

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Life Stage :

Definition  A third stage larva specialized for dispersal and long term survival. Primary Identifier  WBls:0000032
Public Name  dauer larva Ce

2 Anatomy Terms

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
a group of hypodermal cells that lie along the apical midline of the hypodermis, at the extreme left and right sides between nose and tail seam cell lateral hypodermis WBbt:0005753
post-embryonic seam cells that make alae, hermaphrodite. hermaphrodite alae seam cell se_herm WBbt:0006913

2 Contained In

Remark Definition Other Name Public Name Primary Identifier
  A developmental life stage of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans that occurs from egg hatching until adulthood. larva Ce WBls:0000023
  A C. elegans life stage that occurs during the larval life stage C. elegans life stage occurring during larval stage WBls:0000817

27 Expression Clusters

Regulated By Treatment Description Algorithm Primary Identifier
  Pristionchus pacificus genes up regulated in the dauer versus dauer-exit worms. The weight parameters were optimized based on MA-plots such that spike-in controls show their expected fold change values. lmFit function was used to fit a linear model to probe intensities across arrays, and differential expression was calculated by empirical Bayes method using the eBayes function. Control of FDR was employed as correction for multiple testing. WBPaper00041207:PP_dauer_up
adult vs dauer larva Transcripts that showed differential expression in adult vs dauer lava in N2 animals at 20C. N.A. WBPaper00050488:adult_vs_dauer_regulated_N2_20C
Reduced humidity (98% relative humidity). Genes that were down-regulated after one day exposure to reduced humidity (98% relative humidity) according to microarray analysis. Multiple hypothesis testing with the Benjamini-Hochberg correction was applied on calculated p-values. A change in the expression level was considered to be significant if the adjusted p-value was less than 0.001. WBPaper00044578:reduced-humidity_downregulated_microarray
  Genes regulated by DAF-12, according to whole transcriptome profiling to compare genome-wide regulatory influences of DPY-21 and SET-4 to those of the key transcription factors controlling dauer arrest in eak-7;akt-1 animals, DAF-16 and DAF-12. Authors identified genes differentially expressed between wild-type and eak-7;akt-1 double mutant animals [fold change >= 1.5 and false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05]. Authors then compared the transcriptomes of eak-7;akt-1 double mutants to those of eak-7;akt-1 animals harboring mutations in dpy-21, set-4, daf-16, or daf-12, and identified genes that are differentially expressed in the opposite direction as in wild-type relative to eak-7;akt-1. Annotated gene expression data output from CuffDiff v2.2.1 was read into R version 3.2.1 for six comparisons: eak-7;akt-1 compared to (1) wild-type, (2) daf-16(mu86);eak-7;akt-1, (3) daf-12;eak-7;akt-1, (4) set-4(n4600);eak-7;akt-1, (5) set-4(dp268);eak-7;akt-1, and (6) dpy-21;eak-7;akt-1. Authors filtered genes by the following criteria: (1) status = OK for wild-type vs. eak-7;akt-1, (2) fold change (FC) >= 1.5 or FC <= 1/1.5 for wild-type vs. eak-7;akt-1 and (3) FDR < 0.05 for at least two separate comparisons. WBPaper00050801:DAF-12_dauer_regulome
  Genes regulated by DAF-16, according to whole transcriptome profiling to compare genome-wide regulatory influences of DPY-21 and SET-4 to those of the key transcription factors controlling dauer arrest in eak-7;akt-1 animals, DAF-16 and DAF-12. Authors identified genes differentially expressed between wild-type and eak-7;akt-1 double mutant animals [fold change >= 1.5 and false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05]. Authors then compared the transcriptomes of eak-7;akt-1 double mutants to those of eak-7;akt-1 animals harboring mutations in dpy-21, set-4, daf-16, or daf-12, and identified genes that are differentially expressed in the opposite direction as in wild-type relative to eak-7;akt-1. Annotated gene expression data output from CuffDiff v2.2.1 was read into R version 3.2.1 for six comparisons: eak-7;akt-1 compared to (1) wild-type, (2) daf-16(mu86);eak-7;akt-1, (3) daf-12;eak-7;akt-1, (4) set-4(n4600);eak-7;akt-1, (5) set-4(dp268);eak-7;akt-1, and (6) dpy-21;eak-7;akt-1. Authors filtered genes by the following criteria: (1) status = OK for wild-type vs. eak-7;akt-1, (2) fold change (FC) >= 1.5 or FC <= 1/1.5 for wild-type vs. eak-7;akt-1 and (3) FDR < 0.05 for at least two separate comparisons. WBPaper00050801:DAF-16_dauer_regulome
