

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  The components of the gonad that are separate from the germline proper. In hermaphrodite, these include five tissues which are all derived from the somatic primordium : the distal tip cells, the gonadal sheath, the spermatheca, the spermatheca-uterine valve (sp-ut) and the uterus. Name  somatic gonad
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0005785 Synonym  somatic germline

1 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
somatic (not germline) cell of the hermaphrodite gonad. hermaphrodite somatic gonadal cell   WBbt:0007815

0 Expression Clusters

77 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
No obvious difference in expression was observed between this particular mir-84::gfp fusion gene and one in which 8.1 kb of sequence upstream of mir-84 was fused to yellow fluorescent protein, kindly provided by A. Yoo and I. Greenwald.   Expr4327 Transgenic mgEx674[mir-84::gfp] animals expressed GFP in the lateral hypodermal seam cells and other cells. The mir-84::gfp reporter was expressed in seam cells during early larval stages in some transgenic animals, although expression was more prevalent in L3-stage and older animals.  
    Expr9674 Pprkl-1::GFP was only consistently detected in VC1-6 and the HSN neurons and a small subset of neurons in the head and ventral nerve cord. In non-neuronal tissue, prkl-1 promoter activity was detected in somatic gonad cells, uterine cells, distal tip cells, and vulval cells.  
    Expr9643 Analysis of GFP reporter constructs suggests fln-1a, and likely fln-1b, are predominantly expressed in the somatic gonad, including the spermatheca, sheath, and uterus. In contrast, the fln-1c construct is expressed in the body wall muscle, vulval muscle and hypodermis.  
    Expr12953 The ptb-1a promoter drove the expression in a small subset of neurons, including all the amphid sensory neurons, muscles and somatic gonadal cells. In the nervous system, the ptb-1a and ptb-1b promoters drove the expression in distinct but partially overlapping neuron classes, including ASE.  
    Expr9952 CCDC- 55::GFP is broadly expressed in larvae and adults. The ccdc-55 message is transcribed as part of a multi-gene operon, CEOP3156, with the predicted promoter 5' of rnf-121. It is likely the expression pattern seen in the rnf-121::GFP animals is relevant for ccdc-55, this includes muscle, seam, hypodermis, vulva and somatic gonad with prominent expression in the DTC. In C. elegans, genes contained in operons can also be expressed independently (Blumenthal and Gleason, 2003), so the rnf- 121-based expression pattern may not completely recapitulate the endogenous expression of ccdc-55. Animals expressing a CCDC-55::GFP fusion protein in the DTC under the control of the lag-2 promoter were generated. In these animals, it was observed a nuclear and cytoplasmic distribution of CCDC-55::GFP in the DTC. However, the CCDC-55 localization was predominantly nuclear.
    Expr10555 In WT animals, SID-5 was detected by immunohistochemistry in somatic cell types including intestine, muscle, neurons, somatic gonad, and embryos, but not in the germline. Transcriptional and translational sid-5 GFP reporters were expressed in most, if not all, somatic tissues. The translational fusion protein appeared to associate with membranes in the cytoplasm of intestinal cells. SID-5 associates, at least partially, with late endosomes.
    Expr12274 SWSN-9::GFP is expressed in many and perhaps all tissues, including neurons, somatic gonad, muscle, and intestine. SWSN-9::GFP is expressed in muscles and neurons throughout development and into adulthood. SWSN-9::GFP is expressed in many and perhaps all tissues, including neurons, somatic gonad, muscle, intestine, and pharynx. SWSN-9::GFP is expressed in muscles and neurons throughout development and into adulthood.  
The authors used Cas9 to fuse tdTomato to the clr-1 genomic locus, creating a C-terminal fusion protein. No allele name specified.   Expr13406 Endogenous CLR-1::tdTomato expression was observed in muscle and a variety of other cell types, including somatic gonad, hypodermis and neurons. In larval and adult body wall muscle, CLR-1 is expressed throughout the plasma membrane, called the sarcolemma, and in puncta within the muscle cytoplasm. We did not detect enrichment or absence at post-synaptic plasma membrane sites near the nerve cord, showing that CLR-1 is uniformly expressed.
    Expr15808 We observed tps-1p::gfp expression in most tissues, including neurons (with likely very high expression in the CAN neurons), somatic gonad, stomatointestinal, and anal depressor muscles, and weak expression in the intestine.  
