brought out of the dauer-inducing conditions, Ce-mif-2 level decreased to comparable to the L2 stage.  
Real-time RT-PCR was used to measure levels of gene expression at the L2, dauer, and post-dauer stages. All values were normalized to the mif expression levels of L2s.   Expr1729 Ce-mif-3 transcription level increased over 100-fold during dauer when compared to expression levels in the L2. As the worms were brought out of the dauer-inducing conditions, Ce-mif-3 level decreased to comparable to the L2 stage.  

0 Followed By

0 Preceded By

0 Sub Stages