  Genes regulated by DPY-21, according to whole transcriptome profiling to compare genome-wide regulatory influences of DPY-21 and SET-4 to those of the key transcription factors controlling dauer arrest in eak-7;akt-1 animals, DAF-16 and DAF-12. Authors identified genes differentially expressed between wild-type and eak-7;akt-1 double mutant animals [fold change >= 1.5 and false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05]. Authors then compared the transcriptomes of eak-7;akt-1 double mutants to those of eak-7;akt-1 animals harboring mutations in dpy-21, set-4, daf-16, or daf-12, and identified genes that are differentially expressed in the opposite direction as in wild-type relative to eak-7;akt-1. Annotated gene expression data output from CuffDiff v2.2.1 was read into R version 3.2.1 for six comparisons: eak-7;akt-1 compared to (1) wild-type, (2) daf-16(mu86);eak-7;akt-1, (3) daf-12;eak-7;akt-1, (4) set-4(n4600);eak-7;akt-1, (5) set-4(dp268);eak-7;akt-1, and (6) dpy-21;eak-7;akt-1. Authors filtered genes by the following criteria: (1) status = OK for wild-type vs. eak-7;akt-1, (2) fold change (FC) >= 1.5 or FC <= 1/1.5 for wild-type vs. eak-7;akt-1 and (3) FDR < 0.05 for at least two separate comparisons. WBPaper00050801:DPY-21_dauer_regulome
  Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in dauer arrested chd-7(gk290);daf-2(e1370) animals, comparing to dauer arrested daf-2(e1370) animals. DESeq2 (v1.20.0) with a cutoff of 0.05 on false discoveryrate (FDR). WBPaper00063926:chd-7(gk290)_upregulated
  Transcripts that showed differential expression in dauer mir-34(gk437) vs dauer mir-34(OverExpression) animals at 20C. N.A. WBPaper00050488:mir-34(gk437)_vs_mir-34(OverExpression)_regulated_dauer_20C
  Transcripts that showed differential expression in dauer N2 vs dauer mir-34(gk437) animals at 20C. N.A. WBPaper00050488:N2_vs_mir-34(gk437)_regulated_dauer_20C
  Genes up regulated in the dauer versus dauer-exit worms. The weight parameters were optimized based on MA-plots such that spike-in controls show their expected fold change values. lmFit function was used to fit a linear model to probe intensities across arrays, and differential expression was calculated by empirical Bayes method using the eBayes function. Control of FDR was employed as correction for multiple testing. WBPaper00041207:CE_dauer_up
  Transcripts that showed differential expression in dauer N2 vs dauer mir-34(OverExpression) animals at 20C. N.A. WBPaper00050488:N2_vs_mir-34(OverExpression)_regulated_dauer_20C
  Pristionchus pacificus genes down regulated in the dauer versus dauer-exit worms. The weight parameters were optimized based on MA-plots such that spike-in controls show their expected fold change values. lmFit function was used to fit a linear model to probe intensities across arrays, and differential expression was calculated by empirical Bayes method using the eBayes function. Control of FDR was employed as correction for multiple testing. WBPaper00041207:PP_dauer_down
  Transcripts that showed differential expression in dauer daf-2(e1370) vs dauer daf-2(e1370);mir-34(gk437) animals at 25C. N.A. WBPaper00050488:daf-2(e1370)_vs_daf-2(e1370);mir-34(gk437)_regulated_dauer_25C
  Genes that are up or down regulated by more than 2.1 fold with the t-test p-value less than 0.01 are included in this cluster. Genes that are regulated by more than 2.1 fold with the t-test p-value less than 0.01 are included in this cluster. WBPaper00024393:strongly_regulated_dauer_genes
