28 Allele
Public Name |
gk963301 |
WBVar02060329 |
WBVar02060330 |
gk964351 |
gk962860 |
otn12418 |
otn12419 |
otn12421 |
otn12420 |
otn12423 |
otn12422 |
gk241085 |
gk241086 |
otn13370 |
WBVar00213318 |
gk893459 |
gk735449 |
gk723761 |
gk665134 |
gk918578 |
gk556777 |
gk879876 |
gk556776 |
WBVar01460913 |
otn4402 |
WBVar01924741 |
gk356955 |
gk320098 |
1 Chromosome Location
Feature . Primary Identifier |
Start | End | Strand |
WBGene00006185 | 8275898 | 8277041 | -1 |
1 Downstream Intergenic Region
WormBase ID | Name | Sequence Name | Length (nt) | Chromosome Location | Organism |
intergenic_region_chrV_8275758..8275897 | 140 | V: 8275758-8275897 | Caenorhabditis elegans |
1 Expression Clusters
Regulated By Treatment | Description | Algorithm | Primary Identifier |
The cluster contains genes that showed expression changes in the let-60(G12V) time course that were different than those in the wild-type time course. | A mixed procedure analysis of variation (ANOVA) was used to identify genes with significantly different expression levels (P < 0.001). | [cgc5376]:let-60(G12V)-regulated_genes |