mammalian FE65 Homolog |
feh |
Gamma Butyrobetaine Hydroxylase |
gbh |
Fatty Acid SyNthase |
fasn |
abnormal GlUcoronidaSe |
gus |
Gene class description was EPS (human) related |
EPS (human endocytosis) related |
eps |
Eps15 (endocytosis protein) Homologous Sequence |
ehs |
TrimethylGuanosine Synthase homolog |
tgs |
QUInine non-avoider |
qui |
hap-1 became an other_name of ham-1 [030226 ck1] |
HSN Abnormal Migration |
ham |
Telomerase CAjal Body protein 1 homolog |
tcab |
vmp-1 became an other_name of cut-1 [030226 ck1] vmp-2 became an other_name of cut-2 [030226 ck1] |
vmp |
CUTiclin |
cut |
human KALlmann syndrome homolog |
kal |
CUTiclin-Like |
cutl |
PDGF/VEGF growth factor related |
pvf |