  Genes dowm regulated in the dauer versus dauer-exit worms. The weight parameters were optimized based on MA-plots such that spike-in controls show their expected fold change values. lmFit function was used to fit a linear model to probe intensities across arrays, and differential expression was calculated by empirical Bayes method using the eBayes function. Control of FDR was employed as correction for multiple testing. WBPaper00041207:CE_dauer_down
  Genes regulated by DAF-16, according to whole transcriptome profiling to compare genome-wide regulatory influences of DPY-21 and SET-4 to those of the key transcription factors controlling dauer arrest in eak-7;akt-1 animals, DAF-16 and DAF-12. SET-4 regulome consist 333 genes common to set-4(n4600) and set-4(dp268) regulomes. Authors identified genes differentially expressed between wild-type and eak-7;akt-1 double mutant animals [fold change >= 1.5 and false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05]. Authors then compared the transcriptomes of eak-7;akt-1 double mutants to those of eak-7;akt-1 animals harboring mutations in dpy-21, set-4, daf-16, or daf-12, and identified genes that are differentially expressed in the opposite direction as in wild-type relative to eak-7;akt-1. Annotated gene expression data output from CuffDiff v2.2.1 was read into R version 3.2.1 for six comparisons: eak-7;akt-1 compared to (1) wild-type, (2) daf-16(mu86);eak-7;akt-1, (3) daf-12;eak-7;akt-1, (4) set-4(n4600);eak-7;akt-1, (5) set-4(dp268);eak-7;akt-1, and (6) dpy-21;eak-7;akt-1. Authors filtered genes by the following criteria: (1) status = OK for wild-type vs. eak-7;akt-1, (2) fold change (FC) >= 1.5 or FC <= 1/1.5 for wild-type vs. eak-7;akt-1 and (3) FDR < 0.05 for at least two separate comparisons. WBPaper00050801:SET-4_dauer_regulome
Reduced humidity (98% relative humidity). Proteins that were up-regulated after one day exposure to reduced humidity (98% relative humidity) according to microarray analysis. The Benjamini-Hochberg FDR method was applied and an adjusted p-value cutoff level of 0.05 was used for significance. WBPaper00044578:1-day_reduced-humidity_upregulated_proteomics
Reduced humidity (98% relative humidity). Proteins that were up-regulated after four day exposure to reduced humidity (98% relative humidity) according to microarray analysis. The Benjamini-Hochberg FDR method was applied and an adjusted p-value cutoff level of 0.05 was used for significance. WBPaper00044578:4-day_reduced-humidity_upregulated_proteomics
space radition and microgravity Micro RNAs that showed increased expression in space flight N2 samples comparing to in ground control, affected by space radition and microgravity. Differentially expressed miRNAs (>1.5-fold change and <0.67) and mRNAs (>2-fold change and <0.5) were identified through fold-change filtering. WBPaper00048474:SpaceRadiation-Microgravity_upregulated_N2
space radition Micro RNAs that showed increased expression in space flight control N2 samples (animals were put in a centrifugal device in space) comparing to in ground control, affected by space radition but not microgravity. Differentially expressed miRNAs (>1.5-fold change and <0.67) and mRNAs (>2-fold change and <0.5) were identified through fold-change filtering. WBPaper00048474:SpaceRadiation_upregulated_N2
space radition and microgravity Micro RNAs that showed decreased expression in space flight N2 samples comparing to in ground control, affected by space radition and microgravity. Differentially expressed miRNAs (>1.5-fold change and <0.67) and mRNAs (>2-fold change and <0.5) were identified through fold-change filtering. WBPaper00048474:SpaceRadiation-Microgravity_downregulated_N2
space radition Micro RNAs that showed decreased expression in space flight N2 samples (animals were put in a centrifugal device in space) comparing to in ground control, affected by space radition but not microgravity. Differentially expressed miRNAs (>1.5-fold change and <0.67) and mRNAs (>2-fold change and <0.5) were identified through fold-change filtering. WBPaper00048474:SpaceRadiation_downregulated_N2
Reduced humidity (98% relative humidity). Proteins that were down-regulated after four day exposure to reduced humidity (98% relative humidity) according to microarray analysis. The Benjamini-Hochberg FDR method was applied and an adjusted p-value cutoff level of 0.05 was used for significance. WBPaper00044578:4-day_reduced-humidity_downregulated_proteomics
  Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression in dauer arrested chd-7(gk290);daf-2(e1370) animals, comparing to dauer arrested daf-2(e1370) animals. DESeq2 (v1.20.0) with a cutoff of 0.05 on false discoveryrate (FDR). WBPaper00063926:chd-7(gk290)_downregulated
Reduced humidity (98% relative humidity). Genes that were up-regulated after one day exposure to reduced humidity (98% relative humidity) according to microarray analysis. Multiple hypothesis testing with the Benjamini-Hochberg correction was applied on calculated p-values. A change in the expression level was considered to be significant if the adjusted p-value was less than 0.001. WBPaper00044578:reduced-humidity_upregulated_microarray
  Proteins that were significantly up-regulated during the dauer stage in comparision to the L3 larva control. N.A. WBPaper00036144:dauer_upregulated_protein
  Proteins that were significantly down-regulated during the dauer stage in comparision to the L3 larva control. N.A. WBPaper00036144:dauer_downregulated_protein

137 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
Picture: Fig 5.   Expr4890 Several globin genes (C06E4.7, C09H10.8, C36E8.2, C52A11.2, F52A8.4, R01E6.6, R13A1.8, R90.5, and W01C9.5) are similarly upregulated in L3 and dauers relative to young adults, although some reach significance in dauers only. Many genes exhibited more than 2- fold upregulation but didn't reach statistical significance because strong upregulation was only seen in 2 biological replicates, A significant downregulation in L3 stage relative to young adults was observed for C26C6.7, T22C1.2 and ZK637.13. A similar trend was seen in dauers. C26C6.7 was the only globin which exressed at a significantly higher level in dauers relative to L3. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR experiments were done to compare the relative bundance of all 33 globins in wild type adults. Results demonstrate T22C1.2 and ZK637.13 are expressed at substantially higher levels. The difference with the other globins ranges within 1-3 orders of magnitude.  
    Expr4711 stip-1 transcripts were readily detected, revealing its expression at all developmental stages from embryos, L1 through L4 stage, dauer, and adult worms.  
    Expr16193 In the case of developmentally arrested dauer larvae, the enzyme was found in the nerve ring and along the body wall with the apparent lack of fluorescence signal in the gut. The latter location (along the body wall) reflects presumably the enzyme protein present in the gonad primordium.  
    Expr3768 Thymidylate synthase mRNA, relative to 18S rRNA, level was found to be constant in C. elegans adult worms, embryos and L1 and L3 larvae, only several-fold higher than that in dauer larvae. On the other hand, thymidylate synthase mRNA level in dauer larvae was not lowered when the larvae remained up to 6 weeks in the culture.  
    Expr16428 Transgenic worms expressing mCherry under the daf-42 promoter showed expression in seam cells between 48 and 60 HAE, which corresponds to the time of appearance of the dead L2d phenotype. At 60 HAE, we observed expression in the seam cell, hypodermis, and at the surface of the worm. At 72 HAE, ecdysis had begun, and some worms had detached their head or tail from the old L2d cuticle, and the DAF-42::GFP signal did not remain in the L2d cuticle but was localized with the dauer worm inside the L2d cuticle. Together, our results show that daf-42 is expressed during the L2d-to-dauer transition in seam cells and is secreted toward the surface of the dauer worm, such as the hypodermis or cuticle.  
    Expr15284 We observed prominent dma-1p::dma-1::gfp expression in the IL2 dendrites during dauer. Expression of dma- 1p::dma-1::gfp was not detectable in adult IL2s. dma-1p::dma-1::gfp translational reporter is prominently expressed in the FLPs and PVDs during dauer. We observed prominent dma-1p::dma-1::gfp expression in the IL2 dendrites during dauer. Expression of dma- 1p::dma-1::gfp was not detectable in adult IL2s.  
