502 Genes
1 Life Stages
Remark | Definition | Other Name | Public Name | Primary Identifier |
The stage after an hermaphrodite animal is fully-developed and reaches maturity. | adult hermaphrodite Ce | WBls:0000057 |
Algorithm | Data were RMA normalized and probe-level data were Summarized with the NimbleScan software. Genes with weak signal intensity across all groups and those with low variability across samples were excluded from further analysis. Each H2S-treated sample was statistically compared to a matched untreated control using the Bioconductor package limma. The false discovery rate (FDR) method of Benjamini and Hochberg was used to adjust p-values for multiple testing. An adjusted p-value <= 0.05 was used to define differential expression. | Description | Genes that are significantly up regulated after 24 hour exposure to H2S. |
Primary Identifier | WBPaper00040285:H2S_24hr_upregulated |
Remark | Definition | Other Name | Public Name | Primary Identifier |
The stage after an hermaphrodite animal is fully-developed and reaches maturity. | adult hermaphrodite Ce | WBls:0000057 |