

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  uterine-vulval cell, medial position of three ut cells. Name  uv2
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0006792

4 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apapaapa. Z4.apapaapa gon_herm_dut WBbt:0004075
Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z4.apaappap. Z4.apaappap gon_herm_dut WBbt:0004085
Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.pappaapa. Z1.pappaapa DE5pa WBbt:0004101
Dorsal uterus; cell of pedigree Z1.papappap. Z1.papappap DE4vd WBbt:0004113

2 Expression Clusters

Regulated By Treatment Description Algorithm Primary Identifier
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 11_1 expressed in epithelium. scVI 0.6.0 WBPaper00065841:11_1
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 11_2 expressed in epithelium. scVI 0.6.0 WBPaper00065841:11_2

10 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
    Expr4266 Reporter genes that begin at -3190, -2021, -1248, and -517 bp upstream of the ATG of this alternate first exon 1 were expressed in body wall muscle cells, neurons in the head, nerve ring, ventral and dorsal nerve cords, neurons, and some epidermal cells in the tail. Weaker expression was also observed in pharyngeal muscles. The expression from promoter 2 started in the embryos at the 1.5-fold stage and was continuous throughout development. Expression from this internal promoter element is observed in vulval cells at the L4 stage and in adult hermaphrodites, including the uterine vulval cells uv1, 2, 3, and surrounding epithelium.  
  [sek-1::gfp] translational fusion. Expr1960 Transgenic animals bearing the sek-1::gfp fusion exhibited fluorescence in excretory canal. rectal epithelial cells, uterine-vulval cells and several neurons.  
    Expr2276 Neuronal expression. In the L1 stage cog-1::gfp is expressed in amphid neurons ADL(L/R), ASE(L/R), and ASJ(L/R). One additional pair of head neurons expresses cog-1::gfp in the L1. This pair is located between the excretory cell and the excretory pore, and is probably either AIA(L/R), SMBD(L/R), SIAD(L/R), or SIAV(L/R). In the tail, phasmid neurons PHB(L/R) express cog-1::gfp. The expression in amphid and phasmid neurons persists to the adult. Additional unidentified cells in the preanal ganglion express cog-1::gfp in late larvae and adults. Other cells in the tail region. The sphincter muscle (mu_sph) and phasmid sheath cells (PHshL, PHshR) express cog-1::gfp in all stages examined. Uterine expression. In the hermaphrodite gonad, cog-1::gfp is expressed exclusively in the dorsal uterine lineage. During the L3 stage, GFP is in the central four great-granddaughters of DU cells (DE4/DE5; DE, dorsal eight). The expression apparently persists in DE4/DE5 descendants, du, uv2, and uv3, until the adult stage, DE2 and DE7 lineages in the dorsal uterus also express cog-1::gfp starting from the early L4 stage. In the late L4, cog-1::gfp in this region is observed exclusively in sujc cells. Each core is surrounded by the spermathecaluterine valve and appears to form a plug which blocks the uterine lumen from the spermathecal lumen. None of the cog-1::gfp fusions, including the rescuing construct, was ever observed to express in any ventral uterine cells, including the anchor cell. Thus, the function of cog-1 in the connection is believed to be a consequence of abnormal gene regulation in the vulva, although a function in the dorsal uterine cells have not been ruled out. Vulval expression. In the vulva, cog-1::gfp is expressed from early L4 to the adult. Cells that express are vulC [P5.ppa(l/r), P7.pap(l/r)], vulD (P5.ppp, P7.paa), vulE(P6.pppl, P6.pppr, P6.paal, P6.paar), and vulF (P6.ppal, P6.ppar, P6.papl, P6.papr). The expression is considerably brighter in vulC and vulD than in vulE and vulF. Occasionally, expression in vulB and vulA was observed. Male expression. The expression of cog-1::gfp in the male was scored mostly in animals containing an extrachromosomal array containing the SmaI insertion. cog-1::gfp is expressed during proctodeal development. eL.aav and eR.aav express cog-1. In addition, proctodeal cells B.pap and B.pppa express cog-1::gfp. Additional expressing cells observed in occasional males include: rep, and P11.pp progeny. No gonadal cells in the male, including the linker cell, expressed cog-1::gfp in any stage of development.  
