

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Laboratory :

Primary Identifier  CB

23 RN Ais

WormBase ID

0 Former Gene Classes

50 Gene Classes

Remark Other Name Description Main Name Primary Identifier
pqn-3 became an other_name of mut-16 [030226 ck1]   MUTator   mut
rls-1 became an other_name of lin-61 lin-60 is now an Other_name of cdc-25.1 [JAH][030113 ck1] lin-21 is now an Other_name of mab-5 and has been merged into it [030217 ck1] lin-51 has been merged into lin-13 [030808 krb] WBPerson566 lin-15 gene has been split into two separate genes (lin-15A and lin-15B). This was done because the lin-15 locus encodes for two distinct products. There has always been some confusion regarding lin-15 in the published literature and this step should hopefully clarify the situation that there are two genes at this locus. [krb 040824]   abnormal cell LINeage   lin
bgs-1 became an other_name of unc-70 [030226 ck1] CeGrip became an other_name of unc-83 [030226 ck1] ceh-4 became an other_name of unc-4 [030226 ck1] ceh-25 became an other_name of unc-62 [030226 ck1] dec-8 became an other_name of unc-43 [030226 ck1] egl-22 became an other_name of unc-31 [030226 ck1] egl-39 became an other_name of unc-16 [030226 ck1] ESG became an other_name of unc-37 [030226 ck1] eT1 became an other_name of unc-36 [030226 ck1] khc-1 became an other_name of unc-116 [030226 ck1] klp-1 became an other_name of unc-104 [030226 ck1] kra-1 became an other_name of unc-68 [030226 ck1] lan-2 became an other_name of unc-18 [030226 ck1] let-76 became an other_name of unc-37 [030226 ck1] let-328 became an other_name of unc-62 [030226 ck1] lev-7 became an other_name of unc-63 [030226 ck1] mah-2 became an other_name of unc-110 [030226 ck1] mig-3 became an other_name of unc-39 [030226 ck1] myo-4 became an other_name of unc-54 [030226 ck1] nob-5 became an other_name of unc-62 [030226 ck1] ofm-1 became an other_name of unc-122 [030226 ck1] phm-1 became an other_name of unc-89 [030226 ck1] rim-1 became an other_name of unc-10 [030226 ck1] ryr-1 became an other_name of unc-68 [030226 ck1] tcf-1 became an other_name of unc-41 [030226 ck1] tmr-2 became an other_name of unc-38 [030226 ck1] tmr-3 became an other_name of unc-63 [030226 ck1] tmr-4 became an other_name of unc-29 [030226 ck1] tni-2 became an other_name of unc-27 [030226 ck1] twk-18 became an other_name of unc-110 [030226 ck1] unc-12 became an other_name of unc-7 [030226 ck1] unc-19 became an other_name of unc-18 [030226 ck1] unc-21 became an other_name of unc-29 [030226 ck1] unc-28 became an other_name of unc-8 [030226 ck1] unc-48 became an other_name of unc-26 [030226 ck1] unc-49a became an other_name of unc-49 [030226 ck1] unc-49b became an other_name of unc-49 [030226 ck1] unc-49c became an other_name of unc-49 [030226 ck1] unc-56 became an other_name of unc-29 [030226 ck1] unc-66 became an other_name of unc-60 [030226 ck1] unc-72 became an other_name of unc-36 [030226 ck1] unc-88 became an other_name of unc-59 [030226 ck1] unc-91 became an other_name of unc-40 [030226 ck1] unc-99 became an other_name of unc-27 [030226 ck1] unc-102 became an other_name of unc-1 [030226 ck1] unc-106 became an other_name of unc-6 [030226 ck1] vab-4 became an other_name of unc-23 [030226 ck1] twk-18 became an other_name of unc-58 [030623 ck1] rab-2 became an other-name of unc-108 max-3 became an other-name of unc-71 cof-1 became an other-name of unc-122 adm-1 became an other_name of unc-71 WBPaper00005955 bgs UNCoordinated   unc