    Expr12929 Transcripts encoding enzymes required for gluconeogenesis, mdh-1, mdh-2, and pck-2 were expressed at relatively high levels in dauer larvae.  
    Expr3272 Animals transformed with this construct showed GFP expression only in seam cells in embryos at the threefold stage and in dauer larvae.  
    Expr14555 hpx-2 is expressed in the hypodermis and pharynx in young-adult and dauer worms. In dauers, we observed weak expression of hpx-2::GFP in the distal bulb of the pharynx in nearly all animals. At higher magnification, the localization pattern was most consistent with expression in the gland cells.  
    Expr11217 kpc-1 is expressed in numerous neuronal and epithelial cells during dauer. Processes adjacent to the body wall in dauers resemble those of IL2Q 4 dendrites. To determine whether kpc-1 is expressed in the IL2s, we coinjected the Pkpc-1::GFP reporter with a Pklp-6::tdTomato reporter that is expressed exclusively in the IL2s. During nondauer stages, kpc-1 is not expressed in the IL2 neurons (data not shown). In dauers, Pkpc-1::GFP and Pklp-6::tdTomato are coexpressed, indicating that kpc-1 is upregulated in the IL2s during dauer. Nondauer expression was consistently observed in the ventral nerve cord and pharynx with strong expression in the g2 pharyngeal gland cells and vpi pharyngeal intestinal valve cells.  
    Expr10563 aak-2 is widely and strongly expressed during dauer. An aak-2p::AAK-2N::GFP truncated translational fusion protein is expressed in pharyngeal muscles, nervous system, coelomocytes, hypodermis, excretory cell, muscles, intestine, whole animal.  
    Expr14951 In dauer animals, expression was observed in the intestine, five neurons, and faintly in the hypodermis. Intestinal expression starts from the posterior in uncommitted L2d and spreads throughout the entire intestine after dauer-commitment. Intestinal expression peaks in intensity during dauer, dims in starved and aged dauers, and disappears from the center of the intestine in post-dauer L4s. Neuronal expression is detectable in 58% of the dauer-committed L2d (n 1/4 15/26), and exists in all dauers (n 1/4 31). The neurons consist of one pair immediately anterior to the terminal bulb of the pharynx, with processes that end in the nerve ring, and one triplet approximately one cell body diameter posterior to the metacorpus, with processes that end in the nose. Based on their positions and morphologies, the best candidates for the neuron identities include: ADF, ADL, AFD, AIA, AIB, ASG, ASH, ASI, ASK, AWA, AWB, AWC, BAG, IL1, IL2, and OLQ. Using colocalization markers, we eliminated AIB, AWC, BAG, IL1, IL2, and OLQ as the ets-10-expressing neurons. The precise identities of the neurons remain unknown. In dauer animals, expression was observed in the intestine, five neurons, and faintly in the hypodermis. Intestinal expression starts from the posterior in uncommitted L2d and spreads throughout the entire intestine after dauer-commitment. Intestinal expression peaks in intensity during dauer, dims in starved and aged dauers, and disappears from the center of the intestine in post-dauer L4s. Neuronal expression is detectable in 58% of the dauer-committed L2d (n = 15/26), and exists in all dauers (n = 31). The neurons consist of one pair immediately anterior to the terminal bulb of the pharynx, with processes that end in the nerve ring, and one triplet approximately one cell body diameter posterior to the metacorpus, with processes that end in the nose. Based on their positions and morphologies, the best candidates for the neuron identities include: ADF, ADL, AFD, AIA, AIB, ASG, ASH, ASI, ASK, AWA, AWB, AWC, BAG, IL1, IL2, and OLQ. Using colocalization markers, we eliminated AIB, AWC, BAG, IL1, IL2, and OLQ as the ets-10-expressing neurons. The precise identities of the neurons remain unknown.  
