Reporter genes that begin at -3190, -2021, -1248, and -517 bp upstream of the ATG of this alternate first exon 1 were expressed in body wall muscle cells, neurons in the head, nerve ring, ventral and dorsal nerve cords, neurons, and some epidermal cells in the tail. Weaker expression was also observed in pharyngeal muscles. The expression from promoter 2 started in the embryos at the 1.5-fold stage and was continuous throughout development. Expression from this internal promoter element is observed in vulval cells at the L4 stage and in adult hermaphrodites, including the uterine vulval cells uv1, 2, 3, and surrounding epithelium. |
More detailed studies are required to identify the cellular domains in which STIM-1::GFP is expressed. It should be noted here that the absence of detectable STIM-1::GFP expression in tissues other than those shown does not rule out a functional role for STIM-1 in other cell types. The 1.9-kb stim-1 promoter used in these studies may lack regulatory information required for cell-specific expression. In addition, STIM-1::GFP expression levels may be below detection levels in other tissues. More definitive identification of STIM-1 expression sites awaits the development of suitable antibodies for immunolocalization. |
Prominent expression of STIM-1::GFP was detected in the spermatheca, gonad sheath cells, the intestine, and neurons in the head. Expression was also detected in uterine epithelial cells. STIM-1::GFP-expressing head neurons are likely amphid and/or inner labial (IL) neurons. Expression of STIM-1::GFP in the intestine was heterogeneous. The anterior and posterior intestine expressed the reporter very strongly while expression was weaker in the midsection. |
Intestinal STIM-1::GFP appeared to be localized to membrane and submembrane regions. Confocal Z-sections also revealed a prominent punctate localization in the anterior intestine and sheath cells. STIM-1::GFP expression showed a striking localization to a reticular structure in the posterior intestine. This reticular structure resembles the ER of C. elegans intestinal cells. |
Transgenic animals expressing GFP under the control of the zfp-2 promoter showed fluorescence in vulval cells and all somatic gonad structures such as spermatheca, sheath cells, uterine cells and distal tip cells (DTCs). |
New Anatomy_term: male hook precursors (L1-L4). Picture: Figure S3A. |
Marker for VPC daughters and granddaughters. Expressed in P cells (L1), QL and QR cells (L1-L2), somatic gonadal precursor (L1), V cells (L1), B cell (L1), T cell (L1), ventral cord neurons (L1-L4), Pn.ps (L1-late L2), Pn.pxx (mid L3), male hook precursors (L1-L4), DTCs (L2-L3), vulval cells (L3-L4), uterine cells (L4), vulval muscle (adult), many unidentified cells in head (all), many unidentified cells in tail (all) |
Picture: Fig 2, Fig 3G, 3H. |
This transcriptional gap-3 reporter was expressed throughout C. elegans development and first detected in ball stage embryos. At the 1.5-fold stage, the GFP signal was observed mainly in hypodermal cells, and expression persisted throughout larval development until adulthood. Furthermore, the gap-3 reporter was expressed in some head neurons, in the spermatheca, in the seam cells, in the body wall muscles, and in the sex muscles of the adult hermaphrodite. Expression was also observed in some uterine cells but authors did not detect a GFP signal in the vulval cells, the excretory duct cell or the P12.p cell at any developmental stage. |
In six comma-stage embryos, an average of 80.5 ( 2.5 s.d.) PHA-4-staining pharyngeal nuclei were counted by confocal microscopy (maximum count = 85). Analysis of later stage animals shows clearly that all six cells of the pharyngeal-intestinal valve contain PHA-4 protein. Thus the total number of potentially staining nuclei (pharynx + valve) should be equal to 86. all cells of the pharyngeal primordium (+ valve) contain the nuclear factor PHA-4. The same embryos also show nuclear PHA-4 in 6-8 rectal cells, including the two rectal valve cells and the three rectal epithelial cells. At the lima bean and comma stages of embryogenesis, a low but significant level of PHA-4 can be detected in the gut. pha-4 gene is expressed in pharyngeal precursor cells well before the formation of the pharynx primordium. PHA-4 can be detected immunologically in most but not all nuclei of the larval and adult pharynx. PHA-4 is detected in nuclei of all epithelial cells, muscle cells, marginal cells, gland cells and pharyngeal intestinal valve cells, but is detected only in about 8 of 19 neuronal nuclei. PHA-4 is also detected in one (comma stage) to several (pretzel stage and later) head cells outside of the pharynx. PHA-4 can also be detected in nuclei of the developing somatic gonad, including the distal tip cell and ventral uterine cells. |
nuclear |
IFB-1BDGFP data were collected using the pCZ482 extrachromosomal array juEx595. |
