

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  Somatic gonad precursor cell Name  Z1
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0004577 Synonym  lineage name: MSpppaap

4 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
cell, anterior descendent of Z1, in hermaphrodite. Z1.a hermaphrodite   WBbt:0007022
Distal tip cell, inhibits meiosis in nearby germ cells, anterior gon_male_dtc anterior lineage name: Z1.a WBbt:0005064
cell, posterior descendent of Z1. Z1.p   WBbt:0007023
nucleus of pedigree MSpppaap MSpppaap nucleus Z1 nucleus WBbt:0003279

3 Expression Clusters

Regulated By Treatment Description Algorithm Primary Identifier
  Genes that are enriched in male Z1 and Z4 cells according to RNAseq analysis towards FACS sorted Z1 and Z4 cells. Cuffdiff v2.1.1 WBPaper00048690:male-Z1-Z4_enriched
  Genes that are enriched in hermaphrodite Z1 and Z4 cells according to RNAseq analysis towards FACS sorted Z1 and Z4 cells. Cuffdiff v2.1.1 WBPaper00048690:hermaphrodite-Z1-Z4_enriched
  Top 300 transcripts enriched in Z1, Z4 according to single cell RNAseq. Top 300 enriched transcripts were determined by log2.ratio of the tpm in the cell type vs the tpm in the other cells * the log2 of the cell.type tpm. WBPaper00061340:Z1_Z4

56 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
Moreover, neither the dgn-1::GFP promoter reporter nor the rescuing DGN-1::GFP fusion show expression in muscle. Plasmid pJJ516 was made by inserting GFP from pPD114.38 into the HindIII site near the end of the dgn-1 coding sequence. The product contains GFP inserted after residue 575 of DGN-1, with the final seven DGN-1 residues at the C terminus. Expression of DGN-1::GFP is identical to that of the dgn-1::GFP promoter reporter, and DGN-1::GFP rescues the sterility of dgn-1(cg121).   Expr4218 In early (pre-morphological) embryos, dgn-1::GFP expression is evident in many epithelial and neural precursors comprising the outer layer of cells. As elongation begins at comma stage, expression becomes most prominent in several specialized epithelial cells, including pharyngeal e2 and marginal cells, excretory cells, the somatic gonad precursors (SGPs) Z1 and Z4, and rectal epithelial cells. Weaker expression is apparent in hypodermal precursors and neuroblasts along the ventral midline. Pharyngeal expression persists through the L3 larval stage, whereas excretory and rectal cell expression persists throughout development. SGP expression persists in SGP descendants, such as the distal tip cells (DTCs), and increases throughout the gonad during the L4 stage. Variable, generally weak expression is seen throughout larval development in several neurons, although PVP neurons show strong expression throughout development. Transient increased expression occurs in new P cell-derived neurons in the ventral nerve cord in late L1/early L2 stage animals. Variable weak expression is seen in hypodermal cells, principally hyp5 in the head. Preceding the L4/adult molt, expression increases in the vulval epithelium.  
    Expr4576 Examination of transgenic animals carrying a transcriptional fusion of ppn-1::GFP showed obvious expression in the DTC. Expression of ppn-1::GFP was first observed in developingembryos, localized to the primordial gonad. Embryos expressing ppn-1::GFP shows expression in the DTC precursor cells Z1 and Z4.  
New Anatomy_term: male hook precursors (L1-L4). Picture: Figure S3A.   Marker87 Marker for VPC daughters and granddaughters. Expressed in P cells (L1), QL and QR cells (L1-L2), somatic gonadal precursor (L1), V cells (L1), B cell (L1), T cell (L1), ventral cord neurons (L1-L4), Pn.ps (L1-late L2), Pn.pxx (mid L3), male hook precursors (L1-L4), DTCs (L2-L3), vulval cells (L3-L4), uterine cells (L4), vulval muscle (adult), many unidentified cells in head (all), many unidentified cells in tail (all)  
    Expr12525 Expressed in the somatic gonadal precursor cells.  
