HMG-CoA Synthase |
hmgs |
HMG-CoA Reductase |
hmgr |
NOmpA Homolog (Drosophila nompA: no mechanoreceptor potential A) |
noah |
NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit AB |
ndab |
FiBrilliN homolog |
fbn |
phosphoinositide kinase AdAPter subunit |
aap |
Synthetic MUTator |
smut |
LIM domain family |
lim |
NADH:Ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A |
ndua |
LIPase Like |
lipl |
Dna (DNA) Damage Inducible homolog |
ddi |
Gene class description was Enhanced RNA Interference (RNAi) |
Enhanced RNAI (RNA interference) |
eri |
PDK-class protein kinase |
pdk |
Iron-Sulfur ClUster assembly enzyme homolog |
iscu |
FerreDoXin |
fdx |
Gene class description was 4-HydroxyPhenylpyruvate Dioxygenase |
4-HydroxyPhenylpyruvate Dioxygenase (HPD) |
hpd |
Insulin receptor SubsTrate homolog |
ist |
TryPtophan Hydroxylase |
tph |
PaNtothenate Kinase |
pnk |
Enhancer of AKt-1 null |
eak |
RICT0r (Rapamycin-Insensitive Companion of TOR) homolog |
rict |
NFS1 cysteine desulfurase homolog |
nfs |
LiPid Depleted |
lpd |
Suppressor of Overexpressed MIcro-RNA |
somi |
rbp-2 mentioned in cgc5813 became an other-name of rbr-2 |
RB (Retinoblastoma Binding protein) Related |
rbr |
kat stands for 3-ketoacyl-coA thiolase the same name has been used for the homologous gene in Arabidopsis [Mak HY][030328 ck1] |
3-Ketoacyl-coA Thiolase |
kat |