

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  neuron type, member of a set of 12 neurons of the inner labial sensilla. Name  inner labial neuron
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0005117 Synonym  IL neuron

2 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
Neuron class of six ciliated neurons with striated rootlets, each of which is one of two component neurons of the inner labial sensilla. IL1 neuron   WBbt:0005119
Neuron class of six ciliated neurons, each of which is one of the two component neurons of the six inner labial sensilla. IL2 neuron   WBbt:0005118

0 Expression Clusters

78 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
More detailed studies are required to identify the cellular domains in which STIM-1::GFP is expressed. It should be noted here that the absence of detectable STIM-1::GFP expression in tissues other than those shown does not rule out a functional role for STIM-1 in other cell types. The 1.9-kb stim-1 promoter used in these studies may lack regulatory information required for cell-specific expression. In addition, STIM-1::GFP expression levels may be below detection levels in other tissues. More definitive identification of STIM-1 expression sites awaits the development of suitable antibodies for immunolocalization.   Expr4260 Prominent expression of STIM-1::GFP was detected in the spermatheca, gonad sheath cells, the intestine, and neurons in the head. Expression was also detected in uterine epithelial cells. STIM-1::GFP-expressing head neurons are likely amphid and/or inner labial (IL) neurons. Expression of STIM-1::GFP in the intestine was heterogeneous. The anterior and posterior intestine expressed the reporter very strongly while expression was weaker in the midsection. Intestinal STIM-1::GFP appeared to be localized to membrane and submembrane regions. Confocal Z-sections also revealed a prominent punctate localization in the anterior intestine and sheath cells. STIM-1::GFP expression showed a striking localization to a reticular structure in the posterior intestine. This reticular structure resembles the ER of C. elegans intestinal cells.
    Expr4591 The full-length dyf-5::gfp construct showed weak GFP expression in many neurons in the head, including amphid and labial sensory neurons and three pairs of neurons in the tail, including the phasmid sensory neurons. In addition, expression was observed in many cells in the male tail. This DYF-5::GFP fusion could be detected uniformly in axons, cell bodies, and dendrites. In addition, authors observed strong fluorescence at the transition zones, which connect the cilia with the dendrites, and weak fluorescence uniformly in the cilia.
    Expr4592 The full-length dyf-5::gfp construct (see Expr4591) showed weak GFP expression in many neurons in the head, including amphid and labial sensory neurons and three pairs of neurons in the tail, including the phasmid sensory neurons. In addition, expression was observed in many cells in the male tail. The dyf-5ex4::gfp fusion construct essentially showed the same dyf-5 expression pattern, albeit stronger and more restricted to the cell bodies. In addition, DYF-5ex4::GFP could be detected in the CAN cells, neurons associated with the excretory canal and in a pair of neurons in the posterior lateral ganglion. This DYF-5::GFP fusion could be detected uniformly in axons, cell bodies, and dendrites. In addition, authors observed strong fluorescence at the transition zones, which connect the cilia with the dendrites, and weak fluorescence uniformly in the cilia.
sin-3 = pqn-28 according to this paper.   Expr4679 When the sin-3 expression profile was examined in transgenic animals using a gfp reporter driven by a 1.5 kb sin-3 5'-flanking sequence, the sin-3::gfp signal was detected in all the ray structural cells. In addition, sin-3::gfp expression was observed in the inner labial neurons, socket cells, the cephalic neurons in the head region and the ventral nerve cord from L1 to adult stage.  
    Expr4523 Expression of DYF-6::GFP is restricted to a few cells from hatching to adulthood. Of particular note, DYF-6::GFP is consistently expressed in the cell bodies, dendritic bodies, and dendritic endings of the phasmid neurons. Expression was also very evident in the dendritic bodies and endings of the amphid sensilla. DYF-6::GFP was faintly and irregularly expressed in the cell bodies of the dye-filling amphid neurons. Expression of DYF-6::GFP was also seen in the hypodermis and in several neuronal cell bodies in the region of the inner labial cell bodies. Finally, expression can be seen in a lateral neuronal cell body in the region of the PDE cell body in older larvae and adults. DYF-6::GFP was also expressed in the cell and dendritic bodies of the phasmid neurons in the six dauer larvae (the dendritic bodies were often kinked, as though their linearity had been affected by shrinkage of the body during formation of the dauer state). In four of the animals, DYF-6::GFP indicated that the phasmid neurons had proper dendritic endings, and IFT of the GFP could be easily seen in the endings. In the other two animals, however, DYF-6::GFP did not provide evidence for the existence of dendritic endings for the phasmid neurons, indicating that the