Bacteria infection: Enterococcus faecalis |
Genes with increased expression after 24 hours of infection by E.faecalis Fold changes shown are pathogen vs OP50. |
For RNA-seq and tiling arrays, log2 fold changes between gene expression values of infected versus uninfected nematodes were calculated. For log2 fold changes > 0.00001 the values > 81.25th percentile were defined as up-regulated and for log2 fold changes < -0.00001 the values < 18.75th percentile were defined as down-regulated. |
mRNAs that were significantly enriched in the AIN-1 immunoprecipitation samples, compared to the control total mRNAs in the input extracts (p < 0.01). |
Signals from replicates of total worm lysates from wt and strains containing the ain-2::gfp or the ain-2 promoter::gfp transgene were mean normalized and averaged respectively to generate standard profiles of gene expression in these worm strains. Authors then calculated the ratio of signal of each gene from each IP sample to the standard gene expression profile of the corresponding worm strain. Based on this ratio, a percentile rank of each gene relative to all genes in each IP replicate was calculated. The percentile ranks in the three replicates of each IP were averaged. Student t test was utilized to determine if the average percentile ranks of enrichment of individual genes were significantly higher (p value) than the mean enrichment of all genes in the IP samples. To determine the AIN-1 or AIN-2 associated genes, we used the following criteria: (1) average percentile ranks of enrichment is greater than the mean enrichment of all genes in AIN-1 or AIN-2 IP with p < 0.01; (2) average signal in AIN-1 or AIN-2 IP replicates is greater than the background signal (including 2X standard deviation (SD)) (Background signal and SD were calculated based on signals from empty spots on each microarray); (3) criteria 1 is not be satisfied for the same gene in the corresponding control IP. |
Coexpression clique No. 211, srj-42-srw-113, on the genome-wide coexpression clique map for the nematode GPL200 platform. |
All available microarray datasets for the GPL200 platform (Affymetrix C. elegans Genome Array) were obtained from the GEO repository. This included 2243 individual microarray experiments. These were normalized against each other with the software RMAexpress (Bolstad, 2014). Based on these normalized values, Pearsons correlation coefficients were obtained for each probe-probe pair of the 22,620 probes represented on this array type. The resulting list of correlation coefficients was then ranked to generate the ranked coexpression database with information on each probe represented on the GPL200 platform. |
Bacteria infection: Bacillus thuringiensis B-18247 |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression after 8 hour of exposure of C.elegans strain MY15 to pathogenic B. thuringiensis B-18247. |
Differential gene expression was assessed with a mixed regression model, including pathogen as a fixed and array as a random factor using the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) approach. The pathogen effect was evaluated with an F3-test using a pooled estimator of the error-variance and comparison of the tabulated p-values with the F distribution rather than a permutation analysis, which was unsuitable for this study because of low sample size (maximum of four replicates). To correct for multiple testing authors adjusted the significance level with the help of the false discovery rate (FDR). |
The cluster contains genes that showed expression changes in the let-60(G12V) time course that were different than those in the wild-type time course. |
A mixed procedure analysis of variation (ANOVA) was used to identify genes with significantly different expression levels (P < 0.001). |
Bacteria infection: Bacillus thuringiensis B-18247 |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression after 8 hour of exposure of C.elegans strain MY18 to pathogenic B. thuringiensis B-18247. |
Differential gene expression was assessed with a mixed regression model, including pathogen as a fixed and array as a random factor using the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) approach. The pathogen effect was evaluated with an F3-test using a pooled estimator of the error-variance and comparison of the tabulated p-values with the F distribution rather than a permutation analysis, which was unsuitable for this study because of low sample size (maximum of four replicates). To correct for multiple testing authors adjusted the significance level with the help of the false discovery rate (FDR). |