apm-2 became an other_name of dpy-23 CEAHH became an other_name of dpy-14 CEAP50 became an other_name of dpy-23 dpy-12 became an other_name of dpy-3 dpy-16 became an other_name of dpy-13 phy-1 became an other_name of dpy-18 psa-6 became an other_name of dpy-22 rol-2 became an other_name of dpy-2 rol-7 became an other_name of dpy-10 S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase, AHH became an other_name of dpy-14 sop-1 became an other_name of dpy-22 col-134 became an other-name of dpy-4 col-100 became an other-name of dpy-9 mdt-12 became an other_name of dpy-22 Bourbon H-M   DumPY: shorter than wild-type   dpy
sma-8 is now just an 'other name' for kin-29. krb 04/03/02 sma-15 became an other-name for sma-9 sma-11 became an other-name for kin-29 WBPaper00005858 cem SMAll   sma
    LONg   lon
vab-20 has become an other name of pat-2 [krb 030512] efn-1 became an other_name of vab-2 [030226 ck1] klp-5 became an other_name of vab-8 [030226 ck1] lin-20 became an other_name of vab-3 [030226 ck1] unc-107 became an other_name of vab-8 [030226 ck1] mab-18 and pax-6 became an other-name of vab-3   Variable ABnormal morphology   vab
blm-1 became an other_name of him-6 [030226 ck1] smc-1 became an other_name of him-1 [030226 ck1]   High Incidence of Males (increased X chromosome loss)   him
clp-5 became an other_name of tra-3 [030226 ck1] her-2 became an other_name of tra-1 [030226 ck1]   TRAnsformer: XX animals transformed into males   tra
kpc-4 became an other_name of bli-4 [030226 ck1] let-77 became an other_name of bli-4 [030226 ck1] tag-31 became an other-name of bli-3   BLIstered cuticle   bli
mab-26 was on this list, but it is the same gene as efn-4. See the efn-4 gene for more details. mab-2 became an other-name of rnt-1 mab-18 and pax-6 became an other-name of vab-3   Male ABnormal   mab
Another twk-23 (F34D6.3) became an other name of sup-9, which is different from the main name twk-23 (F19D8.1) WBPerson655 twk-38 became an other name of sup-9 WBPerson655 sup-21 is an independent locus = rtw-10 = C06E2.t1, defined by alleles e1957 and e2064 WBPerson261   SUPpressor   sup
isx-1 became an other_name of fem-1 [030226 ck1] isx-2 became an other_name of fem-2 [030226 ck1] isx FEMinization of XX and XO animals   fem
col-6 became an other_name of rol-8 [030226 ck1] let-333 became an other_name of rol-3 [030226 ck1]   ROLler: helically twisted, animals roll when moving   rol
    abnormal nuclear ANChorage   anc
    see ghl   rhl
    lateral ALae Inconspicuous   ali
    SUppressor of Bus/Srf pathogen sensitivit   subs
    BERgerac strain-specific defect (see zyg-12)   ber
    Growth iMPaired on M. nematophilum   gmp
    abnormal GONad development   gon
cpb-4 became an other_name of fog-1 [030226 ck1]   Feminization Of Germline   fog
    Feminizing gene On X   fox
    GlyceroPhosphoCholine Phosphodiesterase homolog   gpcp
LMR/1 became an other_name of lmr-1 [030226 ck1]   LaMinin Receptor related   lmr
caf-2 has been merged into che-3 [021125 ck1] tax-1/5 both became an other-name of che-1 mev-4 became an other-name of che-11 WBPaper00013382   abnormal CHEmotaxis   che
ceh-3 became an other_name of pal-1 [030226 ck1] nob-2 became an other_name of pal-1 [030226 ck1]   Posterior ALae in males   pal
    ELAV-Type RNA binding-protein family   etr
    abnormal GROwth rate   gro
let-75 was previously renamed to myo-1, but has been reverted back to let-75 due to historical precedence. myo-1 is now an other_name of let-75 [021117 ck1]   MYOsin heavy chain structural genes   myo