    Expr15809 A translational tps-1::gfp reporter strain shows a similar pattern [Expr15808] but also contains expression in the body wall muscle cells and spermatheca.  
    Expr9672 In L4 larvae, vang-1 promoter activity was detected in many head and ventral cord neurons, some bilaterally located mid-body neurons including the HSNs, as well as non-neuronal tissue such as somatic gonad cells, uterine cells, vulval muscle and vulval epithelial cells. Co-expression with the VC1-6 specific reporter Plin-11::RFP revealed that the subset of ventral cord neurons expressing vang-1 includes all six VC neurons.  
    Expr9673 In L4 larvae, dsh-1 promoter activity was detected in many head and ventral cord neurons, some bilaterally located mid-body neurons including the HSNs, as well as non-neuronal tissue such as somatic gonad cells, uterine cells, vulval muscle and vulval epithelial cells. Co-expression with the VC1-6 specific reporter Plin-11::RFP revealed that the subset of ventral cord neurons expressing dsh-1 includes all six VC neurons.  
    Expr13965 alkb-8 is expressed ubiquitously in embryos from approximately the 40-cell stage throughout the embryonic development. The expression continued in L1 larvae, although it was necessary to use longer exposure time for its visualization in accordance with the decreased expression observed in L1 larvae in the RT-qPCR experiment. The cytoplasmic expression of the transgene was strong in neurons, pharyngeal and body wall muscles, and other tissues such as somatic gonad and the egg-laying apparatus. We also observed diffuse expression in intestinal cells.  
    Expr10663 During L1 diapause, Paak-2::aak-2::gfp was highly expressed in most tissues including the intestine, excretory canal, pharynx, somatic gonad, neurons, hypodermis, and body wall muscle.  
    Expr12748 RAB-6.1 is broadly expressed in most tissues, with a large degree of overlapping expression with RAB-6.2. RAB-6.1::GFP is highly expressed in body wall muscle, intestine, somatic gonad, distal tip cells, vulva, and neurons. RAB-6.1 is expressed in multiple GLR-1-expressing neurons, including AVB, AVD, RIG, and PVC, but not AVA or RMDV. RAB-6.1 colocalizes with RAB-6.2 at the Golgi in neurons. RAB-6.1 is localized to intestinal Golgi.
    Expr10775 SIR-2.3 was expressed ubiquitously in C. elegans and exhibited a particularly high expression in the pharynx and bodywall muscles. Strong SIR-2.3::GFP expression was detected in a subset of cells in the head which did not costain with the neuronal marker DiI. Further, the fusion protein was seen in somatic cells of the gonad. Expression of SIR-2.3::GFP started early in embryogenesis (approximately at the 100 cell stage). SIR-2.3 localized to mitochondria.
    Expr11020 Examination of transgenic animals bearing the transcriptional fusion revealed that pan- 1prom::GFP is expressed in most somatic tissues. Expression was observed in all developmental stages from embryos undergoing morphogenesis to gravid adults. pan- 1prom::GFP exhibited strong expression in body wall muscle, vulva, somatic gonad and pharynx. Expression was also observed in the nerve ring, hypodermis, and rectal epithelia. Expression in the intestine was typically not observed or very weak. With respect to spatial expression, the pattern of pan-1FL::GFP was the same as pan-1prom::GFP with some notable exceptions. First, PAN- 1FL::GFP exhibited differences in expression intensity depending on the developmental point within the intermolt period. PAN-1FL::GFP was substantially qualitatively brighter at the mid to late intervals of the intermolt. Early in the intermolt bright expression of PAN- 1FL::GFP was typically only observed in the pharynx. Expression was also weak in the adult with the pharynx being the predominant expressing tissue. The other difference with respect to expression is that PAN-1FL::GFP was observed in the intestine, especially when expression was bright towards the end of the molt. PAN-1FL::GFP exhibited a punctate localization in expressing cells. In the vulva and somatic gonad epithelia (spermatheca and uterus), these punctae were concentrated on the apical (luminal) surface of these cells. During embryonic pharyngeal development, PAN-1FL::GFP was found in the apical pharyngeal epithelium, as indicated by co-staining with the monoclonal antibody MH27 which recognizes the adherens junctions of epithelial cells. The localization in apical regions of epithelial cells is consistent with membrane association of the PAN-1B isoform. Additionally, immunolocalization data for PAN-1 indicate membrane association in intestinal cells. Cytoplasmic expression of GFP is also observed (likely corresponding to PAN-1A or PAN-1C); especially in the pharynx but also in other cell types. However, apparent cytoplasmic expression was not consistently observed indicating that some cell types may only express cytoplasmic isoforms of PAN-1 at certain developmental times.
Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr3097 K07C11.4::GFP was expressed from the stage of pharynx primordium formation to adulthood in the pharynx, midgut, and hindgut. K07C11.4::GFP was also active in the proximal somatic gonad of late larvae and adults.  
Temporal description   Expr11543 PHA-4 varies over development: At embryonic, L1, and L2 stages it is highly expressed in pharynx, head, and tail neurons,with weaker intestinal expression; while in adults, PHA-4 becomes detectable in the somatic gonad, weaker in the pharynx, and stronger in intestinal cells; moreover, in some cells, PHA-4 is not nuclear at this stage.  
    Expr12030 Both YFP::LNKN-1 and LNKN-1::YFP are similarly localized to the plasma membrane of many cells. LNKN-1 begins to be expressed in all somatic gonadal cells of the male, including the LC, the vas deferens precursor cells, and seminal vesicle precursor cells, starting in the early L3 stage and continuing through adulthood. It is also expressed in all somatic gonadal cells of the hermaphrodite, including the distal tip cells, anchor cell, uterine precursor cells, and spermatheca precursor cells. Other expression occurs in pharynx, pharyngeal-intestinal valve, intestine, excretory cell and canal, seam cells, a specialized subset of hypodermal cells, the vulval precursor cells of the hermaphrodite, and hook precursor cells in the male. YFP-tagged LNKN-1 is localized to the plasma membrane, exhibiting stronger localization to the sides of cell-cell contact in tissues such as the intestine, seam, and gonad.  
    Expr12708 The RPN-10::GFP fusion protein was expressed in multiple tissues with the strongest expression seen in the pharynx, intestine, hypodermis, and spermatheca. We also observed expression at lower levels in a broader expression pattern, including the excretory cell, body wall muscle, vulva, and somatic gonad, suggesting that the RPN-10 protein might be ubiquitously expressed. The RPN-10::GFP fusion protein is visible in both the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    Expr12709 The aip-1p::GFP reporter was expressed in the pharynx, hypodermis, excretory cell, body wall muscle, intestine, and somatic gonad.  
    Expr12856 Intestine, pharynx, excretory system, somatic gonad, spermatheca, hypodermis.  
    Expr9661 We observed during the L1 stage mab-10 transcripts in the anterior and posterior bulbs of the pharynx as well as a small number of transcripts throughout the hypoderm. L2-stage animals showed increased expression of mab-10 mRNA in hyp7 and the rectal epithelium in addition to the nerve ring and the ventral nerve cord, where several cells contained one or two transcripts. During the early L3 stage, mab-10 was weakly expressed in hyp7 but showed high expression in the vulval and uterine precursor cells. mab-10 mRNA was also present within the distal tip cells and a pair of bilaterally symmetric cells that we believe to be the CAN neurons, based on their position and neuronal nuclear morphology. By the late L3 stage, mab-10 expression was almost absent from hyp7 but was high in the seam cells, distal tip cells and developing vulva. mab-10 transcript was also detected in the gonadal sheath cells. During the L4 stage, mab-10 transcripts dramatically increased in abundance throughout the pharynx, hypoderm and somatic gonad, including the distal tip cells.  
    Expr13826 The zygotic div-1p::GFP was first detected at about the 80-cell stage in embryos and remained strongly expressed in dividing cells throughout the rest of embryogenesis. div-1p::GFP was also highly expressed in the pharynx and DTCs in early larval stages, in vulva precursor cells in L3, and in vulva precursor cells in L4 . Most strikingly, div-1p::GFP was strongly expressed in the somatic gonadal tissues, including gonadal sheath cells, spermatheca, and the vulva.  

0 Life Stages

2 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
organ producing either sperm or ova. gonad   WBbt:0005175
entity of anatomical origin that is either entirely acellular or is a collection of cells and acellular parts. Anatomy anatomical structure WBbt:0005766