    Expr9213 In embryos NCK-1A is expressed in neuroblasts in the anterior, lateral and posterior regions of the embryo. NCK-1A is also expressed in the hypodermal cells of the developing embryo. During the Larval stages, animals show NCK-1A expression in the head neurons, dorsal nerve cord (DNC), motor neurons in the ventral nerve cord and some tail neurons. In adult animals NCK-1A is expressed in the VC neurons, commissure neurons, head and tail neurons, SDQ neurons, mechanosensory neurons (PLM, PVM, and AVM), CAN neurons, HSN neurons, uterine-seam cell (utse), spermathecal-uterine junction (sujn), and excretory canal cell. NCK-1A is also expressed in uv2 and uv3 cells of the developing uterus. In males, NCK-1A is expressed in all the ray sub lineages and the adult male tail. NCK-1A promoter were expressed in head neurons, ventral and dorsal nerve cords, CANs, HSNs, the Q neuroblast descendants SDQs, mechanosensory neurons, hypodermal cells and the spermathecal-uterine junction. The NCK-1A isoform was expressed exclusively in the motor neurons and VC neuronal cell bodies, the excretory canal cell, uterus (utse, uv2 and uv3 cells), the ray sub lineage and male tail. NCK-1A is predominantly localized to the cytoplasm.
Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr1317 The expression of lim-6 in all neurons continues throughout adulthood. The expression of lim-6 in the uterus is dynamic. lim-6 reporter gene constructs (lim-6prom::GFP, lim-6up::GFP, lim-6r::GFP) start to be expressed in two uterine cells during the late L3/early L4 stage and the expression widens during the L4 stage to include the uv2 and uv3 cells, several uterine toroid (ut) cells, which form the lumen of the uterus and at least one cell type (sujn) of the spermatheca-uterine junction. Occasionally, weaker and less consistent expression can be observed in some cells of the distal side of the spermatheca, which connect the spermatheca to the rest of the somatic gonad. The lim-6r::GFP fusion gene reveals expression in restricted set of neurons, epithelial cells of the uterus and the excretory system. Reporter gene expression in the nervous system begins late in embryogenesis at about 300 minutes of development, which is after these neurons have been generated and while they initiate neurite outgrowth. After hatching, lim-6r::GFP is expressed in one chemosensory neuron, ASEL, and in eight inter- and motorneurons. Most of these neurons are GABAergic, namely RMEL/R, AVL, RIS and DVB. RMEL/R, AVL and DVB are motorneurons, whereas RIS is an interneuron. The other three neurons, PVT and RIGL/R, express the neuropeptide FMRFamide.  
    Expr1901 The distribution of signal in transgenic worms was unique and highly restricted with respect to tissue and/or stage of development but did not correspond to the descendants of a particular branch of the cell lineage. Fluorescence was first detectable at the comma stage in cells that divided and appeared to migrate during the 2-fold and 3-fold stages. Neuronal staining was obvious from L1 onward and by early L4 was seen to occur in both the dorsal and ventral nerve chords. During this stage, a strong signal was noted in the developing vulva (most likely the vulE and/or vulF cells). By late L4 an intense GFP signal in the spermathecal valve as well as other vulval and/or uterine structures was evident. Expression in the uv1 and uv2 cells was suggested by the pattern of fluorescence around the vulva. However, the nuclear-localized reporter construct stained more nuclei than can be accounted for by expression in these cells alone. With this construct, nuclear localized signal was observed in all four nuclei of the syncytial spermathecal valve cell. Although GFP fluorescence was seen to be strongest in the late L4 and early adult for the spermathecal valve and vulval/uterine structures previously noted, it was seen to persist throughout adulthood. The M8 cell of the terminal bulb of the pharynx, all six cells of the pharyngeal-intestinal valve, and neuronal cell bodies within the metacorpus and around the isthmus of the pharynx also expressed gly-2p::GFP. At least 37 neurons with cell bodies lying next to the ventral nerve chord were positive for gly-2-directed reporter expression in the adult hermaphrodite, although with widely varying levels of staining. There was also GFP fluorescence present in other neurons associated with the preanal, dorso-rectal, and/or lumbar ganglia. In adult males, expression was similar in non-sexually dimorphic tissues and was also observed in axons that project into rays 2, 3, 5, 6, and either 8 or 9 of the copulatory bursa.  
Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr3225 LEV-8 is first detected in L1 animals in a single pair of neurons in the head, approximately midway along the isthmus. It is also expressed in the PVT interneuron situated in the lumbar ganglion, at the rear of the animal. By L4, LEV-8 is expressed in all six DD motor neurons in the ventral nerve cord. As well as expression in several neuronal cell types, LEV-8 is expressed in body wall and in uterine muscles UV1 and UV2. Expression in the body wall was strongest anteriorly, which accords with the higher level of resistance exhibited by the head muscles of lev-8(x15) mutant worms. In the adult worm, LEV-8 is expressed in many neurons in the anterior nervous system. One of the more prominent of these is a single cell in the dorsal ganglion, ALA. LEV-8 is expressed in the IL and OL socket cells but not the neurons themselves.  
Picture: Fig 6, Fig 7.   Expr8859 Both smf-1::GFP and SMF-1::GFP were prominently expressed in the anterior and posterior intestine and associated gland cells. A strong expression was observed in the anchor cell (AC) during larval life and in the adult proximal uterus resulting from the fusion of AC with uv1, uv2 and utse cells. GFP signal was also consistently seen in the adult spermatheca. Fainter expression was observed in the major epidermis hyp7, in the pharyngeal muscles, and in a subset of anterior sensory neurons, ring neurons, and posterior-head neurons. The GFP signal was detected from late embryogenesis to adult stage, with generally higher expression levels in young larvae (L1 stage). SMF-1::GFP and SMF-3::GFP were localized at the apical plasma membrane in all epithelia in which they were expressed.
    Expr2419 In all adult and larval stages fluorescence was observed in the amphid and phasmid sensory neurons, as well as the neuronal processes extending to the nerve ring and preanal ganglion. Transient expression was also observed in the mid-ventral region of younger animals up to L2 stage corresponding to the location of the gonadal primordium. Weak fluorescence was also seen in intestinal and hypodermal regions of larval and adult stages and uv cells connecting the uterus and vulva. In addition, diffuse early embryonic expression was seen in all lines. neuronal processes
    Expr2768 GFP-dependent fluorescence is observed organized into thin, circumferentially oriented stripes in regions of the hypodermis adjacent to muscle. This distribution is similar to that of hemidesmosome-associated cIFs. Furthermore, confocal microscopy shows that MUA-6/IFA-2::GFP codistributes with myotactin, a protein that colocalizes with hemidesmosome-associated intermediate filaments in the hypodermis of wild-type animals. MUA-6/IFA-2::GFP is also found in thin longitudinal stripes where the mechanosensory neurons interface with the hypodermis, a region of the hypodermis also shown to contain hemidesmosomes. Finally, MUA-6/IFA-2::GFP localizes to the uterine seam and prominent fibers are visualized within the uterinevulval cells. The MUA-6/IFA-2::GFP fusion protein can already be detected in embryos that are just starting to elongate. This stage is before hemidesmosome-associated intermediate filaments are recruited to regions of the hypodermis adjacent to muscle. By the three-fold stage of embryogenesis, the MUA-6/IFA-2::GFP fusion protein is detected in a pattern that is consistent with its becoming associated with hemidesmosomes. Associated with hemidesmosomes.

0 Life Stages

1 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
monoucleate interfacial cell between the uterus and vulva (uv1-uv3), four sets total (L/R, A/P) uterine-vulval cell uv cell WBbt:0006790