tnt-1 became an other_name of mup-2 [030226 ck1] |
MUscle Positioning |
mup |
ADhesioN defect |
adn |
abnormal PVP neuron staining |
pvp |
INtegrin Beta |
inb |
egf-3 became an other_name of epi-1 [030226 ck1] lgx-3 became an other_name of epi-1 [030226 ck1] epi-2 became an other-name of pat-3 |
abnormal EPIthelia |
epi |
See also lmb |
lmb |
LAMinin related. See also lmb- |
lam |
Cefgd-1 became an other_name of exc-5 [030226 ck1] elr-1 became an other_name of exc-7 [030226 ck1] fgd-1 became an other_name of exc-5 [030226 ck1] |
elr |
EXCretory canal abnormal |
exc |
LATrophilin receptor |
lat |
MeTHuselah (Drosophila aging-associated GPCR) homolog |
mth |
lin-19 became an other_name of cul-1 [030226 ck1] |
CULlin |
cul |
CAN cell abnormality |
can |
See lam |
LaMinin B related |
lmb |
ifa-2 became an other-name of mua-6 |
MUscle Attachment abnormal |
mua |