An extensive description of adaptins and their paralogs in C. elegans was given by Boehm and Banifacino in cgc4907. |
AdaPTin or adaptin-related protein |
apt |
rok-1 was removed from this list of gene names. The rok-1 gene has now been merged into the ark-1 gene. krb 25/02/02 See rok |
Regulator Of Kinase |
rok |
COpulation Defective |
cod |
Notch Signaling pathway Homolog |
nsh |
Let-23 Fertility Effector/regulator |
lfe |
cog-4 is an other name for egl-26 |
Connection Of Gonad defective |
cog |
strpc1 became an other_name of trp-1 [030226 ck1] trp-3 became an other-name of spe-41 |
TRP (transient receptor potential) channel family |
trp |
pdk-2 is also an unofficial other name of pkd-2 [030226 ck1] |
human PKD2 (Polycystic Kidney Disease) related |
pkd |
G protein,O, Alpha subunit |
goa |
Zinc finger protein (BED class) |
zbed |
PRotraction of spicules Constitutive |
prc |
AFF-Like homolog |
affl |
gpa-16 becomes Other_name of spn-1 and has been merged into it. This relation has been reversed on August, 2003 |
G Protein, Alpha subunit |
gpa |
Inositol Polyphosphate 5-Phosphatase |
ipp |
FOS (B-Zip transcription factor) homolog |
fos |
MAEA (MAcrophage Erythroblast Attacher protein) homolog |
maea |
Conserved Coiled-Coil Protein |
cccp |
eat-11 became an other_name of gpb-2 [030226 ck1] |
G Protein, Beta subunit |
gpb |
Sequence connection from [Schwartz E]. krb 11/03/02 |
DNaJ domain (prokaryotic heat shock protein) |
dnj |
WRB (human W(tryptophan)-Rich Basic nuclear protein) homolog |
wrb |
Hermaphrodite Copulation Defective |
hcd |
related to oncogene RAF |
raf |
pqn-93 became an other_name of brp-1 [030226 ck1] |
Bypass of Response to Pheromone in yeast |
brp |
bfa-1 became an other_name of bac-1 [030226 ck1] |
Big Anchor Cell |
bac |
G protein, class Q, Alpha subunit |
gqa |
sleep - ZZZ - defective |
zzz |
conserved transmembrane adhesion protein involved in LiNKiNg cells together |
lnkn |
SNO (small nucleolar RNA) |
sno |
rok-1 became an other_name of ark-1 [030226 ck1] |
rok |
A Ras-regulating Kinase |
ark |
CYclin L |
cyl |