

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Disease Ontology : DOID:7603 fibrosarcomatous osteosarcoma Disease Ontology

Namespace  disease_ontology Obsolete  false

1 Ontology

Disease Ontology

16 Parents

Identifier Name Description
DOID:0050686 organ system cancer A cancer that is classified based on the organ it starts in.
DOID:162 cancer A disease of cellular proliferation that is malignant and primary, characterized by uncontrolled cellular proliferation, local cell invasion and metastasis.
DOID:7 disease of anatomical entity A disease that manifests in a defined anatomical structure.
DOID:14566 disease of cellular proliferation A disease that is characterized by abnormally rapid cell division.
DOID:4 disease A disease is a disposition (i) to undergo pathological processes that (ii) exists in an organism because of one or more disorders in that organism.
DOID:17 musculoskeletal system disease A disease of anatomical entity that occurs in the muscular and/or skeletal system.
DOID:0080001 bone disease A connective tissue disease that affects the structure or development of bone or causes an impairment of normal bone function.
DOID:65 connective tissue disease A musculoskeletal system disease that affects tissues such as skin, tendons, and cartilage.
DOID:201 connective tissue cancer A musculoskeletal system cancer that is located_in connective tissue.
DOID:0060100 musculoskeletal system cancer An organ system cancer located_in the muscular and skeletal organs and characterized by uncontrolled cellular proliferation of the musculoskeletal organs.
DOID:184 bone cancer A connective tissue cancer that is located_in bone and is characterized by uncontrolled cellular proliferation that destroys normal bone tissue.
DOID:0080639 bone sarcoma A bone cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives from embryonic mesoderm.
DOID:3347 osteosarcoma A bone sarcoma that is located_in bone that has_material_basis_in cells of mesenchymal origin. It usually involves bones and less frequently extraosseous sites. It often involves the long bones (particularly distal femur, proximal tibia, and proximal humerus).
DOID:3376 bone osteosarcoma An osteosarcoma that is an usually aggressive malignant bone-forming mesenchymal neoplasm arising from the bone. It may arise de novo or from a pre-existing lesion of the bone. Pain and a palpable mass are the most frequent clinical sign and symptom. It may spread to other anatomic sites, particularly the lungs.
DOID:7602 conventional osteosarcoma A bone osteosarcoma that is characterized by the presence of osteoid extracellular matrix and that arises from the medullary portion of the bone. It affects the long bones and most commonly, the distal femur, proximal tibia, and proximal humerus. Pain with or without a palpable mass is the most common clinical presentation.
DOID:7603 fibrosarcomatous osteosarcoma  

15 Relations

Parent Term . Identifier

Child Term . Identifier
is_a DOID:7602 DOID:7603
is_a DOID:65 DOID:7603
is_a DOID:201 DOID:7603
is_a DOID:14566 DOID:7603
is_a DOID:4 DOID:7603
is_a DOID:0080001 DOID:7603
is_a DOID:7 DOID:7603
is_a DOID:0060100 DOID:7603
is_a DOID:0080639 DOID:7603
is_a DOID:0050686 DOID:7603
is_a DOID:17 DOID:7603
is_a DOID:184 DOID:7603
is_a DOID:162 DOID:7603
is_a DOID:3376 DOID:7603
is_a DOID:3347 DOID:7603

2 Synonyms

Name Type
Fibroblastic osteosarcoma synonym
Fibrosarcomatous Osteogenic sarcoma synonym