endings might occasionally be severely retracted or modified in dauer larvae. For both the amphid and phasmid neurons, the greatest intensity of DYF-6::GFP was in the transition zone between the dendritic bodies and their ciliary endings. Of particular note, anterograde and, to a lesser extent, retrograde movement of GFP particles could be seen along the length of the dendritic endings of both the amphid and phasmid neurons. In the amphid neurons, the particles moved in the anterograde direction over the combined middle and distal segments of the ciliary axoneme at 0.9 +/- 0.1 m/sec. IFT could be seen prior to hatching and throughout postembryonic development and adulthood. IFT of DYF-6::GFP in dauer larvae: Six dauer larvae from SP2730 were picked from plates exhausted of bacteria to NGM plates without bacteria, followed by a further incubation of 3 days. DYF-6::GFP was expressed in the cell bodies and in the dendritic bodies and endings of the dye-filling amphid neurons. Moreover, IFT could be easily seen in the dendritic endings, but there appeared to be fewer GFP particles undergoing IFT in the amphid bundles relative to that seen in non-dauer animals.
    Expr9619 ZK418.3 is expressed in amphid, phasmid, and labial neurons.  
Picture: N.A. Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Marker49 Expressed in anterior neurons, including AIY, AIZ, RID, M5, ASI, and labial sensory neurons, VNC motorneurons, midbody neurons HSN, CAN, and PVM, tail neurons DVB, DVC, and PDB, and the nonneuronal excretory cell, uterine muscles. -- according to pers. comm. from Oliver Hobert.  
    Expr3726 Strong GFP signals in most ciliated cells, including amphid, phasmid, and labial-quadrant neurons.  
    Expr14514   Full-length NPHP-2::GFP localized to a short proximal region of amphid channel and phasmid cilia as well as IL, CEP, OLQ, amphid channel and phasmid cilia, and the AWC wing cilia. Native promoter driven NPHP-2::GFP was not visible in AWB cilia, as reported previously for AWB- specific promoter driven NPHP-2. We conclude that NPHP-2 marks a region of the cilium distinct from the doublet region, and propose that this region is analogous to the InvC of mammalian cilia.
    Expr3730 Strong GFP signals in most ciliated cells, including amphid, phasmid, and labial-quadrant neurons.  
    Expr3734   GFP-tagged Y37E3.5 associate with ciliary axonemes in both head (amphids, labials) and tail (phasmids) neurons, with relatively little localization to cell bodies, axons, or dendrites.
    Expr3037 The 5' untranslated region directed expression to a small subset of sensory cells that are ciliated. GFP signal was observed in the multiple ciliated amphid neurons in the head and both ciliated phasmid neurons (PHA and PHB) in the tail. Expression was also detected in other ciliated sensory neurons, including the inner and outer labial neurons and male tail ray neurons. GFP fluorescence was also detected in the midbody PDE ciliated neuron and PQR ciliated tail neuron.  
    Expr3185 Expressed in ADF, ADL, ASE, ASG, ASH, ASI, ASJ, ASK, PHA, PHB, URX, labial neurons.  
    Expr9325 Synaptogyrin is expressed in all 26 GABAergic neurons including also RMER and most though not all other neurons. Synaptogyrin is absent in amphids and phasmids and can be detected in non-neuronal glial-like sheath cells in adult worms. The cephalic neurons CEPDR/L and CEPVR/L and amphid-associated sheath cells CEPshDR/L, CEPshVR/L were tentatively positive. Several other neurons that could be tentatively identified in the anterior part are MI, M4, I4, AVL, AIY, RIS, I5, M3R/L, and in the posterior part DVA, AS11, ALNR/L, DVC, DVB, PQR, DA9 (characteristic axonal process denoted by arrowhead), VD13, DD6, VD12. Of these, AVL, RIS, VD13, DD6 and VD12 are GABAergic based on the colocalization with the unc-47p::GFP reporter. In addition, IL neurons were tentatively identified in the anterior (IL*). Synaptogyrin reporter constructs are also expressed in developing neurons. The expression of sng-1p::YFP is closely associated with the development of the nervous system being absent in the gastrula stage with first fluorescence in neuronal precursor cells and newly-formed neurons in the anterior part during the 1.5-fold stage. In addition, it is also detected transiently in cells in the posterior body at the 1.25-fold and 1.5-fold stage.  
    Expr11295 Fairly weak expression in most animals, strongest expression in young larvae, pharynx: marginal cells and pm6, gut, rectal gland cells, about 10-15 pairs of head neurons incl. some IL's, some motoneurons (DA/DB?), 2-3 pairs of tail neurons  
Picture: Fig 3.   Expr8851 Neuronal Expression: labial sensory, CAN, phasmid sheath, a few head neurons. Non-neuronal Expression: seam cells, pharyngeal marginal and muscle cells, arcade cells.  
    Expr11367 SNF-3::GFP transgenic worms displayed strong expression in the excretory canal, tail hypodermal cells, epidermis and vulval epithelia cells. SNF-3 was also expressed in some neurons, including the excretory canal-associated neuron, and some sensory neurons in the head including ILs, OLs, ADE and AQR.  
    Expr9587 dyrb-1::GFP is expressed in phasmid and OLQ neurons. Is also expressed in IL-type CSN (head), phasmid CSN (tail), intestine, unidentified neurons posterior to the nerve ring (non CSN).  
