Bacteria: E.faecalis strain OG1RF |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression after infection by E. faecalis OG1RF. |
Ballgown was used to calculate differential expression of genes using FPKM data and to generate tables with fold change and P values. Genes were shortlisted with a cutoff of 2-fold change and P values of less than 0.05. |
Genes with expression level regulated by genotype (N2 vs CB4856) and age at L3 larva and Late reproduction stage (96 hours at 24 centigrade). |
For model 2, authors used 100 permutations to estimate the FDR threshold. Per permutation, genotypes and ages were independently randomly distributed, keeping the among-gene structure intact. Then for each spot (23,232) on the array, model 2 was tested. The obtained P-values were used to estimate a threshold for each of the explanatory factors. Authors also used a genome-wide threshold of -log10 P-value = 2, which resembles an FDR of 0.072 and 0.060 for marker and the interaction age-marker for the developing worms and FDR of 0.050 and 0.065 for marker and age-marker for the aging worms. For the physiological age effect, authors used a log10 P-value = 8 in developing worms (0.012 FDR) and -log10 P-value = 6 (0.032 FDR). |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in ilc-17.1(syb5296) comparing to in N2 animals at L4 larva stage. |
DESeq2, fold change > 2, FDR < 0.05. |
Transcripts that showed significantly altered expression in rnp-6(dh1127) animals comparing to in N2 when fed with live S. aureus. |
Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) (q-value <0.05) between different samples were identified using the stringtie version 1.3.0, followed by Cufflinks version 2.2. |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression after animals were treated with 50uM Rifampicin and 250uM Allantoin from day 1 to day 3 adult hermaphradite. |
DESeq2(v1.14.1), fold change > 2, p-value < 0.05 |
Transcripts detected in germline isolated from day-1 adult hermaphrodite animals. |
All three experiments have CPM >= 1. |
Bacteria: B.thuringiensis |
Transcripts in N2 animals that were significantly differentially expressed at least for one time point and one pathogenic strain Bt247 and Bt679 compared to the non pathogenic strain Bt407. |
Cuffdiff |
Up-regulated genes (fold change > 1.5) in two CoQ-deficient clk-1 mutant strains (e2519, qm30) compared to wild types N2. |
Fold-changes of intensities were calculated from the arithmetic mean of gene expression values between experimental and corresponding control group. Fold change >= 1.5 was used as cut-off. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in animals after 24 hours of exposure to 300mM NaCl comparing to control animals. |
Authors considered genes differentially expressed if they had a q-value <= 0.05 and a b-value >= 1 or <= -1. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in lin-29(n333) comparing to in N2 at day 1 adult stage. |
DESeq2, FDR < 0.01, fold change > 2. |
Transcripts that showed significantly depleted expression in sensory neuron (labeled by iaIs25[Pgcy-37::GFP + unc-119(+)]) comparing to in whole worm. |
Fold change > 2, p-value < 0.05. |
Skin Wounding: skin wounding using femtosecond or Micropoint UV laser or with single stabs of a microinjection needle to the anterior or posterior body 24 h after the L4 stage. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression after skin wounding using femtosecond or Micropoint UV laser or with single stabs of a microinjection needle to the anterior or posterior body 24 h after the L4 stage of N2 animals. |
The cutoff for differential expressed genes (DEGs) were: Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p-value less than 0.05 and fold change larger than 1.5. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in elli-1(sam-3) comparing to in N2 animals, accordingto tiling array analysis. |
Fold change > 1.2, q-value < 0.05. |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression in animals with germline-specific inx-14(RNAi) comparing to in aniamls fed with control vector, both exposed to PA14 infection. |
DESeq2. Differentially-expressed genes (DEG) were identified based on two criteria: FDR (False discovery rateusing Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p-values) < 0.01 and absolute value of log2(Fold Change) > 1. |
Transcripts that did not alter expression in smg-1(r910) and smg-1(r910) smg-2(r915) mutants comparing to in N2, but their mRNAs co-purify with SMG-2. |
edgeR |
Bacteria infection: Bacillus thuringiensis |
mRNAs that showed significantly increased expression after pathogenic bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis infections comparing to non pathogenic BT (BT247(1 to 10 mix) vs BT407 12h), according to RNAseq. |
Cuffdiff, ajusted p-value < 0.01. |
Bacteria infection: Bacillus thuringiensis |
mRNAs that showed significantly increased expression after pathogenic bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis infections comparing to non pathogenic BT (BT247(1 to 2 mix) vs BT407 12h), according to RNAseq. |