Picture: Fig. 5.   Expr8345 SWD-3::GFP could be observed in all nuclei of embryos starting at approximately the 20 cell stage. In larvae, GFP expression became more restricted and was particularly strong in the nuclei of seam cells, the somatic gonad precursor cells Z1 and Z4, vulval precursor cells (VPCs), distal tip cells (DTCs), intestinal and muscle cells. Strong expression was also observed in neurons from the ventral nerve cord, head, and tail region. In adults, strong expression persisted in the head and tail region, intestinal cells, muscle cells, and cells of the vulva. In addition, in the developed somatic gonad strong expression was observed in the spermatheca and in sheath cells. nuclei
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope). mdl-1 coexpressed with mxl-1 in posterior intestinal cells.   Expr696 Expression begins at midpoint of the animal and continues to the posterior intestinal cells. GFP detected in all larval stages but most strongly from late L1 to L4. Strongly detected in posterior 8 intestinal cells, late L1 just prior to their division near the end of L1. No expression observed in anterior cells. GFP detected in intestinal cells after L1 although only in some of the divided binucleated posterior intestinal cells. Expression also detected in many neurons during all larval stages (CEPDR and CEPVR). Expression observed in posterior pharyngeal bulb muscle cells and ventral cord motorneurons in all larval stages, as well as in several hypodermal cells and body wall muscles. Expression detected in Z1 and Z4 cells in L1 larva but not in their daughters. 8 posterior intestinal cells at late L1. posterior pharyngeal bulb muscle cells. CEPDR, CEPVR at L1-L4. Hypodermal cells at L1-L4. Z1 and Z4 at L1. ventral cord motorneurons at L1-L4. Body wall muscles. Hypodermis at L1-L4.  
    Expr14270 The endogenous lin-28 promoter drives lin-28::GFP expression in neurons and hypodermis, where lin-28 is known to be expressed (Moss et al., 1997). Using spinning disk microscopy we also detected lin-28p::lin-28::GFP expression in Z1 and Z4 cells, which are precursors of somatic gonadal tissues.  
    Expr10160 In larvae and adult hermaphrodites, the F40F11.2/mig-38 promoter-driven GFP signal is found mainly in neurons, muscles, and other contractile tissues such as the spermatheca (Hunt-Newbury et al., 2007). mig-38 expression was additionally detected in the somatic gonad precursors, Z1 and Z4 and later within DTCs during larval and adult stages. Gonadal dissections allowed detection of F40F11.2p::GFP expression within the gonadal sheath cells. However, expression was not observed in the germ cells or their precursors Z2 and Z3. YFP::MIG-38 is expressed in the cytoplasm of body wall muscle cells. YFP::MIG-38 also appeared to be localized in muscle cell nuclei.
    Expr11545 Expressed in pharynx, head and tail neurons, hypodermis, Z1, and Z4.  
Picture: Figure 4.   Expr8971 In first-stage larvae, GEM-1::GFP is expressed on the plasma membrane of multiple cell types. These include the somatic gonad progenitors Z1 and Z4, most or all of the cell in the pharynx, and multiple neurons in the head an tail. Expression was observed in the body-wall muscles in the case of the pEJ52 mix, but not the pEJ44 mix. This difference is probably due to the absence of introns 2 and 3 in pEJ44. GEM-1::GFP expression persists within at least a subset of somatic gonad cells in later larval stages and is occasionally detectable within the distal tip cells in adult animals. In first-stage larvae, GEM-1::GFP is expressed on the plasma membrane of multiple cell types.
