

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  The outlet of the excretory sinus to the exterior environment through the cuticle, on the ventral side of the head, just behind the nerve ring. Name  excretory pore
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0005778 Synonym  pore

0 Children

3 Expression Clusters

Regulated By Treatment Description Algorithm Primary Identifier
  Top 300 transcripts enriched in excretory duct, excretory pore according to single cell RNAseq. Top 300 enriched transcripts were determined by log2.ratio of the tpm in the cell type vs the tpm in the other cells * the log2 of the cell.type tpm. WBPaper00061340:Excretory_duct_and_pore
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 82_1 with unidentified tissue expression pattern. scVI 0.6.0 WBPaper00065841:82_1
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 82_0 with unidentified tissue expression pattern. scVI 0.6.0 WBPaper00065841:82_0

28 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
    Expr4344 qua-1pro::GFP was found to be expressed in the hypodermal cells covering the whole body from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail spike, but not in the lateral hypodermal cells, i.e., the seam cells. Furthermore, expression was seen in the excretory duct and pore cells from threefold stage embryos to adults. However, in adults the GFP intensity appears weaker than in larvae. In L1 larvae, qua-1 is expressed in two, sometimes four, cells of the anterior as well as the posterior of the intestine and a rectal epithelial cell. In addition, transient expression was observed in the P cells in L1 in the ventral side of the animal and in a few sensilla support cells in the head. In adults, qua-1pro::GFP is transiently expressed in a few cells in the head that remain to be identified.  
    Expr4430 Expressed in the excretory duct and pore cells.  
    Expr4432 Expressed in the excretory duct and pore cells.  
    Expr4429 Expressed in the hypodermis from embryo stage through adulthood. Expressed in the seam cells from embryo through adult. Expressed in the rectal epithelial cells from L1 and maintained through adulthood. Expressed in anterior and posterior arcades. Expressed in the excretory duct and pore cells.  
    Expr4458 Expressed in the excretory duct and pore cells. Expression shown in the intestine, usually stronger in the cells at the terminal regions.  
Picture: Figure 5a, 5b..   Expr8586 Transgenic C. elegans expressing the cuti-1::gfp translational transgene (WT030) displayed GFP expression in the developing hypodermis of mid- and late-stage embryos. GFP expression was also observed in the epithelia throughout development until the fourth-stage larva. At no time was GFP observed in adult stages. Expression was seen exclusively in the cytoplasm of the hypodermis, in the vulval and anal epithelium, and in the excretory pore. Strong expression was also observed in the seam cells and at the seam cell boundary. All of these tissues are covered by cuticle or involved in cuticle synthesis and secretion. Within the hypodermis, GFP expression was observed at small discrete points, possibly corresponding to vesicle-like structures.
    Expr16291   PTR- 4::SfGFP was not detected during the early part of embryogenesis but appeared by the twofold stage along the apical membranes of the epidermis, excretory duct and pore, and rectum. However, PTR-4 expression was transient and rapidly cleared prior to hatching. PTR-4 reappeared in the middle of each subsequent larval stage, during the time when precuticle is present. During L4 stage, the stage pre- ceding adulthood, PTR-4 was present on apical surfaces between the major epidermis (hyp7) and the lateral seam cells (Figure 5E), which secrete alae (as well as precuticle factors that are needed to shape alae; Lie ́geois et al. 2006; Kolotuev et al. 2009; Forman- Rubinsky et al. 2017; Cohen et al. 2019; Flatt et al. 2019). PTR-4 was also present along apical surfaces of the rectum and of some cells in the vulva, the tube through which eggs will be laid. As in embryogenesis, PTR-4 was transient and disappeared as the adult cuticle was made. Together, these observations demon- strate that PTR-4 is present on the apical surfaces of external epithelia during the time period when precuticle is present.
