mRNAs that showed decreased expression in 1 cell mebryo comparing to in oocyte, according to RNAseq analysis. |
Gaussian error propagation. As cutoff for the up-regulated genes authors used log2 fold change > 1 and P < 0.05 and as cutoff for the down-regulated genes authors used log2 fold change < -1 and P < 0.05. |
Maternal class (M): genes that are called present in at least one of the three PC6 replicates. |
A modified Welch F statistic was used for ANOVA. For each gene, regressed error estimates were substituted for observed error estimates. The substitution is justified by the lack of consistency among the most and least variable genes at each time point. Regressed error estimates were abundance-dependent pooled error estimates that represented a median error estimate from a window of genes of similar abundance to the gene of interest. A randomization test was used to compute the probability Pg of the observed F statistic for gene g under the null hypothesis that developmental time had no effect on expression. P-values were not corrected for multiple testing. |
Strictly maternal class (SM): genes that are the subset of maternal genes that are not also classified as embryonic. |
A modified Welch F statistic was used for ANOVA. For each gene, regressed error estimates were substituted for observed error estimates. The substitution is justified by the lack of consistency among the most and least variable genes at each time point. Regressed error estimates were abundance-dependent pooled error estimates that represented a median error estimate from a window of genes of similar abundance to the gene of interest. A randomization test was used to compute the probability Pg of the observed F statistic for gene g under the null hypothesis that developmental time had no effect on expression. P-values were not corrected for multiple testing. |
Genes found to be regulated by low-copy overexpression of sir-2.1 with p < 0.014. |
N.A. |
Genes that showed significant differential expressed between control and 20 mg\/L Cadmium treatment. |
t-test, p < 0.05. |
Genes in the bottom 10% of expression level across the triplicate L3 samples. To generate the top10 and bottom10 gene sets, authors ranked all genes by mean expression array signal intensity across the three replicates, then took the top and bottom deciles (1,841 genes each) to represent genes with high and low expression. |
To generate the top10 and bottom10 gene sets, authors ranked all genes by mean expression array signal intensity across the three replicates, then took the top and bottom deciles (1,841 genes each) to represent genes with high and low expression. |
Genes that showed significantly decreased expression level in rsr-2(RNAi) animals comparing to in gfp(RNAi) control. |
Fold change > 1.2 or < 0.8. |
UVC-EtBr-exposed(exposed to 7.5 J/m2 UVC radiation 3 times, 24 h apart (48 h total) and exposed to EtBr (5ug/mL in agar).) vs EtBr-exposed(maintained under normal lab light (mostly dark, in incubators) and exposed to EtBr (5ug/mL in agar).) at just prior to the third UVC dose (48h). |
Genes differentially expressed under UVC exposure and EtBr treatment vs under EtBr treatment but without UVC exposure at the -1h timepoint (just prior to the third UVC dose (48h)). |
Transcripts were defined as fold-change >1.2, p < 0.05 based on Rosetta Resolver analysis for all pairwise treatment comparisons. The fold-change refers to the second intensity over the first. |
Genes with differential expression under 0.5mg/l Diazinon (DZN) treatment at 24 centigrade. |
To identify the differentially expressed genes in each treatment authors used linear models per toxicant and temperature (gene expression = Toxicant (effect) + error). The lm function in R stats package was used to implement the linear models analysis with recommended default options. For threshold determination authors used a permutation approach. For each of the 23,232 permutations used authors randomly picked a transcript (array spot), which could only be picked once. Authors combined all the expression values of this transcript and randomly distributed them over the replicates and used them in the linear model. In this way authors obtained a threshold for each of the toxicants. Authors used a -log10 p-value 2 as common threshold for the analysis, which resembles to the following FDR per toxicant: 0.0155 for CPF at 24 centigrade, 0.0148 for DZN at 24 centigrade, 0.0168 for CPF+DZN at 24 centigrade, 0.0142 for CPF at 16 centigrade, 0.0151 for DZN at 16 centigrade, and 0.0148 for CPF+DZN, at 16 centigrade. |
Coexpression clique No. 282, srj-21-srh-32, on the genome-wide coexpression clique map for the nematode GPL200 platform. |
All available microarray datasets for the GPL200 platform (Affymetrix C. elegans Genome Array) were obtained from the GEO repository. This included 2243 individual microarray experiments. These were normalized against each other with the software RMAexpress (Bolstad, 2014). Based on these normalized values, Pearsons correlation coefficients were obtained for each probe-probe pair of the 22,620 probes represented on this array type. The resulting list of correlation coefficients was then ranked to generate the ranked coexpression database with information on each probe represented on the GPL200 platform. |