ArginylTransferasE 1 homolog |
ate |
Serine Palmitoyl Transferase famiLy |
sptl |
RhoA became an other_name of rho-1 [030226 ck1] |
RHO (small G protein) family |
rho |
CERamide Kinase related |
cerk |
DIS3-Like exonuclease 2 homolog |
disl |
Fatty Acid (Two)2-Hydroxylase homolog |
fath |
Dihydrolipoamide Branched chain Transacylase E2 |
dbt |
ECT2 (mammalian Rho GEF) homolog |
ect |
mdt-23 became an other_name of sur-2 Bourbon H-M |
SUppressor of activated let-60 Ras |
sur |
fatty Acid CoA Synthetase family |
acs |
DihydroUridine Synthase two homolog |
dus |
Dynein Light Intermediate chain |
dli |
glv-1 became an other_name of mek-2 [030226 ck1] kin-17 became an other_name of mek-1 [030226 ck1] let-537 became an other_name of mek-2 [030226 ck1] |
glv |
MAP kinase kinase or Erk Kinase |
mek |
Nitrogen Permease Regulator Like homolog |
nprl |
Matrix Non-Peptidase homolog |
mnp |
ViGiLN homolog |
vglm |
ViGiLN homolog |
vgln |
pex-1 became an other_name of ksr-2 [030226 ck1] sar-2 became an other_name of ksr-1 [030226 ck1] sur-3 became an other_name of ksr-1 [030226 ck1] |
Kinase Suppressor of activated Ras |
ksr |
ALG-1 INteracting protein |
ain |