Predicted to enable ATP binding activity; aspartate-tRNA ligase activity; and nucleic acid binding activity. Predicted to be involved in aspartyl-tRNA aminoacylation. Predicted to be located in cytoplasm. Is an ortholog of C. elegans dars-1.
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression at infective third-stage larva stage, comparing to parasitic female stage (collected from S. ratti-infected rats).
Differentially expressed genes in all pairwise comparisons (parasitic vs. free-living; parasitic vs. iL3; and iL3 vs. free-living) were determined for S.ratti and S.stercoralis using the R (version 3.1.2) package edgeR version 3.6.8. Genes with less than one count per million reads were excluded. Genes were considered to be differentially expressed if the false discovery rate (FDR) was <= 0.001 and the fold change was >= 2.
Proteins that showed significantly increased expression at parasitic female stage (collected from S. ratti-infected rats), comparing to free living female stage.
Significant differences were analyzed statistically by ANOVA. Q-values are adjusted P values and were calculated by Progenesis based on an optimized false discovery (FDR) approach. A protein was considered to be differentially expressed if q < 0.05.