Worms are shorter and stouter than control animals at the same developmental stage. |
head morphology variant
Animals exhibit variations in the form, structure or composition of any portion of their anterior end (which typically includes the anterior sensilla, pharynx and all muscles that are innervated by the nerve ring) compared to control. |
tail withered
The girth of the region posterior to the vulva is reduced compared to that anterior to the vulva (the Wit phenotype). In C. elegans this phenotype is associated with anteriorward misplacement of the CAN neurons. |
tail morphology variant
Animals exhibit variations in the form, structure or composition of any portion of the most posterior region of the body compared to control. The anterior bound of the tail is not well defined though it might range from the position of the post-deirids to the opening of the anus (Wormatlas). |
Multiple vulva-like protrusions are present along the ventral side of the animal. In C. elegans, this is usually a result of all six vulval precursor cells adopting primary or secondary vulval fates. |
exploded through vulva
The animal is ruptured at the vulva and displays an extrusion of internal organs at the site of rupture. |
molt defect
Animals exhibit defects in the process of periodic shedding, of part or all of its cuticle, during cuticle replacement that punctuates each larval stage. |
organism morphology variant
Animals exhibit variations in the form, structure or composition of any part of their anatomy compared to control animals. |