    Expr10052 nhr-111 transcripts were detected by real-time qRT- PCR at modest levels in embryos, but decreased progressively during larval development.The nhr-111::gfp reporter was consistently expressed in at least eight pairs of neurons in the head, the sensory PVD neurons of the posterior lateral body wall, the pharynx, intestine (most often in the posterior- and anterior- most cells), the dorsal peri-vulva region of adults (which may be either uterine or vulval cells), and the somatic gonad precursor cells. Among the head neurons was one prominent pair of sensory neurons just posterior to the nerve ring and at least one pair of neurons or support cells that appear to be inner or outer labial sensory cells. We also observed weak and variable expression in a subset of ventral nerve cord motorneurons. The temporal dynamics of nhr-111::gfp were consistent with nhr-111 qRT-PCR results: expression was very bright in the Z1 and Z4 somatic gonad precursor cells in embryos and early L1, but decreased in the developing gonad at later stages and was relatively faint in other cells. nhr-111 transcripts were detected by real-time qRT- PCR at modest levels in embryos, but decreased progressively during larval development.The nhr-111::gfp reporter was consistently expressed in at least eight pairs of neurons in the head, the sensory PVDneurons of the posterior lateral body wall, the pharynx, intestine (most often in the posterior- and anterior- most cells), the dorsal peri-vulva region of adults (which may be either uterine or vulval cells), and the somatic gonad precursor cells. Among the head neurons was one prominent pair of sensory neurons just posterior to the nerve ring and at least one pair of neurons or support cells that appear to be inner or outer labial sensory cells. We also observed weak and variable expression in a subset of ventral nerve cord motorneurons. The temporal dynamics of nhr-111::gfp were consistent with nhr-111 qRT-PCR results: expression was very bright in the Z1 and Z4 somatic gonad precursor cells in embryos and early L1, but decreased in the developing gonad at later stages and was relatively faint in other cells.  
Sequence: Z28377 Z28375 Z28376.   Expr12 Embryonic expression consisting of three components. 1. A subset of cells in the AB lineage, initially organized in two clusters, from when the AB lineage is dividing to give 32 cells until the lineage forms 128 cells. Descendants of AB.alpa, AB.alpp, AB.araa, AB.plaa, AB.plpa, AB.praa, AB.prpa. 2. Members of the D cell lineage, starting as Da/Dp divide and ending once 16 cells have been generated in this lineage. 3. Z1 and Z4, from the end of their migration to the germ line progenitors, until shortly after hatching.  
    Expr11357 CATP-6::GFP is expressed in multiple tissues throughout development. These include a) many neurons in the head and tail, b) all body muscles, c) most pharyngeal cells, particularly in the posterior bulb, d) vulval muscles, e) coelomocytes, f) spermatheca, g) gonadal sheath cells, and h) lateral hypodermis. In many cases, particularly neurons, the fusion protein localizes to cytoplasmic puncta that probably correspond to membranous vesicles. In other tissues, e.g., pharyngeal cells and gonadal sheath cells, CATP-6::GFP is closely associated with the plasma membrane. Most significantly with regard to the effect of catp-6(0) on gonadogenesis, CATP-6::GFP is associated with the plasma membrane of the somatic gonad precursor cells, Z1 and Z4. Although the authors detect CATP-6::GFP in close association with the plasma membrane in some tissues, they cannot certain that the protein is actually located within the plasma membrane. For example, in the case of Z1 and Z4 the fluorescence pattern of CATP-6::GFP (unlike that of GEM-1::GFP) is often discontinuous along the periphery of the cell. Thus, it remains possible that the protein localizes to vesicles that are just beneath the plasma membrane. Furthermore, it is possible that CATP-6 localizes to both plasma membrane and vesicular compartments and that the relative distribution differs between cell types. Higher resolution microscopy will be necessary to resolve this issue.
    Expr3025 The iri-1::gfp is expressed in the terminal bulb of the pharynx, amphid socket cells, pharyngeal-intestinal valve, intestine, excretory cell, rectal epithelial cells, and vulva hypodermis. In addition, iri-1::gfp is expressed in the corpus of the pharynx, the pharyngeal neuron I3, the anal sphincter and in the gonad precursor cells Z1 and Z4.  
This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr669 EGL-43 is nuclear localized and is expressed in HSN before and during the cells migration from tail to the gonad primordium of the embryo. EGL-43 expression is down regulated after HSN migration. In embryo ~400 min after cleavage, expression observed in HSN/PHB precursor, PHA sensory neuron in the tail. ~430 min after first cleavage, expression observed in HSN nucleus which has migrated out of the tail, as well as a phasmid neuron nucleus. During its migration, HSN expresses EGL-43 as well as phasmid neuron nuclei. Expressed in the nuclei.
