Small Membrane protein expressed in EXcretory gland |
smex |
Relative of Woc homolog |
row |
MFS Transporter related In Gland cells |
mtig |
SMall Integral Membrane protein |
smim |
UBiQuiLin |
ubql |
DRAP1 corepressor homolog |
drap |
cof-1 became an other-name of unc-122 |
COlmedin (collagen plus olFactomedin) family |
cof |
Secreted Peptide expressed in EXcretory gland |
spex |
Removed second descriptions as on the whole were nonsensical or updated by a curator who probably shouldn't have done it. |
TransMembrane Channel-like protein family |
tmc |
FlaMIngo-Like |
fmil |
Catechol-O-MethylTransferase family |
comt |
Zinc finger, HIT-type |
zhit |
CASP homolog of nematodes |
cone |
small protein in glia |
spig |
2 (Zwei) IG domain protein |
zig |
LIn-8 Domain containing |
lido |
FOrmin-homology and ZInc finger domains |
fozi |
BasoNuClin-1 zinc finger protein homolog |
bnc |
Hydroxyindole-O-MethylTransferase homolog |
homt |
CarboxyPeptidase D family |
cpd |
FMRFamide Peptide Receptor family |
frpr |
Tiny PAN-neuronal |
tpan |
TriPeptidyl Peptidase |
tpp |
ProteaSoMe regulatory D subunit |
psmd |
FUBp (FUBP) Like |
fubl |
This gene class has been retired WBPerson260 |
FUBP3 homologs |
fubp |
Loss of neuron OLL fate |
lol |
Protein containing ALS2cr12 (ALS2CR12) signature |
pals |
TRAK1 and TRAK2 related |
trak |
Heterogeneous nuclear RibonucleoProtein (HnRNP) L homolog |
hrpl |