Predicted to be involved in cell surface receptor signaling pathway. Predicted to be located in membrane. Is an ortholog of C. elegans mom-5. In C. elegans, mom-5 is involved in several processes, including embryonic morphogenesis; neuron migration; and regulation of locomotion.
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression in male B. malayi 120 days after infecting gerbils, comparing to female B. malayi 120 days after infecting gerbils.
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in male B. malayi 120 days after infecting gerbils, comparing to 30 days after infecting gerbils.
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression in female B. malayi 120 days after infecting gerbils, comparing to 30 days after infecting gerbils.
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in male B. malayi 120 days after infecting gerbils, comparing to 42 days after infecting gerbils.