Lineage expression: sex myoblasts and their descandents.   Expr1463 Expression of mig-2::GFP was first detected in early embryos, prior to the onset of morphogenesis (~300 min after first cell cleavage). At this time, expression was seen in nearly every cell with the exception of the intestine. At hatching, many but not all cell types expressed the fusion protein. In particular, mig-2::GFP was expressed in cells that undergo long-range migration during embryogenesis, such as the neurons HSN, CAN, and ALM. Expression was quite strong in the Q cells and their descendants during their migrations in the first larval stage. Expression in these neurons persisted through development. Many mesodermal cells, such as the embryonic migratory cells Z1 and Z4, also expressed mig-2::GFP, although one migratory mesodermal cell, M, did not. Weaker mig-2::GFP expression was also seen in many nonmigratory neurons and epidermal cells; however, no expression was detected in the intestine or germ line. In older larvae and adult hermaphrodites, expression was seen in the vulva, distal tip cells of the gonad, and the sex myoblasts and their descendants. Similar patterns of expression were seen in two additional independently isolated transgenic lines. Throughout development, the fusion protein was clearly localized to the cell periphery (plasma membrane) in most cell types, and no asymmetric subcellular localization was reliably detected. Interestingly, some mig-2::GFP-expressing cells exhibited cytoplasmic as well as membrane-localized staining. These were the HSN neuron, the distal tip cells, the gonadal anchor cell, and the granddaughters of the Q cells.
No detailed description on expression pattern in other tissue or life stages.. Picture: Fig 1L, Fig 3.   Expr8757 Expressed in Z1/Z4 at L1 stage. Expressed in somatic primodium at L2 stage. Expressed in spermathecal/sheath lineage, VU/DU, AC and DTC at L3 stage. Expressed in uterine epithelium and spermathecal epithelium at L4 stage.  
    Expr12528 Expressed in the somatic gonadal precursor cells.  
No detailed description on expression pattern in other tissue or life stages.. Picture: Fig 1K, Fig 3.   Expr8760 Expressed in Z1/Z4 at L1 stage. Expressed in spermathecal/sheath lineage, VU/DU, AC and DTC at L3 stage. Expressed in uterine epithelium and spermathecal epithelium at L4 stage.  
No detailed description on expression pattern in other tissue or life stages.. Picture: Fig 1I, Fig 3.   Expr8746 Expressed in Z1/Z4 at L1 stage. Expressed in somatic primodium at L2 stage. Expressed in VU/DU, AC and DTC at L3 stage. Expressed in uterine epithelium and spermathecal epithelium at L4 stage.  
No detailed description on expression pattern in other tissue or life stages.. Picture: Fig 3.   Expr8744 Expressed in Z1/Z4 at L1 stage. Expressed in somatic primodium at L2 stage. Expressed in spermathecal/sheath lineage, VU/DU, AC and DTC at L3 stage. Expressed in uterine epithelium and spermathecal epithelium at L4 stage.  
Picture: Figure S10.   Expr8125 The MDF-1 staining was observed in intestinal cells and germ cell precursors.  
    Expr3085 After hatching, TRA-1 was still detected in SGPs, but its level and subcellular distribution were distinct in the two sexes. In hermaphrodite L1 SGPs, TRA-1 was largely nuclear, but in male L1 SGPs, TRA-1 was present at a lower level and was uniformly distributed between nucleus and cytoplasm. A similar sexually dimorphic difference was observed in the distribution of GFP::TRA-1 in L1 SGPs. The GFP::TRA-1 reporter partially rescued tra-1(0) mutants, indicating that it produces a functional protein. After the first SGP division, TRA-1 continues to be expressed in hermaphrodite gonads, but is no longer detectable in males. In wild-type XX embryos, TRA-1 was predominantly nuclear in SGPs from formation of the primordium, through embryogenesis, and into the first larval stage. Next, embryos from a fog-2 male/female strain was examined , which produces 50% XX and 50% XO progeny, to determine if TRA-1 is similarly expressed in male SGPs. In 2-fold embryos, most SGPs possessed nuclear TRA-1 (27/30). Therefore, TRA-1 is present in SGP nuclei of both XX hermaphrodite and XO male embryos. Expressed in nuclear and cytoplasm.