IFB-1ADGFP was first detected in epidermal cells at the enclosure stage of embryogenesis. By the 1.5-fold stage, IFB-1ADGFP began to accumulate in regions of epidermal cells adjacent to body wall muscles. In addition to epidermal and pharyngeal expression, both IFB-1 isoforms were expressed in other cell types. Both isoforms were localized to the processes of the excretory cell and the excretory duct. IFB-1B, but not IFB-1A, transgenes were highly expressed in the uterine epithelium. Prominent expression of IFB-1 isoforms was also observed in the pharynx. Both IFB-1A and IFB-1B are expressed in marginal cells of the pharynx. IFB-1BDGFP transgenes were expressed throughout the length of the pharynx, whereas IFB-1ADGFP transgenes were expressed in a subset of pharyngeal marginal cells. In pharyngeal marginal and muscle cells, Myotactin is localized basally, whereas IFB-1ADGFP and IFB-1BDGFP were distributed throughout the apicalbasal axis. These data confirm previous reports of anti-IFB-1 staining in pharyngeal marginal cells. |
In embryos after the 2-fold stage, larvae, and adults, IFB-1ADGFP localized to circumferential stripes in the parts of the epidermis that contact body wall muscles and in double tracks corresponding to epidermis overlying the processes of mechanosensory neurons; these patterns of subcellular localization correspond to epidermal attachment structures, also known as fibrous organelles. IFB-1BDGFP was also expressed in the epidermis in a pattern indistinguishable from that of IFB-1A. Thus, both isoforms of IFB-1 are expressed in the epidermis and localized to the same subcellular compartments. The monoclonal antibody MH4 recognizes an epitope common to IFA-1, IFA-2, and IFA-3, and does not recognize IFB-1. MH4 staining and IFB-1ADGFP expression co-localized in both embryonic and adult epidermal cells. In the adult epidermis, IFB-1ADGFP partly co-localized with Myotactin, a transmembrane protein that localizes to or close to the basal parts of epidermal attachments. |
Picture: Fig 3, Fig S2. |
Nuclear expression of VRK-1::GFP was observed in neurons and hypodermal cells in the head, VNC and tail of C. elegans larvae. Strong expression was also detected in all VPCs. At the L3 larval stage expression was highest in the primary fated vulva cell P6.p and its descendants. At L4 stage, VRK-1::GFP was expressed at equal levels in all 22 nuclei. One of the two transgenic strains showed additional but very weak VRK-1::GFP expression in some uterine cells. Expression was never observed in the AC with any of the two strains. |
During division of VPCs, VRK-1::GFP was nuclear during interphase but relocated to the nuclear periphery immediately before cell division. During mitosis the protein was bound to chromatin. |
Integrated transgenic line not described in the article. |
When transgenic animals carrying pTG96 on an extrachromosomal array (kuEx75) were examined, the fusion protein, as judged by fluorescence of GFP, was observed tightly localized to the nuclei of most cells. SUR-5 appeared to be expressed in the VPCs. Cell types that express this fusion protein include neurons, hypodermis, Pn.p cells, body muscles, many cells of the pharynx, and a few cells of the somatic gonads. Cells that do not display the fluorescence include B, F, K , K.a, K.p, hyp3, the germ line, and the excretory duct cells. In nonmosaic animals, the intensity varies among the cells. The intestinal cells and excretory cells are almost always very bright, whereas neurons are almost always fainter. Uterine cells and many of the cells derived from the M cell are very faint and often difficult to see. The SUR-5GFP fusion proteins are expressed in all stages of C. elegans development. The earliest expression is at the 100- to 150-cell embryonic stage, and the fusion proteins are expressed throughout development from that stage on. The same expression pattern is seen when this array is integrated into one of the chromosomes. pTG96_1 is still localized in the nuclei of most cells. The expression pattern is the same as that seen from the array containing pTG96 (with NLS), but the nuclear localization is not as tight, and there appears to be some diffusion of SUR-5GFP proteins from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. |
Both constructs are expressed in nuclei; and a relatively small amount of SUR-5GFP fusion protein from pTG96_1 is detected in cytoplasm. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
The reporter gene for nhr-69 is strongly expressed in the gut and hypodermis at all stages. In late L4 and adult, the nhr-69DGFP is expressed in uterine cells and some nhr-69DGFP transgenic animals also expressed GFP in the rectal epithelia and the posterior pharynx. |
Significant amount of annexin was found in the pharynx, the uterine wall, the vulva, and the spermathecal valves. The intense staining of the uterine wall was seen either as an outline around the eggs in the gravid adults or as intense staining of the entire uterus and vulva in young adults that did not have eggs. The staining of spermathecal valves was most apparent in the case of uteri which had fallen out of adults during the staining procedure. The intensely staining valves were seen at the two ends of the uteri. The staining in the pharynx was of greatest intensity within the terminal bulb in the region of the grinder and the gland cells at the back of the bulb. Additional staining was seen along the length of the pharynx. |