    Expr9995 vha-12 is broadly expressed in most, if not all, somatic cell-types in larvae and adults. Robust GFP expression is observed in the H-shaped excretory cell, the excretory pore, intestine, and hypodermal cells. GFP reporter expression is observed at low levels in muscle. Consistent with the uncoordinated phenotype, expression is observed in all neurons.  
    Expr9949 EGG-6::GFP was expressed in a subset of epithelial cells, including epidermal, vulval and rectal cells and the excretory duct and pore. EGG-6::GFP was also observed in some neurons. Expression began around the ventral enclosure stage of embryogenesis and continued through larval development, but then decreased in adulthood. Expression was absent from internal epithelia such as the gut and pharyngeal tubes. In almost all epithelia where it was expressed, EGG-6::GFP appeared strongly apically enriched. In the excretory duct and pore, EGG-6::GFP lined the luminal membrane. In the epidermis, it was distributed across the apical surfaces of most dorsal and ventral epidermal cells but was observed more weakly or variably in the lateral (seam) epidermis. The fusion was not strongly enriched at apical junctions based on co-visualization with DLG-1/Discs Large::mcherry. The fusion protein partially overlapped with but did not strongly colocalize with transepidermal intermediate filaments at hemidesmosomes. The fusion was present in many large puncta, potentially representing a vesicular compartment trafficking to or from the membrane.
Data observed from, atIs13, atEx32 and atEx35.   Expr970 In comma to 1.5-fold stage embryos, the nhr-25::GFP are expressed in the V cells, P cells and hyp7. Expression also observed in the head and tail hypodermal cells of embryos. The earliest expression is at ~250-300 min post fertilization. atEx32 and atEx35 L1 animals exhibited consistent reporter expression in the hyp7 and P cell nuclei. The P cell expression was very strong at hatching. GFP expression in the P cell and hyp7 decreased during mid-L1, but frequently increased late L1. At hatching no expression in observed in the V cells. In mid L1 the V cells divided and the anterior daughters begin to express GFP as they join the syncytium. Strong expression is also seen in the head and tail hypodermal nuclei of L1 larva. Expression in the hypodermal nuclei of older larva stages is similar to that in the L1. GFP expression decreases markedly in adults. GFP is also observed in other ectodermal cells. In L1, expression is observed in the G2(excretory pore) cell and in a cell tentatively identified as the W neuroblast. In older larva, expression continues in G2 but disappears in the W lineage once the cells divides to generate neurons. Beginning in L2, GFP is expressed in the region around the rectum. Expression is also occasionally observed in the anterior pharynx, in the nuclei with positions consistent with those of the pharyngeal epithelial cells. nuclei
Other Strain: OH14397   Expr14227 head neurons, pharynx, gut, PVT, sometimes VNC, duct cell, pore cell - Broad not very distinct expression, a bit variable  
    Expr14573 Both transcriptional reporters were broadly expressed in embryos and L1 larvae. Both reporters showed expression in the canal, duct, and pore of the excretory system and the seam cells of the epidermis, which sit under the alae and are presumed to secrete factors required for alae development, and in the rectum. The reporters were also active in a number of cells in the pharynx and near the nose tip, where dendrites are anchored. Although both reporters were active in L1 larvae, they were progressively fainter in subsequent larval stages and were not observed in adults.  
    Expr14574 Both transcriptional reporters were broadly expressed in embryos and L1 larvae. Both reporters showed expression in the canal, duct, and pore of the excretory system and the seam cells of the epidermis, which sit under the alae and are presumed to secrete factors required for alae development, and in the rectum. The reporters were also active in a number of cells in the pharynx and near the nose tip, where dendrites are anchored. Although both reporters were active in L1 larvae, they were progressively fainter in subsequent larval stages and were not observed in adults.  
    Expr3510 Pdaf-6GFP was expressed in the amphid sheath glia. Expression was also seen in amphid socket cells, the phasmid sensory organ sheath and socket cells, cells of the excretory system (the excretory canal, duct, pore, and gland cells), the vulval E and F cells, the K, K', F, and U rectal epithelial cells, and less frequently in posterior intestinal cells.  