In the absence of food expression is very high in arrested larvae and then fades by 8-12h post-feeding. See Table 2 in the article cgc3201 for the stage/tissue type expression patterns of this locus. Lineage expression: SM lineage. This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr608 First detected at comma stage in pharyngeal primordium as pharyngeal muscles begin terminal differentiation. Strong expression is detected in most cells during late embryogenesis when cells are either differentiating or undergoing cell cycle arrest prior to hatching. At hatching and in L1 animals maintained in absence of food expression detected in Q, M, Z1, Z4 and V cells. Expression in these cells fades after feeding when cell division resumes. Strong expression is observed in many postmitotic neurons and muscle cells. Stronger expression is detected in newly differentiated cells and then gradually decreases. cki-1 also expressed in dauer larvae. 1. Lateral hyodermal V lineage: V cells show strong expression until they divide in the mid L1 (fluorescence decreases significantly). Seam cells express at quite high levels during resting phases between molts and at a reduced level during division. Expression increases at L4 (coincident with seam cell terminal differentiation). 2. sex myoblasts (SM)lineage: High level of expression observed during SM migration, reduced during SM division and high again as the sex muscles differentiate. 3. P lineage: L1-molt progeny of Pn.a neuroblasts express high levels of cki-1::gfp. 4. Somatic gonad: Expression in Z1 and Z4 diminishes prior to cell division in mid-L1. Strong expression in Z1.aa and Z4.pp, the distal tip cells, beginning in L2, undetectable in the rest of Z1/Z4 lineage until the late L3 and early L4. Expression in somatic gonad increases dramatically at the onset of terminal differentiation. 5. Intestine: After L1-molt expression in intestine is seen throughout the larval stages 6. Vulva precursor cells: cki-1::gfp expression first detected in vulva precursor cells (VPCs) in late L1 or early L2 and peaks at L2 molt.  
Lineage expression: M lineage. The transgene rescued the Daf-d phenotype of rh61rh411 animals, suggesting that daf-12::GFP is functional. Several integrated transgenic lines were made and all gave a similar pattern of expression.   Expr1047 DAF-12::GFP was expressed widely in most cells including tissues modified for dauer formation or by stage. It was expressed in phenotypically affected target tissues (e.g., epidermis, vulva, somatic gonad, intestine, pharynx, sex myoblasts), as well as other tissues with no known phenotype (e.g., nervous system, body wall muscle). Expression was seen from embryo to adult, but was most elevated and widespread during L2. Epidermis: In seam cells and hypodermis, DAF-12::GFP expression was first seen at the 3-fold stage of embryogenesis, increased by late L1, peaked during L2, diminished by late L3, and was low or off in L4 and young adults. Expression was also seen in the ventral epidermal L1 P ectoblasts, L2 vulval precursors, and their L3 descendants. Expression continued during L4 vulval morphogenesis and persisted occasionally in the mature adult vulva at reduced levels. Somatic Gonad: Faint expression was seen as early as L1 in Z1 and Z4 somatic gonadal precursors. By L2, their descendants, the somatic gonadoblasts, including the migratory distal-tip cell, strongly expressed DAF-12::GFP. Expression continued in somatic gonadoblast descendants and distal-tip cells in L3 and early L4. In the adult, expression was robust in the mature spermatheca and uterus. Intestine: Expression in intestinal nuclei was diffuse during the larval stages, but became somewhat stronger in the adult. Nervous System: Only a handful of head and tail neurons expressed GFP early in L1. By mid-L2, DAF-12::GFP was expressed strongly throughout the nervous system, including the ventral cord and peripheral neuroblasts. Expression continued in many neurons in the adult, albeit at reduced levels. Musculature: Expression in body wall muscles became visible by late L1 and L2. Expression continued at later larval stages and in the adult at reduced levels. Expression in pharyngeal muscle was strong by L2 and downregulated by adult. DAF-12::GFP was also expressed in the L1 M-mesoblast, and its derivatives, including post-embryonic body wall muscles, sex myoblasts and their descendants. Dauer formation: DAF-12::GFP was downregulated in dauer larvae in all tissues, but perdured in the somatic gonad and occasional neurons. Upon recovery from dauer diapause, DAF-12::GFP was expressed weakly in most tissues. DAF-12::GFP localized primarily to the nucleus, except during mitosis, when expression became diffuse.