SQV-4 Abs stained the cytoplasm of many cells, including (but not limited to) oocytes and vulval cells, as well as uterine, seam, pharyngeal, and spermathecal cells. During the early L4 stage, 10 of the 22 vulval nuclei were in cells with dramatically increased expression of SQV-4. These 10 nuclei are the six inner nuclei of the P5.p and P7.p descendants and the four outer nuclei of the P6.p descendants. During the mid-late L4 stage and thereafter, cells containing the inner four nuclei of the P6.p descendants also increased SQV-4 expression, bringing the total of vulval nuclei that highly expressed SQV-4 to 14. Thus, the 22 vulval nuclei define three classes based on the levels and timing of SQV-4 expression. |
cytoplasm |
Picture: Figure 7. |
f14d12.6::gfp fluorescence was observed in a number of sensory neurons, including the ASHs, as well as a subset of head and tail neurons, the spermatheca and uterine toroid cells. |
reference is Labouesse et al. Development 122, 2579-2588 (1996). wild type strains. Legacy Data: Author "Labouesse M" "den Boer BGW". Date 1996-08. Sequence: Z32673. |
All hypodermal cells in embryos, larvae and adults. Also neuron associated support cells (socket and sheath) and somatic gonad. In young L1 in the somatic gonad (Z1+Z4), in L2 expression is seen weakly in all somatic gonad cells except dtc and in adults and L4 expression is present in the uterine cells. |
Authors established that itr-1 has three promoters responsible for differential tissue expression. |
Expression of pC is observed in the intestine, pharyngeal isthmus and spermathecal (Sp) valve, uterine sheath cells and spermatheca. |
Data modified according to Shawn Lockery's expression pattern curations. |
Expressed in numerous additional sensory neurons other than AWA, OLQ, ADL, including the OLQ and IL2 neurons in the anterior ganglion, the AWA, AWC, ASE, ADF, ASG, ASH, ASI, ASJ, ASK, and ADL neurons in the amphid sensory structure, the FLP and PVD neurons in the body, and the PHA and PHB neurons in the phasmid sensory structure. osm-9::GFP5 was also expressed in the non-neuronal rectal gland cells and in a few cells in the ventral uterine region. |
Expression of lin-11::GFP is first observed after the time when most postmitotic neurons are born (at approx. 300 minutes postfertilization). In larvae, the LIN-11::GFP fusion protein is localized to the nuclei of multiple neurons in the head and lumbar ganglia. In addition, lin-11 expression is observed in uterine and vulval cells, as well as in the VC motor neurons. In the lumbar ganglia, lin-11 expression is observed in the PVPL/R and PVQ neurons, and in an additional unpaired neuron identified as DVC or DVA. In contrast to shorter lin-11::GFP fusion genes, the rescuing lin-11::GFP fusion gene is not expressed in the PHA sensory neurons. In the head, lin-11 expression was observed in the sensory neurons ADF and ADL, in the interneurons AIZ, RIC and AVG, and in another neuron type tentatively identified as either AVH or AVJ. However, expression in a number of additional neurons was also observed using the full-length lin-11::GFP fusion gene. lin-11 expression was observed in the AVA and AVE interneurons. Faint and occasional expression was also detected in the ASH polymodal sensory neurons. lin-11 expression was observed in the AWA neurons in embryos and young larvae, but not in later stages. Expression of lin-11 in the AWA neurons is observed consistently in three-fold embryos, where expression of lin-11 overlaps with that of ODR-7 (32/32 AWA neurons examined). Expression decreases by hatching such that in L1 larvae, expression in the AWA neurons is fainter and observed only occasionally, and is absent in later larvae and adults. lin-11 expression was also observed strongly and consistently in the ASG chemosensory neurons. Expression in the ASG neurons is observed throughout postembryonic development. lin-11 expression was also detected in a few other non-sensory neurons in the head and tail that were not identified definitively. |
Expressed in nuclei of multiple neurons in the head and lumbar ganglia. |
[dcar-1::GFP] transcriptional fusion. The dcar-1 (C06H5.7) genomic region was prepared using internal primers from cosmid E01B7. For the dcar-1::GFP fusion, 4 kb of sequence upstream of the dcar-1 gene as well as DNA encoding of the first 150 aa of the predicted DCAR-1 protein were amplified by PCR and subcloned into the pPD95.77 vector in-frame with GFP. |
In transgenic animals, dcar-1::GFP was expressed in some sensory neurons and in some non-neuronal cells. In sensory neurons, dcar-1::GFP was expressed in several amphid chemosensory neurons including the ASH neurons. dcar-1::GFP was also expressed in the ASI sensory neurons, the uv1 neuroendocrine cells, the uterine toroid cells, and the PVQ interneurons. |