    Expr3038 For din-1L, 8 kb of the din-1 upstream region was placed before gfp followed by din-1LB cDNA. Extrachromosomal arrays dhEx191 and dhEx194 were expressed in the nuclei of most cells from embryo to adult, as well as in dauer larvae. din-1L expressed more strongly in embryo and L1 larvae than din-1S, consistent with an earlier role. din-1S::gfp localized to the nuclei of most cell types. Detected in hypodermis, seam, intestine, and somatic gonad including the distal tip cells, din-1S was also expressed in neurons, vulval precursors, body wall muscle, and pharynx, all tissues with heterochronic phenotypes or remodeled during dauer. Expression was first detected in a few nuclei by the comma stage of embryogenesis. By hatch, din-1S was widely expressed, albeit weakly. Overall expression in most tissues was detected at various levels into adult and in dauer larvae. Interestingly, in late L1 and L2 larvae din-1S was often (75%, n = 16) highly expressed in the XXX cells, specialized neuroendocrine cells proposed to be a site of synthesis for the daf-9-produced hormone. Expressed in nuclei.
Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr3767 Widespread GFP expression was observed in embryos from the bean stage onwards. During larval development, GFP expression revealed that the daf-18 promoter was active in many if not all tissues, including the intestine, neurons, body wall muscles, seam cells and hypodermis, with elevated GFP levels in a few head neurons and in the intestine from L1 to adult stage at 15 centigrades and 25 centigrades. A wide up-regulation of GFP levels in many if not all tissues was observed during the transition between L1 and pre-dauer L2D stage. Once dauer tissues were fully remodeled, high GFP levels were then limited to head neurons and ventral and dorsal nerve cords.  
    Expr3866 daf-36::gfp was most strikingly expressed in the intestinal cytoplasm at all postembryonic stages, including dauer. In addition, daf-36::gfp was seen in the head mesodermal cell. Occasionally, very faint expression was seen within two unidentified head neurons, posterior to the nerve ring, which were clearly distinct from the XXXR/L. During the L2d stage, prior to entry into dauer diapause, neuronal expression increased slightly, and, surprisingly, expression commenced in the seam cells, epidermal cells located at the lateral midline. Expressed in cytoplasm. Visible also in daf-2, daf-7, and daf-11 Daf-c dauers as well as in normal dauers, epidermal daf-36::gfp appeared to be localized in a cytosolic meshwork.
    Expr11508 the sta-1 promoter::NLS::GFP reporter gene was widely expressed in a variety of cells and tissues, during most life stages. Specifically, it was expressed at higher levels in pharynx compared to expression levels in other tissues. GFP was also apparent in the entire intestine, marking all nuclei. Fluorescence intensities of GFP appeared weaker in the anterior intestine than in the posterior intestine, but this effect was due largely to the anterior part of the intestine being obscured by the gonad, where no reporter gene expression was observed. GFP expression was also observed in body muscles as well as in most of the nervous system. Among neuronal cells, GFP expression was readily observed in head ganglia, particularly in the posterior ganglia, including the small dorsal ganglion, two lateral ganglia, and ventral ganglion. Similarly, the sta-1 promoter was functional in the two lumbar ganglia, the dorsorectal ganglion of the tail, and the ventral nerve cord. Developmentally, reporter gene expression was first observed in enclosure stage embryos in a variety of cells, and expression persisted throughout embryogenesis, the four larval stages, and the entire adult life span. Neither cell- nor tissue-specific expression pattern changes were observed during development, nor was there any evident modulation of expression level, as judged by fluorescence intensity. Furthermore, GFP expression persisted throughout the dauer larval stage, although GFP expression level decreased significantly, particularly in the pharynx. Similar conclusions concerning expression pattern were suported by analysis of protein distribution by immunofluorescence.  
Picture: Fig 4.   Expr8714 While pharyngeal fluorescence in dauers decreases significantly, GFP in the hypodermis remains at high levels, indicating high expression of strm-1 in dauers. strm-1 expression starts late in embryogenesis and it is high throughout larval stages and in adults. During reproductive development, the strongest expression was detected in the pharynx. The hypodermal syncytium also showed high levels of fluorescence in contrast to the seam cells.  
