anterior ganglion development variant
Any variation in the progression of a cluster of neuron somata located close to the nerve ring over time from its initial formation to its mature form compared to control (Wormatlas). |
ventral ganglion development variant
Any variation in the progression of the ganglion which lies ventrally beside the nerve ring in the head, just anterior of the retrovesicular ganglion over time from its initial formation to its mature form compared to control (Wormatlas). |
dorsal ganglion development variant
Any variation in the progression of the ganglion that lies dorsally beside the nerve ring in the head over time from its initial formation to its mature form compared to control. In C. elegans, It contains neuron cell bodies that send their neuronal processes into the ring and longitudinal nerves, but form no local neuropil separate from the nerve ring. The dorsal ganglion is in close contact with the dorsal hypodermal cord (Wormatlas). |
dorsorectal ganglia development variant
Any variation in the progression of the ganglion which lies above and behind the rectum in the tail, in close continuity with the anal hypodermal ridge over time from its initial formation to its mature form compared to control (Wormatlas). |
lateral ganglia development variant
Any variation in the progression of the left and right lateral ganglia which lie beside the nerve ring in the head over time from its initial formation to its mature form compared to control (Wormatlas). |
lumbar ganglia development variant
Any variation in the progression of the left and right lumbar ganglia which lie behind the pre-anal ganglion in the tail, in lateral positions over time from its initial formation to its mature form compared to control (Wormatlas). |
posterior lateral ganglion development variant
Any variation in the progression of the neuron somata associated with the post-deirid over time from its initial formation to its mature form compared to control (Wormatlas). |
preanal ganglion development variant
Any variation in the progression of the ganglion which lies at the posterior limit of the ventral nerve cord in the tail over time from its initial formation to its mature form compared to control (Wormatlas). |
retrovesicular ganglion development variant
Any variation in the progression of the ganglion which lies at the anterior limit of the ventral nerve cord, near the ventral ganglion and nerve ring in the head posterior to the excretory pore over time from its initial formation to its mature form compared to control (Wormatlas). |