

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Disease Ontology : DOID:217 enamel caries Disease Ontology

Namespace  disease_ontology Obsolete  false

1 Ontology

Disease Ontology

8 Parents

Identifier Name Description
DOID:7 disease of anatomical entity A disease that manifests in a defined anatomical structure.
DOID:4 disease A disease is a disposition (i) to undergo pathological processes that (ii) exists in an organism because of one or more disorders in that organism.
DOID:77 gastrointestinal system disease A disease of anatomical entity that is located_in the gastrointestinal tract.
DOID:403 mouth disease A gastrointestinal system disease that is located_in the mouth.
DOID:1091 tooth disease A mouth disease located_in the teeth.
DOID:214 teeth hard tissue disease  
DOID:216 dental caries A teeth hard tissue disease that is characterized by damage to a tooth that can happen when decay-causing bacteria in your mouth make acids that attack the tooth’s surface, or enamel.
DOID:217 enamel caries  

7 Relations

Parent Term . Identifier

Child Term . Identifier
is_a DOID:216 DOID:217
is_a DOID:403 DOID:217
is_a DOID:4 DOID:217
is_a DOID:214 DOID:217
is_a DOID:7 DOID:217
is_a DOID:77 DOID:217
is_a DOID:1091 DOID:217

3 Synonyms

Name Type
Dental caries limited to enamel synonym
primary dental caries synonym
simple dental cavity synonym