Picture: Fig 2.   Expr8801 The presence of LET-721::GFP was observed during all developmental stages: embryo, larvae and adult. The LET-721::GFP was also expressed in dauer larvae, an alternate larval stage C. elegans enter under stress conditions. Observation of the spatial expression pattern revealed that LET-721 is found in a many of tissues including: pharynx, body wall muscle, hypoderm, intestine and somatic gonad. In addition to these tissues, sex-specific expression was observed in hermaphrodites, which express LET-721::GFP in the spermatheca, while males express LET-721 in the vas deferens. Subcellular localization of LET-721::GFP is not uniformly dispersed throughout each tissue, rather, it is distributed in an intracellular punctate pattern of reporter expression, indicating mitochondrial localization of the LET-721::GFP construct. To verify that the punctate pattern of expression was a consequence of mitochondrial localization, a GFP reporter strain lacking the mitochondrial localization sequence of LET-721 was examined. This transgenic strain contained a promoter::GFP fusion construct, using the same 5 gene-upstream non-coding region as the previous protein fusion (1,343 bp sequence upstream from the start codon of let-721), but lacking the protein coding sequence for let-721. The let-721-promoter::GFP (BC10569) construct drove expression of GFP in the same tissue types as the translational reporter fusion (pharynx, intestines, muscle, hypoderm, unassigned neurons and spermatheca). However, the let-721-promoter::GFP strain did not exhibit the punctate expression associated with mitochondrial localization, but rather a uniform distribution of fluorescence throughout cells with a concentration of signal localizing to the nucleus due to the influence of the 5' nuclear localization sequence. Along with similar intracellular patterns observed by another group's study of a different mitochondrial protein, the punctate pattern of expression is likely a consequence of the LET-721::GFP protein fusion localizing to the mitochondria.
This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope). pPCUbi6 containing animals show various degrees of gonad abnormality and produce few progeny.   Expr729 pPCubi3 Expression is observed in the intestine, nerve ring body muscle, hypodermis, pharynx, pharyngeal-intestinal valve, vulva and weak expression in the ventral nerve cord. No expression is seen in embryos. ppCubi6 Expression is observed at a higher level than pPCUbi3 animals. With additional expression seen in all somatic cells of gonad, including distal tip cells, sheath cells and cells of spermatheca and uterus. Also expression is seen throughout the embryos.  
    Expr13914 In both non-dauer and dauer animals, SQST-1::GFP is expressed in the pharynx/head, vulva, and tail.  
possibly other hypodermal cells are stained but not hyp7. Legacy Data: Author "Fidanza N" "Hilliard MA" "Bazzicalupo P". Date 1996-07. Sequence: C47G2. very similar but not identical patterns seen with constructs in which the promoter region extends more (up to 7000 bp) or less (900 bp) from the ATG   Expr86 Nuclear staining of about 60 cells at the end of dauer formation. Staining disappears several hours after the process is complete. All the seam cells stain and also hypodermal cells in the head and in the tail. The total number of cells shows some variability using promoters of different length. Positive identification of all cells is difficult because of poor fixation of dauers. Seam cells staining is consistent with location of CUT-1 in the cuticle in a ribbon underneath the alae and with immuno-EM pictures showing seam cells secreting CUT-1. Timing of expression consistent with northern, western, and immuno localization of CUT-1 in the cuticle.  
    Expr15773 Strong expression of TPS-1 occurred predominantly in the hypodermis, a tissue in which DAF-9 and STRM-1 are also expressed. Some expression was observed in a number of head neurons and in the isthmus of the pharynx, and no expression was seen in the intestinal cells.  
Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr2590 Animals expressing the daf-12::GFP construct display the highest levels of GFP throughout the procorpal region in the pharyngeal muscle (pm3) cells. GFP is also expressed throughout the metacorpus (pm4 cells) as well as the isthmus (pm5 cells) and portions of the terminal bulb (pm6). These transgenic animals appear to express GFP throughout the muscles of the pharynx and the pattern of expression is similar to uorescently labeled phalloidin which stains muscles in C. elegans. GFP orescence is detected in each developmental stage including dauer larvae. L2d animals, grown on pheromone plates, express GFP in the same cells, though it appeared brighter than animals of the other stages.  