Cuffdiff, ajusted p-value < 0.01. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in animals with pan-neuronal expression of human amyloid beta (snb-1p-Amyloid-beta(1-42) + mtl-2p-GFP), comparing to in N2 animals. |
edgeR p-value < 0.01 and fold change > 4. |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression in unc-30(ok613) animals at L4 larva stage, comparing to N2 animals. |
Genes exhibiting at least two-fold change were considered differentially expressed. |
Genes that were enriched in spermatogenic fem-3(q96gf) gonads comparing to in oogenic fog-2(q71), according to RNAseq analysis. |
To identify differentially expressed transcripts, authors used R/Bioconductor package DESeq. |
spermatogenesis-enriched |
Comparisons were made between genotypes by subtracting the mean log value of one ratio from another, and the significance of the difference was evaluated using Student t-test for two populations. For the fem-3(gf) versus fem-1(lf) direct comparison, authors performed the same analysis, except they used a Students t-test for one population. Author chose a combination of a twofold difference with a t value exceeding 99% confidence (P < 0.01), because these criteria allowed the inclusion of essentially all genes that had previously been identified as germline-enriched in a wt/glp-4 hermaphrodite comparison. Additionally, requiring a twofold difference reduced false positives, as the number of genes with two-fold difference and a P<0.01 only included ~100 genes more than with P < 0.001, and almost all genes showed germline expression by in situ hybridization. |
Genes that showed significantly decreased expression after exposure to 1mg/L MWCNTs from L1 larva to young adult. |
Transcripts with false discovery rate-corrected p-values < 0.05 and fold change > 2 were defined as differentially expressed. |
Genes in the bottom 10% of expression level across the triplicate L3 samples. To generate the top10 and bottom10 gene sets, authors ranked all genes by mean expression array signal intensity across the three replicates, then took the top and bottom deciles (1,841 genes each) to represent genes with high and low expression. |
To generate the top10 and bottom10 gene sets, authors ranked all genes by mean expression array signal intensity across the three replicates, then took the top and bottom deciles (1,841 genes each) to represent genes with high and low expression. |
Space flight. |
Genes increased by more than 2 fold expression in the spaceflight relative to the ground control. |
Genes increased by more than 2 fold expression in the spaceflight relative to the ground control are regarded as differentially expressed. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in 100-cell stage embryo of let-418(RNAi) animals, comparing to in control RNAi (with gfp control vector) animals. |
DESeq and EdgeR were used. A threshold of 1.5 log2 fold change and a p value <10 % were applied. let-418: wild-type; let-418(RNAi)-treated embryos; chd-3: chd-3(eh4);controlGFP(RNAi)-treated embryos; chd-3_let-418: chd-3(eh4); let-418(RNAi)-treated embryos. All fold changes are calculated versus wild-type;control(RNAi)-treated embryos. 1h and 3h correspond to the 24- and 100-cell stages, respectively. |
Genes with differential expression under 0.5mg/l Chlorpyrifos (CPF) treatment at 24 centigrade. |
To identify the differentially expressed genes in each treatment authors used linear models per toxicant and temperature (gene expression = Toxicant (effect) + error). The lm function in R stats package was used to implement the linear models analysis with recommended default options. For threshold determination authors used a permutation approach. For each of the 23,232 permutations used authors randomly picked a transcript (array spot), which could only be picked once. Authors combined all the expression values of this transcript and randomly distributed them over the replicates and used them in the linear model. In this way authors obtained a threshold for each of the toxicants. Authors used a -log10 p-value 2 as common threshold for the analysis, which resembles to the following FDR per toxicant: 0.0155 for CPF at 24 centigrade, 0.0148 for DZN at 24 centigrade, 0.0168 for CPF+DZN at 24 centigrade, 0.0142 for CPF at 16 centigrade, 0.0151 for DZN at 16 centigrade, and 0.0148 for CPF+DZN, at 16 centigrade. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in ints-11(RNAi) comparing to in N2. |
DESeq2 and edgeR. |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression in animals lacking P granules by RNAi experiments targeting pgl-1, pgl-3, glh-1 and glh-4, and unc-119-GFP(+), comparing to in control animals, at 2-day post L4 adult hermaphrodite stage. |
DESeq2, Benjamini-Hochberg multiple hypothesis corrected p-value < 0.05 and fold change > 2. |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression in xpf-1(tm2842) comparing to in N2 animals. |
DESeq2 1.14.1, fold change > 2, FDR < 0.01. |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression in wdr-5(ok1417);skn-1(lax188) comparing to in skn-1(lax188) at day 2 adult stage. |
fold change > 2 |