    Expr2706 Expression of GEM-4::GFP within Z1 and Z4 becomes progressively more difficult to detect as the animals progress through L1 and is not detectable within the progeny of Z1 and Z4. GEM-4::GFP expresion within somatic gonadal tissues does not resume until early adulthood. At this point, GEM-4::GFP becomes strongly expressed within the distal spermathecal cells, the spermathecal valve cells, and the uterine epithelial cells. GEM-4::GFP is broadly expressed in embryos that have several hundred cells and continues to be expressed in most cells as the embryo undergoes elongation. In newly hatched L1s, GEM-4::GFP is expressed in the precursors of the somatic gonad (Z1 and Z4), the pharyngo-intestinal valve cells, the intestinal cells, and the head mesodermal cell (the sister of Z4). The germline precursors, Z2 and Z3, also appear to be outlined in some animals; however, it is not clear whether this is due to expression within the germ cells themselves or whether it results from extensions of the plasma membranes of Z1 and Z4. In cells that express GEM-4::GFP, fluorescence is typically brightest at the plasma membrane. In some cases, punctate staining is also evident within the cytoplasm, possibly due to association with vesicular structures.
Temporal description   Expr11524   By antibody staining, MCM-4 was found to be expressed in dividing cells during all stages of development in wild-type animals. Embryos showed the highest levels of MCM-4 expression, in agreement with the fact that more than half of the somatic cells are formed during embryogenesis. Even dauer larvae that had been arrested in cell division for 2 weeks still contained detectable MCM-4 protein levels. These results suggest that a pool of MCM-4 is retained during prolonged periods of quiescence, so that MCM-4 might function in the re-initiation of DNA synthesis when conditions improve. Immunostaining of wild-type animals for MCM-4 showed strong nuclear staining in the gonad, embryos and postembryonic lineages. MCM-4 was detectable in sperm and accumulated during oocyte maturation in the nucleus but did not show overlap with the condensed chromosomes in diakinesis of meiotic prophase. MCM-4 was not chromatin-associated during MeiosisI of the fertilized oocyte, and the first polar body did not contain MCM-4. This finding is consistent with the absence of S phase between Meiosis I and -II. The second polar body and maternal pronucleus received some MCM-4. Subsequently, embryonic cells in interphase showed strong nuclear staining. In prophase, MCM-4 localization did not overlap with the condensing chromosomes. Upon nuclear envelope degradation, MCM-4 became diffusely localized throughout the cell and clearly did not co-localize with the metaphase-aligned chromosomes. MCM-4 remained cytoplasmic at the onset of anaphase; however, chromatin association became apparent in late anaphase. These data show that chromosome association of MCM-4 is tightly controlled, consistent with origin licensing taking place at the end of mitosis and disappearing during S phase. Similar observations were made during larval divisions. Matching the MCM-4::mCherry reporter, endogenous MCM-4 expression was detectable prior to and during mitosis. Staining of synchronized L1 animals revealed the timing of MCM-4 expression, which in general preceded mitosis by 1-2 h. After 5 h of L1 development at 20 C, MCM-4 immunostaining was predominantly detected in the epithelial seam cells, Q neuroblast daughters and gonad primordium. The somatic gonad precursor cells Z1 and Z4 showed nuclear staining, while the mitotically arrested germline precursor cells Z2 and Z3 showed diffuse cytoplasmic staining. At 6 hours of L1 development, the mesoblast (M) also stained strongly as well as the most anterior ventral cord precursors cells (W, P1 and P2). Subsequently at 7 h, additional P cells showed nuclear MCM-4 expression, which became apparent prior to migration of the nucleus into the ventral nerve cord. At 8 h of L1 development, the intestinal nuclei showed MCM-4 expression, which preceded nuclear division by at least 4 h. At subsequent time points, daughter cells that continued division, such as the Pn.a and M descendants, retained strong nuclear staining. L2 animals stained at 16 h of larval development showed strong MCM-4 expression in the gonad, the H1.a, H2.p, V1-6.p and T.ap seam cells and, weakly, the intestinal nuclei (data not