    Expr3511   In the amphid, DAF-6::GFP fusion protein expression usually persisted only up to the L1 larval stage, and the protein localized to the region of the amphid channel formed by the sheath and socket cells. DAF-6::GFP also localized to the luminal surfaces of tubes generated by other cells expressing daf-6. As in the amphid, expression in the phasmid sheath and socket cells usually did not persist beyond the L1 larval stage. Expression in vulval cells was usually restricted to the L4 larval stage, after the cells were generated and during or shortly after the vulval lumen was generated. Expression in the rectum and excretory system was observed throughout embryogenesis and larval development, but usually not during adulthood. DAF-6::GFP protein was detected in punctate structures within the cytoplasm of expressing cells. This localization was best seen in the vulva and in the excretory canal cell. Thus, DAF-6 may localize to vesicles as well.
Picture: Figure 8.   Expr8580 Consistent lpr-1::GFP expression initiates immediately after the comma stage of embryogenesis and continues throughout the remainder of embryonic and larval development. At the three-fold stage of embryogenesis, lpr-1::GFP is expressed within both the excretory duct cell and pore cell, and in G2, which adopts excretory pore cell function later in development. Authors observed no expression within the excretory canal cell. lpr-1::GFP is also expressed in hyp7, seam cells, and P cells, all of which are epidermal cell types that surround the excretory system.  
Both cgt-1 and cgt-3 showed additional, non-overlapping, expression in some non-identified head cells. With the possible exception of a few amphid neurons, authors could not detect any expression of cgt-1 or cgt-3 in the nervous system. Picture: Fig. 6.   Expr8571 Both cgt-1::gfp and cgt-3::gfp were strongly expressed in pharyngeal muscles and in other pharyngeal cells, although their expression did not completely overlap. In addition, they showed strong expression in the pharyngeal intestinal valve (PIV), in the intestinal cells (particularly the most anterior and the most posterior), in the intestinal rectal valve (IRV), and in the three rectal gland cells (RGCs). cgt-1::gfp expressed in the excretory cell, excretory canals, duct cell and pore cell.  
Probably also expressed at postembryonic stages, but actual stages was not mentioned clearly in the paper.   Expr1627 MUA-3 also localizes to sites where other striated muscles make adhesive contact and transmit force across the hypodermis. These include the vulval muscles, the anal depressor muscle, and the junctions between anal sphincter muscle and rectal cuticle that cross the intestinal/rectal epithelium. MUA-3 localizes to several sites where non-muscle cells make tight transhypodermal contacts to the cuticle. It is present in thin longitudinal stripes where the touch neurons (ALM and PLM) compress the hypodermis to make close contact with the cuticle, and where the sensory dendrites of the amphid, phasmid, and IL neurons penetrate the hypodermis and cuticle to form externally exposed sensilla. MUA-3 also localizes to the excretory duct and pore cells, both of which contain a cuticle lined lumen. MUA-3 localizes to several sites where nonmuscle cells make tight transhypodermal contacts to the cuticle. It is present in thin longitudinal stripes where the touch neurons (ALM and PLM) compress the hypodermis to make close contact with the cuticle, and where the sensory dendrites of the amphid, phasmid, and IL neurons penetrate the hypodermis and cuticle to form externally exposed sensilla. MUA-3 also localizes to the excretory duct and pore cells, both of which contain a cuticle lined lumen. MUA-3 was not detected at the uterine seam, where the uterus makes indirect IF mediated contact to the cuticle via the seam cells, or in the pharynx, where IF bundles link the basal lamina to the lumenal cuticle. The major site of MUA-3 localization is the hypodermis at the sites of muscle contact. The immunofluorescence coincides with the extent of the body wall muscle bands and shows a repeating pattern of closely spaced circumferential stripes (~0.4 um periodicity) separated by an unstained gap (~0.2 um) in adults. Individual stripes are not uniformly stained, but rather composed of many individual spots and frequently contain a narrow central nonstaining region. Where neuronal processes interpose between hypodermis and basal lamina, MUA-3 is absent, resulting in stereotypical gaps. The MUA-3 localization pattern is virtually identical with those reported for MH4 and p70 (IF proteins) and MH46 (myotactin). During embryogenesis, MUA-3 is observed in 2-fold and older embryos.  
