defecation cycle variable length
Animals exhibit variation in the time of onset of the defecation motor program significantly greater than that observed for control animals. |
Animals exhibit delayed or infrequent passage and/or expulsion of fecal matter. |
expulsion variant
Any variation in the expulsion of gut contents compared to control. In C. elegans, this refers to the final step of the defecation cycle in which the intestinal muscle and anal depressor contractions further pressurize intestinal contents and open the anus to permit expulsion. |
posterior body wall contraction defecation cycle variant
Animals exhibit variations in the sustained posterior body muscle contractions that precede the remaining contractions of the defecation cycle compared to control animals. |
defecation missing motor steps
Animals lack one or more of the stereotyped muscle contractions that result in defecation compared to control. In C. elegans these contractions include posterior body contraction (pBoc), anterior body contraction (aBoc), expulsion of gut contents by enteric muscle contraction (Emc) and opening of anus (Exp). |
anterior body contraction variant
Any variation in the defecation motor program that involves the contraction of the anterior body wall muscles compared to control. |