Picture: Figure 1B and 1C. |
In males, CaMKII is broadly expressed in excitable cells, including the spicule protractor and retractor muscles, SPC, and postcloacal sensilla neurons. |
Consistent with the previous report on the hermaphrodites' expression, we confirmed here that for both sexes, all three of pck-1-expressing reporters express in head and body wall muscles. However, we found that the reporters also express in ventral cord and preanal neurons and nerve ring neurons per side in the head. In the tail region, both larval males and larval/adult hermaphrodites express the transgenes in the dorsal rectal ganglion and three neurons per side in the tail. The adult male shows additional expression in sex-specific neurons of the ray, postcloacal, and spicule sensilla. None of the constructs promote expression in male or hermaphrodite sex muscles, intestine, or pharyngeal muscles. |
ADL, ASH, ASI (faint), ASJ, PHA, PHB, 1 or 2 pairs of p.c.s. neurons in the male tail ADL, ASH, ASI (faint), ASJ, PHA, PHB, 1 or 2 pairs of p.c.s. neurons in the male tail. |
Pnphp-1::GFP is expressed in both male and hermaphrodite. Pnphp-1::GFP is expressed in the amphid neurons in the head and the male-specific CEM neurons. Pnphp-1::GFP is also expressed in the male and hermaphrodite tail. Pnphp-1::GFP is expressed in the ADL amphid neurons, both pairs of phasmids, the male-specific HOB and RnB neurons, and a subset of the postcloacal sensillae neurons. |
In situ: Since multicopy transgene expression is silent in the C. elegans germline, Cecsb gene expression in the gonad was detected by in situ mRNA hybridization instead of GFP expression. The antisense cDNA probe of Cecsb stained the whole region of the gonad including oocytes, while the sense probe did not produce any signal. Reporter_gene Assay: GFP first appeared during the 50^100 cell stage and was detected throughout the embryonic development. GFP expression was also observed in all of the somatic cells up to the L3 larval stage. However, GFP expression was relatively stronger in pi and P lineage vulval cells at the L3 larval stage, where active cell division and dierentiation take place. At the L4 larval stage, GFP was relatively stronger in amphid and tail neurons, and vulva and somatic gonad cells than in other body regions. In adult hermaphrodites, the overall GFP expression weakened, but strong expression was still observed in intestine, head, and tail regions. In L4 and adult males, the tail region, including the spicule, protractor, and PC sensilla, showed intense fluorescence. |
Intestine; Body wall muscles; Pharynx muscles; Neurons: at least 12 pairs of neurons in the head lateral ganglia, 5 pairs of post- anal neurons, PDB, ventral nerve cord motor neurons. |
Pcdc-25.4::gfp was expressed in many neurons, including pharyngeal neurons, the ventral nerve cord, and tail neurons in both hermaphrodites and males. However, the signal was not detected in the dorsal nerve cord. Pcdc-25.4::gfp expression was also observed in pharyngeal muscles, the head ganglion, preanal ganglion, and lumbar ganglion. In particular, Pcdc-25.4::gfp was expressed in ray cell bodies, spicule neurons, hook neurons, and postcloacal sensilla neurons in male tails. cdc-25.4 was also expressed in germ cells, including oocytes and sperm. |
In addition to male sex muscles, EGL-2::YFP is also expressed on the cell bodies, neural processes, and sensory endings of the male ray, post-cloacal, and spicule sensory neurons. the protractor muscles' EGL-2::YFP levels also increased between 24 and 48 h in wild-type males. |
Endogenously tagged UNC-31 is expressed in major ganglia and nerve cords from late embryonic stages through to adult. We first detected expression in the nerve ring of threefold embryos just before hatching. In adults, strong fluorescence was maintained in the nerve ring, and expression was also detected in the ventral nerve cord (VNC) and dorsal nerve cord (DNC). In males, a similar expression pattern was observed, albeit with additional expression in the male-specific postcloacal sensilla. |