    Expr14485 lpr-3 was transcribed in external (cuticle secreting) epithelia, including the epidermis, excretory duct and pore cells, and vulva cells, as well as in the gut, but not in the excretory canal cell. Expression began prior to ventral enclosure and persisted throughout larval development, but then disappeared in adults.  
    Expr1096 In early embryos and until the lima bean stage, LET-413 was ubiquitously expressed. As development proceeds, expression became restricted to epithelial cells, and was stronger in the epidermis and the pharynx than in the intestine. Throughout larval development and in adults LET-413GFP was detected in epidermal seam cells, the pharynx, the rectum, the excretory pore, and more weakly in the intestine. Expression was also detected in epithelial tissues contributing to the reproductive system: the vulva, the uterus and the spermatheca. In addition to this epithelial expression, LET-413 was detected in the nerve ring. LET-413 is always associated with membranes. LET-413::GFP was uniformly localized along the basolateral membrane, but was not detected in the apical membrane in any epithelial tissue. Within the limits of resolution of confocal microscopy, the apical-most boundary of the LET-413 expression domain in the epidermis and the pharynx appeared to partially overlap with adherens junctions.
    Expr16382 A 2052 bp fragment of this gmap-2 promoter drives GFP expression only in specialized epithelial cells including seam cells, rectal epithelium, vulval epithelium, and excretory pore.  
Other Strain: OH14399   Expr14228 Seam cells, duct cell, pore cell, in animals that don't show bright seam cell expression I see a couple of head neurons.  
    Expr13979 DDO-3::mCherry was localized in the excretory pore cell, head tip cells, and hypodermal cells. On the other hand, DDO-3::mCherry was not localized in proximal gonadal sheath cells at any point during development, suggesting that DDO-3 is secreted from these cells in a SP-dependent manner. Interestingly, in the adult stage, DDO-3::mCherry was localized on the surface of the oocyte, which is surrounded by gonadal sheath cells, suggesting that DDO-3 produced in and secreted from proximal gonadal sheath cells is transferred to the oocyte surface. Furthermore, DDO-3::mCherry was also localized in the eggshell within the adult uterus, as well as in the uterine space, and it remained localized in the eggshell until hatching. In hermaphrodites, in addition to the excretory pore cell, head tip cells, hypodermal cells, oocyte surface, uterine space, and eggshell, DDO-3::mCherry was also present in coelomocytes from the late embryonic stage, and accumulated in vesicle-like structures at least from the adult stage.  
    Expr13980 In males, DDO-3::mCherry was localized in the excretory pore cell, head tip cells, hypodermal cells, seminal vesicle cells, tail cells, and spicule cells. By contrast, DDO-3::mCherry was also localized in the tail fan from the adult stage, suggesting that DDO-3 is secreted in a SP-dependent manner from the cells where it is produced and transferred to the tail fan. Interestingly, DDO-3::mCherry was localized in vesicle-like structures in the seminal vesicle, where spermatids are stored until ejaculation. Because the seminal vesicle is composed of 20 secretory cells, we presumed that DDO-3 was secreted from the seminal vesicle into the seminal fluid and transferred to the hermaphrodite during mating. To test this possibility, we examined the uteri of hermaphrodites just after mating with transgenic males carrying the ddo-3::mCherry reporter gene. DDO-3::mCherry was dispersed throughout the uterus, suggesting that DDO-3 is a seminal fluid protein. Taken together, these results are consistent with the idea that DDO-3 is secreted from the seminal vesicle into the seminal fluid in a SP-dependent manner, and then transferred to the hermaphrodite uterus through mating. This fusion protein was also present in coelomocytes of males. During larval stages L1 and L2, localization of DDO-3::mCherry outside coelomocytes was limited to the excretory pore cell, implying that DDO-3 expressed in excretory pore cells is secreted into the body fluid. Indeed, at least in the adult stage, DDO-3::mCherry in excretory pore cells was localized to vesicle-like structures.  