    Expr14308 In dauer larvae, ckb-3p::mCherry::H2B expression is seen in all cells of the somatic gonad primordium and in only three other cells, tentatively identified as MS-derived pharyngeal muscle segment pm6 of the pharynx.  
    Expr11510 Adult animals also express str-2 weakly in both ASI neurons and Dauer larvae express str-2 strongly in the ASI neurons. In wild-type animals, str-2::gfp is expressed at high levels in one AWC neuron.  
    Expr1722 In well-fed larva and adults, str-2 was expressed strongly in the AWC neurons and weakly in the ASI neurons. In dauer larva, str-2 was expressed in ASI but not AWC neurons.  
    Expr1773 kin-29::GFP expression was primarily neuronal, with additional expression in body wall muscle and hypodermal cells. Expression persisted through all stages of postembryonic development. Among neuronal cells, kin-29 was expressed in multiple sensory neurons and interneurons in the lateral, anterior, and lumbar ganglia, as well as in motor neurons in the ventral motor cord. kin-29::GFP colocalizes with odr-1::RFP expression in both the AWB and AWC olfactory neurons. kin-29 was also expressed in the ASH, AFD, ASJ, AWA, ASK, ASG, and ASI sensory neurons. In addition, kin-29 was expressed in the AIY and AIZ interneurons. Additional kin-29-expressing cells were not identified definitively. KIN-29::GFP was localized cytoplasmically, and was excluded from the nuclei of most, if not all, cell types. KIN-29::GFP was localized cytoplasmically at all stages of development examined, including in dauer larvae. However, KIN-29::GFP was rapidly translocated to the nucleus upon heat shock, but not upon starvation for 18 hr, addition of dauer pheromone, or in a tph-1 mutant background, although transient nuclear localization in a subset of cell types cannot be ruled out. Heat shock-induced translocation was observed in most, if not all cells, including neurons, muscles, and hypodermal cells. Translocation was reversible; KIN-29::GFP was relocalized to the cytoplasm within an hour upon temperature downshift.
    Expr12757 sod-5 expression is upregulated in dauer larvae. In wild-type L3s, sod-5 gfp expression is largely restricted to the ASI, ASK, and ASG amphid neurons.  
    Expr10037 daf-37 is expressed in the ASI and ASK sensory neurons, in the IL-2 interneurons, and in the male-specific CEM neurons. DAF-37 is strongly expressed in L1 and L2 stages but is less abundant in the L3, L4, and adult stages. We also detected DAF-37 in dauer larvae, although the level of expression was lower than in any other stages. DAF-37 is localized to the cilia.
    Expr9193 Ins-6 expression is rare in non-neuronal tissues and restricted to the ASI neurons of well-fed larvae and adults. This is different from the previously described expression of ins-6 in many neurons (Pierce et al., 2001), including ASI, which was determined with a gfp or an mCherry transcriptional reporter fused only to the ins-6 upstream sequences. This suggests that sequences downstream of ins-6 contain element(s) that repress its expression in other cells. The switch into dauer arrest shifted the transcription of ins-6p::mCherry from ASI to ASJ. In addition, as the animals started to exit from dauer, ASJ expression of ins-6p::mCherry appeared to become stronger in response to the improved environment. The activation of ins-6 in the ASJ was also seen in worms carrying a transcriptional reporter fused only to the ins-6 upstream sequences.  

1 Followed By

Remark Definition Other Name Public Name Primary Identifier
  The fourth stage larva. At 25 Centigrade, it ranges 40-49.5 hours after fertilization, 26-35.5 hours after hatch. L4 larva Ce WBls:0000038

1 Preceded By

Remark Definition Other Name Public Name Primary Identifier
  The second stage larva. At 25 Centigrade, it ranges 25.5-32.5 hours after fertilization, 11.5-18.5 hours after hatch. L2 larva Ce WBls:0000027

0 Sub Stages