    Expr2968 GFP fluorescence was detected in all ciliated sensory neurons including the amphids, labial neurons, phasmids, and the sensory rays of the male tail. No GFP was evident in other cell types, suggesting that bbs-5 expression is restricted to ciliated cells. Analysis of a C. elegans strain expressing a translational bbs-5::GFP transgene revealed that the GFP-tagged BBS-5 protein localizes specifically to the base of cilia in the ciliated head and tail neurons. BBS-5::GFP staining pattern is observed at the base of the cilia in the amphid neurons in the worm head and at the base of the left and right phasmid neurons in the tail.
Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr2633 GFP was expressed in several head neurons located on the sides of the pharynx anterior bulb, around the isthmus and on the sides of the pharynx posterior bulb. Some neuronal processes were fluorescent in the ventral cord down to the tail ganglion, where several neurons expressed GFP as well as several nuclei of hypodermal cells at the tip of the tail. Histochemical staining of mutant ace-1 revealed a strong positive reaction in the nerve ring (NR), the pharyngo-intestinal valve (PIV), the tail ganglion and in the ventral nerve cord, with possibly stained motoneurons which were not labelled with GFP. Head neuron staining allowed identification of the inner labial neurons (IL). AWC and possibly AWB were identified. Cell bodies of these four chemosensory neurons were located below the nerve ring. Other head neurons cannot be identified because of the lack of clear labelling of their processes. The three muscle cells of the pharynx isthmus (pm5) were also fluorescent. In the tail region, three neurons were tentatively identified as PVC and PVQ and PDA. At the tail tip, five fluorescent nuclei of hypodermal cells (hyp 8, hyp 9, binucleated hyp 10 and hyp 11) were identified. ace-2 fluorescence was detected before hatching in the anterior part of the embryo as early as the one-fold stage. The full expression pattern of the adult was already established in L1 larvae.  
    Expr1886 Expression of the smp-2::gfp transcriptional reporter is detected initially in twofold embryos, in one mononucleate pharyngeal muscle cell and in intestinal cells. In the L1 stage, GFP fluorescence is observed in one mononucleate pharyngeal muscle cell m6, in all intestinal cells, in the head epidermal cells, in a restricted number of body wall muscles, in inner labial sensory neurons, and tentatively in URAVL/R and URADL/R motorneurons. In L4 larvae and adults, GFP fluorescence is restricted to intestinal cells and pharyngeal muscle cell m6. During larval development of the male tail, GFP expression is observed only in the hook. In adult males, rays 8 and 9, and the tail bursa express smp-2::gfp. smp-2::gfp is not seen in hyp 9 or hyp 10.  
    Expr3135 C47A10.6 expressed in both head (labial) and tail neurons (phasmid PHCL/R). C47A10.6 also showed medium to strong expression in scattered nonchemosensory neurons.  
    Expr3176 Expressed in ADL, ASE, ASH, ASI, ASJ, ASK, AWC, PHA, PHB, labial neurons.  
    Expr3178 Expressed in ADF, ADL, AFD, ASE, ASG, ASH, ASI, ASJ, ASK, AWA, AWB, AWC, PHA, PHB, URX, labial neurons.  
    Expr3170 Expressed in ADF, ADL, ASE, ASH, ASI, ASJ, ASK, AVJ, AWA, AWB, PHA, PHB, labial neurons.  
    Expr2748 Expressed in neurons in the head (AWB, ADF, ASG (very faint), various interlabial sensory neurons), socket cell, sheath cell in tip of nose, pharyngeal muscle (anterior strong, posterior weak), intestine.  
    Expr3658 GFP expression was found in several neurons, including the ciliated amphid neurons (ASI, ADL, ASK, AWB, ASH, ASJ) in the head region and ciliated phasmid neurons (PHA and PHB) in the tail, as judged by colocalization of GFP with DiI as well as in PDE and several labial neurons in the head. Expression in neurons was visible early in developing young larvae enclosed in the egg. Several of these neurons have processes leading to the tip of the head or tail. The GFP fluorescence was also observed in form of small aggregates (0.3 um to 0.9 um) along the neuronal processes. TUB-1::GFP is localized mostly to the cytoplasm with very little signal in the nucleus. This is in contrast to results from mammalian cell culture where tubby is primarily found in the nucleus. The cytoplasmic localization suggests that either C. elegans TUB-1 only transiently functions in the nucleus or a very small proportion in the nucleus is sufficient for the function or it is required only in the cytoplasm.
    Expr12180 Expressed in AUA (96.3%), RMG (78.57%), ASG (78.57%), RIG (71.42%), SMBD (71.42%), AQR (71.42%), URX (64.2%), ASE (57.14%), 4-5 neurons anterior to nerve ring (likely ILs), body motor neurons, 2-4 tail neurons.  
    Expr3179 Expressed in ADL, ASE, ASI, ASJ, ASK, PHB, URX, labial neurons, seam cells, hypodermis.  
    Expr3727 Strong GFP signals in most ciliated cells, including amphid, phasmid, and labial-quadrant neurons.  

0 Life Stages

2 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
neuron type, neurons that have ciliated nerve endings. ciliated neuron   WBbt:0006816
sensory organ of the inner labial. inner labial sensillum   WBbt:0005116