    Expr9281 glp-1p::GFP expression is observed near the excretory pore, anus, in vulval precursor cells, intestinal cells, and in a few head neurons that could not be identified due to low expression levels.  
    Expr13230 LPR-1 localizes to both intracellular and apical extracellular compartments. Secreted protein. When driven by the lpr-1 promoter, all fusions rescued lpr-1 lethality and were detected within the duct and pore cells and other external epithelia beginning at the 1.5-fold stage. The fusions were also secreted apically between the embryo and the eggshell and appeared enriched in or near the duct and pore lumens at the 3-fold stage.  
In general, the expression patterns found for the translational fusion constructs were similar to those reported above for the transcriptional fusions.   Expr2245 NHX-3 appeared to be associated with intracellular membranes. NHX-3::GFP expression was identical in both translational and transcriptional fusions and occurred primarily in the hypodermal cells of the main body syncytium; in addition, in adult animals the uterine cells in the region closest to the vulva were intensely labeled, as were the spermathecal junction cells. The uterine cells are likely ut1, a toroidal cell proximal to the vulva. In addition, labeling was detected in socket cells and the excretory pore cell. The fluorescent expression pattern resembled dots distributed randomly throughout the cells. Under maximum resolution, these structures were seen to be elliptical, with circumferential labeling. In contrast to the usual suspects (Golgi, endoplasmic reticulum, endosomes, or mitochondria) these dots may represent storage granules, because hypodermal cells function as a major storage depot for granules and lipid droplets. Alternatively, the structures could be one of two other organelles that are unique to hypodermal cells, multivesicular bodies, or Ward bodies, which presumably play roles in the hypodermis-specific functions of secretion of cuticle components or the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells.  
    Expr9948 LET-4::GFP was expressed in a subset of epithelial cells, including epidermal, vulval and rectal cells and the excretory duct and pore. Expression began around the ventral enclosure stage of embryogenesis and continued through larval development, but then decreased in adulthood. Expression was absent from internal epithelia such as the gut and pharyngeal tubes. LET-4::GFP was transiently expressed in the excretory canal cell at the 1.5-fold stage, but no longer visible in this cell by hatch. Notably, with the exception of the canal cell, the epithelia that expressed LET-4 were those that would eventually become cuticle-lined. In almost all epithelia where it was expressed, LET-4::GFP appeared strongly apically enriched. In the excretory duct and pore, LET-4::GFP lined the luminal membrane. In the epidermis, it was distributed across the apical surfaces of most dorsal and ventral epidermal cells but was observed more weakly or variably in the lateral (seam) epidermis. The fusion was not strongly enriched at apical junctions based on co-visualization with DLG-1/Discs Large::mcherry. The fusion protein partially overlapped with but did not strongly colocalize with transepidermal intermediate filaments at hemidesmosomes. The fusion was present in many large puncta, potentially representing a vesicular compartment trafficking to or from the membrane. Interestingly, the one exception to the apical localization of LET- 4::GFP was the excretory canal cell. At the 1.5-fold stage, when LET-4::GFP was transiently expressed in the canal cell, LET- 4::GFP localized uniformly around the plasma membrane and not to the developing internal lumen.

0 Life Stages

2 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
Excretory socket cell, links duct to hypodermis excretory socket cell exc socket WBbt:0004534
Anatomical structures that exist outside of cells; non-cellular. extracellular component   WBbt:0005732