

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Life Stage :

Definition  A larval stage of some cestodes, including Hymenolepis sp. The cysticercoid is a type of cyst that is found in free form as well as being tissue-enclosed. Primary Identifier  WBls:0000717
Public Name  cysticercoid stage

0 Anatomy Terms

2 Contained In

Remark Definition Other Name Public Name Primary Identifier
  Any developmental stage of a Cestode (tapeworm). Cestoda life stage WBls:0000712
  The larval stages of a tapeworm, beginning with the metamorphosis of the oncosphere and ending with the first evidence of sexuality in the adult worm. Includes the procercoid and plerocercoid stages of pseudophyllid cestodes, and the cysticercus, cysticercoid, coenurus, and hydatid stages of cyclophyllidean cestodes. metacestode WBls:0000716

0 Expression Clusters

0 Expression Patterns

0 Followed By

0 Preceded By

0 Sub Stages