protruding vulva
Animals undergo incomplete vulval morphogenesis, resulting in the formation of a single protrusion at the site of the vulva. |
embryonic lethal
Animals die during embryonic development. In C. elegans, often assayed as refractile eggs that fail to hatch; when applied to large-scale RNAi screens in C. elegans, more than 10% of embryos die. |
egg laying variant
Animals exhibit variations in the stage of eggs laid, egg laying cycle, number of eggs or egg laying in response to stimuli compared to control. |
nuclear morphology variation early emb
Animals exhibit variations in the form, structure or composition of the membrane enclosed organelle which contains most of the cell's genetic material during the early embryonic stage compared to control animals (Wormatlas). |
organism morphology variant
Animals exhibit variations in the form, structure or composition of any part of their anatomy compared to control animals. |