Bacteria infection: Enterococcus faecalis |
Genes with increased expression after 24 hours of infection by E.faecalis Fold changes shown are pathogen vs OP50. |
For RNA-seq and tiling arrays, log2 fold changes between gene expression values of infected versus uninfected nematodes were calculated. For log2 fold changes > 0.00001 the values > 81.25th percentile were defined as up-regulated and for log2 fold changes < -0.00001 the values < 18.75th percentile were defined as down-regulated. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in eat-2(ad465) comparing to in N2. |
Student's t-test, fold change > 2, p-value < 0.05. |
Genes in the bottom 10% of expression level across the triplicate L3 samples. To generate the top10 and bottom10 gene sets, authors ranked all genes by mean expression array signal intensity across the three replicates, then took the top and bottom deciles (1,841 genes each) to represent genes with high and low expression. |
To generate the top10 and bottom10 gene sets, authors ranked all genes by mean expression array signal intensity across the three replicates, then took the top and bottom deciles (1,841 genes each) to represent genes with high and low expression. |
Genes that showed significantly decreased expression level in rsr-2(RNAi) animals comparing to in gfp(RNAi) control. |
Fold change > 1.2 or < 0.8. |
Genes eniched in hermaphrodites by comparing tra-2(ar221ts);xol-1(y9) XX phenotype males (at 25C) with either N2 or xol-1(y9) XX hermaphrodites during L2 larva stage |
Student t-test. An mRNA was considered to have sex-enriched expression if it showed at least a two-fold enrichment within a 99% confidence interval (P < 0.01). |
Genes differentially expressed in pgrn-1(tm985) and ced-3(n717) but not in ced-1(e1735) as compared to N2E. |
Differential expression analysis was performed using the EdgeR Bioconductor package (19910308), and differentially expressed genes were selected based on False Discovery Rate (FDR Benjamini Hochberg adjusted p-values) estimated at <=5%. |