Expression of the reporter is first detected in embryos at around the 50-cell stage in 23 cells and widens during embryonic development. At the comma stage, expression is seen in a set of cells whose position is consistent with neuroblasts in the tail as well as in the head where they form a ring-like structure. In larval stages and throughout adult stages, expression is largely restricted to a set of neurons in several head ganglia (AIY, AIZ, RID, M5, ASI, and subsets of labial sensory neurons), motor neurons in the ventral nerve cord, neurons in the midbody region (HSN, CAN, and PVM) and in the tail ganglia (DVB, DVC, and PDB). Consistent nonneuronal expression could be observed in the excretory cell and uterine cells. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
The expression of lim-6 in all neurons continues throughout adulthood. The expression of lim-6 in the uterus is dynamic. lim-6 reporter gene constructs (lim-6prom::GFP, lim-6up::GFP, lim-6r::GFP) start to be expressed in two uterine cells during the late L3/early L4 stage and the expression widens during the L4 stage to include the uv2 and uv3 cells, several uterine toroid (ut) cells, which form the lumen of the uterus and at least one cell type (sujn) of the spermatheca-uterine junction. Occasionally, weaker and less consistent expression can be observed in some cells of the distal side of the spermatheca, which connect the spermatheca to the rest of the somatic gonad. The lim-6r::GFP fusion gene reveals expression in restricted set of neurons, epithelial cells of the uterus and the excretory system. Reporter gene expression in the nervous system begins late in embryogenesis at about 300 minutes of development, which is after these neurons have been generated and while they initiate neurite outgrowth. After hatching, lim-6r::GFP is expressed in one chemosensory neuron, ASEL, and in eight inter- and motorneurons. Most of these neurons are GABAergic, namely RMEL/R, AVL, RIS and DVB. RMEL/R, AVL and DVB are motorneurons, whereas RIS is an interneuron. The other three neurons, PVT and RIGL/R, express the neuropeptide FMRFamide. |
200- to 260-min-old embryos (Author) = late cleavage stage embryo (curator). |
ldb-1b::gfp is expressed throughout the nervous system in larvae and in adults. Moreover it is expressed in developing and adult vulval cells and in adjacent developing and adult uterine cells. In adult male animals, all the neurons of the tail region also express ldb-1b::gfp. Expression analysis of the construct ldb-1a::gfp revealed a temporal and spatial overlapping expression pattern with ldb-1b::gfp. Additional expression is seen in all gonadal sheath cells and adult dorsal body muscle cells and vulval muscles. Embryonic expression of ldb-1 was detected first in 200- to 260-min-old embryos, in which all but the hyp-7 cells express the gfp construct. This ubiquitous expression becomes more restricted to the anterior, ventral, and posterior part in the comma stage embryo, in which all the cells but hyp-7 and the gut express the construct. |
No detailed description on expression pattern in other tissue or life stages.. Picture: Fig 1L, Fig 3. |
Expressed in Z1/Z4 at L1 stage. Expressed in somatic primodium at L2 stage. Expressed in spermathecal/sheath lineage, VU/DU, AC and DTC at L3 stage. Expressed in uterine epithelium and spermathecal epithelium at L4 stage. |
No detailed description on expression pattern in other tissue or life stages.. Picture: Fig 1K, Fig 3. |
Expressed in Z1/Z4 at L1 stage. Expressed in spermathecal/sheath lineage, VU/DU, AC and DTC at L3 stage. Expressed in uterine epithelium and spermathecal epithelium at L4 stage. |
No detailed description on expression pattern in other tissue or life stages.. Picture: N.A. |
Expressed in spermathecal/sheath lineage at L3 stage. Expressed in uterine epithelium and spermathecal epithelium at L4 stage. |
No detailed description on expression pattern in other tissue or life stages.. Picture: N.A. |
Expressed in DTC at L3 stage. Expressed in uterine epithelium at L4 stage. |
No detailed description on expression pattern in other tissue or life stages.. Picture: Fig 1K, Fig 3. |
Expressed in somatic primodium at L2 stage. Expressed in VU/DU, AC and DTC at L3 stage. Expressed in uterine epithelium and spermathecal epithelium at L4 stage. |
No detailed description on expression pattern in other tissue or life stages.. Picture: N.A. |
Expressed in uterine epithelium and spermathecal epithelium at L4 stage. |
No detailed description on expression pattern in other tissue or life stages.. Picture: Fig 1K, Fig 3. |
Expressed in AC and DTC at L3 stage. Expressed in uterine epithelium and spermathecal epithelium at L4 stage. |
No detailed description on expression pattern in other tissue or life stages.. Picture: Fig 3. |
Expressed in somatic primodium at L2 stage. Expressed in VU/DU and AC at L3 stage. Expressed in uterine epithelium and spermathecal epithelium at L4 stage. |