adult vs dauer larva |
Transcripts that showed differential expression in adult vs dauer lava in N2 animals at 20C. |
N.A. |
Neuronally enriched transcripts according to a comparison of neuronal nuclei IP samples to total nuclei using isolation of nuclei from tagged specific cell types (INTACT) technology. |
DESEQ2, fold change > 2 and FDR < 0.01. |
Genome-wide analysis of developmental and sex-regulated gene expression profile. |
self-organizing map |
Reduced humidity (98% relative humidity). |
Genes that were down-regulated after one day exposure to reduced humidity (98% relative humidity) according to microarray analysis. |
Multiple hypothesis testing with the Benjamini-Hochberg correction was applied on calculated p-values. A change in the expression level was considered to be significant if the adjusted p-value was less than 0.001. |
Genes with significantly increased expression in eat-2(ad465) treated with 2% DMSO for 72 hours, comparing to in N2 treated with 2% DMSO for 72 hours. |
Analysis of gene expression data was carried out with the Affymetrix Transcriptome Analysis Console. Data preprocessing (using RMA normalization) and QC metrics were performed using Affymetrix Expression Console TM and manually inspected afterwards. Expression analysis was carried out for each two pairwise conditions. FDR statistical correction for multiple testing resulted in a slightly lower number of DEGs in most cases. P-value < 0.05 and fold change > 2.0 were used to determine differentially expressed genes. |
Genes found to be regulated by low-copy overexpression of sir-2.1 with p < 0.014. |
N.A. |
Genes expressed in N2. |
Expressed transcripts were identified on the basis of a Present call in 3 out of 4 N2 experiments as determined by Affymetrix MAS 5.0. |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression in whole animal day 1 N2 adults comparing to in whole animal day 8 N2 adults. |
DESeq2, FDR < 0.05, fold change > 2. |
Transcripts that showed differential expression in dauer mir-34(gk437) vs dauer mir-34(OverExpression) animals at 20C. |
N.A. |
Significantly downregulated genes from cyc-1(RNAi) microarrays using SAM algorithm with an FDR < 0.1 from adult-only chips. |
SAM algorithm with an FDR < 0.1. |
Genes expressed in embryonic motor neurons (identified by unc-4::GFP expressing cells). |
Genes called Present by MAS 5.0 in 2 out of 3 unc-4::GFP hybridizations. |
Transcripts that showed differential expression in dauer N2 vs dauer mir-34(gk437) animals at 20C. |
N.A. |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression in ogt-1(ok1474) neuronal cells isolated by FACs comparing to in FACs isolated neuronal cells from wild type. |
DESeq2, fold change > 2, FDR < 0.05. |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression in daf-2(e1370) comparing to in N2. |
Student's t-test, fold change > 2, p-value < 0.05. |
Genes predicted to be upregulated more than 2.0 fold in rrf-2(ok210) mutant worms as compared to wild-type animals (t-test P-value < 0.05). |
A t-test (5% confidence) was applied to the triplicate sample data for each transcript in each mutant to identify genes significantly elevated or decreased compared with the wild type. |
Genes that showed significant differential expressed between control and 1000 mg\/L Fluoranthene treatment. |
t-test, p < 0.05. |
Coexpression clique No. 282, srj-21-srh-32, on the genome-wide coexpression clique map for the nematode GPL200 platform. |
All available microarray datasets for the GPL200 platform (Affymetrix C. elegans Genome Array) were obtained from the GEO repository. This included 2243 individual microarray experiments. These were normalized against each other with the software RMAexpress (Bolstad, 2014). Based on these normalized values, Pearsons correlation coefficients were obtained for each probe-probe pair of the 22,620 probes represented on this array type. The resulting list of correlation coefficients was then ranked to generate the ranked coexpression database with information on each probe represented on the GPL200 platform. |
Genes predicted to be upregulated more than 2.0 fold in rde-3(r459) mutant worms as compared to wild-type animals (t-test P-value < 0.05). |
A t-test (5% confidence) was applied to the triplicate sample data for each transcript in each mutant to identify genes significantly elevated or decreased compared with the wild type. |
Genes predicted to be upregulated more than 2.0 fold in rrf-1(pk1417) mutant worms as compared to wild-type animals (t-test P-value < 0.05). |
A t-test (5% confidence) was applied to the triplicate sample data for each transcript in each mutant to identify genes significantly elevated or decreased compared with the wild type. |
Genes predicted to be upregulated more than 2.0 fold in rde-3(ne298) mutant worms as compared to wild-type animals (t-test P-value < 0.05). |
A t-test (5% confidence) was applied to the triplicate sample data for each transcript in each mutant to identify genes significantly elevated or decreased compared with the wild type. |
Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 99_0 expressed in neuron. |
scVI 0.6.0 |