Transcripts of coding genes that showed significantly decreased expression in muscle. |
DESeq2 (version 1.24.0). Transcripts with a false-discovery rate adjusted p-value less than 0.05 were considered significantly differentially expressed. |
Transcripts expressed in neuronal cells, by analyzingfluorescence-activated cell sorted (FACS) neurons. |
DESeq. False discovry rate (FDR) < 0.1. |
adult vs dauer larva |
Transcripts that showed differential expression in adult vs dauer lava in N2 animals at 20C. |
N.A. |
TGF- Dauer pathway adult transcriptional targets. Results obtained by comparing the microarray results of the dauer-constitutive mutants daf-7(e1372), daf-7(m62), and daf-1(m40) with dauer-defective mutants daf-3(mgDf90), daf-5(e1386), and daf-7(e1372);daf-3(mgDf90) double mutants at the permissive temperature, 20C, on the first day of adulthood. |
Osmotic stress |
Transcripts that showed significantly altered expression with 500 mM salt (NaCl) vs 100 mM salt when food was present |
DESeq(version 1.10.1), FDR < 0.05. |
Osmotic stress |
Transcripts that showed significantly altered expression with 500 mM salt (NaCl) vs 100 mM salt when no food was present |
DESeq(version 1.10.1), FDR < 0.05. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression glp-1(e2141); TU3401 animals comparing to in TU3401 animals. |
Fold change > 2, FDR < 0.01. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in ogt-1(ok1474) neuronal cells isolated by FACs comparing to in FACs isolated neuronal cells from wild type. |
DESeq2, fold change > 2, FDR < 0.05. |
Bacteria infection: Enterococcus faecalis |
Genes with increased expression after 24 hours of infection by E.faecalis Fold changes shown are pathogen vs OP50. |
For RNA-seq and tiling arrays, log2 fold changes between gene expression values of infected versus uninfected nematodes were calculated. For log2 fold changes > 0.00001 the values > 81.25th percentile were defined as up-regulated and for log2 fold changes < -0.00001 the values < 18.75th percentile were defined as down-regulated. |
Heat shock: 35C for 1 hour. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression immediately after 1-day post L4 adult hermaphrodite N2 animals were exposed to 35C for 1 hour. |
The DESeq2 (GalaxyVersion + galaxy1) was used to determine differentiallyexpressed features from count tables of differential transcript abundances. log2FC > 1, FDR < 0.01. |
Proteins interacting with NHR-49-GFP according to co-IP and LC-MS. |
N.A. |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression at 11-days-post L4 adult N2 hermaphrodites comparing to 1-day-post L4 adult N2 hermaphrodites. |
DESeq2, fold change > 2, FDR < 0.05 |
Transcripts expressed in hypodermis, according to PAT-Seq analysis using Pdpy-7-GFP-3XFLAG mRNA tagging. |
Cufflinks FPKM value >=1. |
mitochondrial sulfide delivery molecule (mtH2S) AP39 |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in N2 animals treated with mitochondrial sulfide delivery molecule (mtH2S) AP39 starting from 1-day-post L4 until 11 days post L4. |
DESeq2, fold change > 2, FDR < 0.05 |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression in prx-5(RNAi) animals. |
Fold change > 2, p-value < 0.05. |
Genes with expression level regulated by genotype (N2 vs CB4856) and age at old adults stage (214 hours at 24 centigrade). |
For model 2, authors used 100 permutations to estimate the FDR threshold. Per permutation, genotypes and ages were independently randomly distributed, keeping the among-gene structure intact. Then for each spot (23,232) on the array, model 2 was tested. The obtained P-values were used to estimate a threshold for each of the explanatory factors. Authors also used a genome-wide threshold of -log10 P-value = 2, which resembles an FDR of 0.072 and 0.060 for marker and the interaction age-marker for the developing worms and FDR of 0.050 and 0.065 for marker and age-marker for the aging worms. For the physiological age effect, authors used a log10 P-value = 8 in developing worms (0.012 FDR) and -log10 P-value = 6 (0.032 FDR). |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in day 1 adult hermaphrodite comparing to in L4 larva daf-16(mu86);glp-1(e2141) animals. |
Fold change > 2, FDR < 0.05 |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in day 1 adult hermaphrodite comparing to in L4 larva fem-3(q20) animals. |
Fold change > 2, FDR < 0.05 |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in day 1 adult hermaphrodite comparing to in L4 larva glp-1(e2141) animals. |
Fold change > 2, FDR < 0.05 |
mitochondrial sulfide delivery molecule (mtH2S) AP39 |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in N2 animals treated with mitochondrial sulfide delivery molecule (mtH2S) AP39 starting from L1 larva until 11-days-post-L4 adult. |
DESeq2, fold change > 2, FDR < 0.05 |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in day 3 adult hermaphrodite comparing to in L4 larva fem-3(q20) animals. |
Fold change > 2, FDR < 0.05 |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression after 24 hours of induction of human beta Amyloid at young adult stage |
A 2-fold change in expression level and a false discovery rate analog of p < 0.05. |
Bacteria infection: Bacillus thuringiensis |
mRNAs that showed significantly decreased expression after pathogenic bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis infections comparing to non pathogenic BT (BT247(1 to 10 mix) vs BT407 12h), according to RNAseq. |
Cuffdiff, ajusted p-value < 0.01. |
Bacteria infection: Bacillus thuringiensis |
mRNAs that showed significantly decreased expression after pathogenic bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis infections comparing to non pathogenic BT (BT247(1 to 2 mix) vs BT407 12h), according to RNAseq. |
Cuffdiff, ajusted p-value < 0.01. |
Dietary restriction |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression after N2 animals were under dietary restriction (DR, OP50 OD = 0.1) from 3-day post L4 till 6-day post L4 adult hermaphrodite stage, comparing to under ad libtum (AL, OP50 OD = 3) condition. |
Bioconductor package edgeR, p < 0.05. |
Genes that showed significantly increased expression in daf-2(e1370);hel-1(gk148684) comparing to in hel-1(gk148684) |
To identify DEGs, Students t test and the log2 median ratio test were performed to compute t values and median ratios for all the annotated genes. The adjusted P values from each test were computed using an empirical distribution of the null hypothesis, which was obtained from random permutations of the samples. Finally, the adjusted P values from the individual tests were combined to compute the overall P values using Stouffers method , and genes with overall P < 0.05 and fold change > 1.5 were selected as DEGs. |
Genes that showed significantly increased expression in daf-2(e1370) comparing to in N2. |
To identify DEGs, Students t test and the log2 median ratio test were performed to compute t values and median ratios for all the annotated genes. The adjusted P values from each test were computed using an empirical distribution of the null hypothesis, which was obtained from random permutations of the samples. Finally, the adjusted P values from the individual tests were combined to compute the overall P values using Stouffers method , and genes with overall P < 0.05 and fold change > 1.5 were selected as DEGs. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in daf-2(e1370) comparing to in control animals. |
NOIseq(v2.34.0), fold change > = 1.5, Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were defined as having a probability of differentialexpression > 95%. |
Significantly differentially expressed genes as determined by microarray analysis of wild-type and cde-1 mutant germlines. |
RNAs that changed at least 2-fold with a probability of p < 0.05 were considered differentially regulated between wildtype and cde-1. |
Transgeneration hypoxia treatment. |
Transcripts that are significantly upregulated in F1 animals after P0 parents were exposed to 0.1% oxygen for 16 hours at L4 larva stage. |
For calling the significant differentially expressed genes (DEGs),the false discovery rate (FDR) after multiple testing correction was set as 0.05 and analyzed in edgeR. |