shown). Importantly, MCM-4 staining did not overlap with DNA in prophase and metaphase, while in late anaphase co-localization with the chromosomes was clearly detectable. Similar to our observations with the MCM-4::mCherry reporter, we could not detect any asymmetry in MCM-4 segregation. Thus, even if only one daughter cell continued cell division, both daughters received a similar amount of MCM-4in mitosis. Furthermore, the MCM-4protein became undetectable during quiescence, i.e. the P3.p-P8.p daughter cells that resume DNA replication in the L3 stage did not show detectable expression in the L2 stage. Altogether, our reporter gene and antibody staining analysis show that MCM-4 is dynamically expressed and localized during larval development as well as during different phases of the cell cycle. Expression of MCM-4::mCherry was specifically induced in all postembryonic blast cell lineages well before mitotic entry, at the expected time of S-phase induction. The fusion protein localized to the cell nucleus until degradation of the nuclear envelope in prometaphase, at which point MCM-4 became diffusely localized through the cell. This diffuse localization indicates that MCM-4 is not chromatin-associated in mitosis. MCM-4::mCherry did not disappear upon completion of mitosis but was segregated to both daughter cells. Even cells that permanently withdrew from cell division, such as the motor neurons of the ventral nerve cord, initially retained MCM-4::mCherry expression. However, this expression subsequently disappeared in differentiated cells as well as in cells that temporarily arrested cell division, such as the Pn.p vulval precursor cells in the ventral cord. These experiments indicate that mcm-4 is transcriptionally activated at approximately the time of G1/S transition and that MCM-4 protein is segregated to both daughter cells in mitosis.
    Expr3805 GON-14::VENUS was broadly expressed in somatic cells, beginning in ~50 cell embryos. Expression persisted throughout embryogenesis and larval development, but became fainter in adults. Of particular note, GON-14::VENUS was present in the somatic gonadal precursors, Z1 and Z4, and the developing somatic gonad, the VPCs and developing vulva, and the intestine. Expression was not detected in the germ line; however, this was possible a result of transgene silencing. GON-14::VENUS was predominantly nuclear and often concentrated in nuclear puncta or speckles. The number of speckles per nucleus varied from a few to more than 30.
No allele name specified   Expr14796 The R151.2::T2A::GFP reporter is expressed in intestine, cells in the head and tail, and in SGPs at the L1 larval stage, indicating that at least one of the R151.2 transcripts is expressed in SGPs.  
This gon-4::GFP translational fusion rescues gon-4(q519) mutants to fertility when incorporated into the extrachromosomal array qEx453. Nine other rescuing lines also exhibited the same pattern. Preliminary results with polyclonal antibodies raised to the C-terminal portion of GON-4 are consistent with expression of GON-4 in the nuclei of dissected germ lines in mid- to late L4s and adults. These same antibodies have not proven useful with whole mounts of early larvae, which require a different protocol for antibody staining. Expression of the gon-4::GFP transgene was silenced in both somatic gonad and germ line.   Expr957 GON-4::GFP was found in the nucleus. Furthermore, GON-4::GFP was found in the somatic gonadal precursor cells, Z1 and Z4, and their descendants from L1 until the early L3 stage. Expression was weak, but reproducible. During L4, GFP was observed in four nuclei of developing vulva, but not in other nongonadal cells. Intriguingly, GON-4::GFP was detected in a scattering of germ-line nuclei of rescued animals. In contrast to the somatic gonadal expression, which occurred during early gonadogenesis, germ-line expression started in the second half of L4 and continued in adulthood. nucleus

12 Life Stages

Remark Definition Other Name Public Name Primary Identifier
  The whole period of embryogenesis in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, from the formation of an egg until hatching. embryo Ce WBls:0000003
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 620-800min(hatch) after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. A stage after elongation is over. The last stage of embryogenesis. Also called pre-hatched embryo, late embryo or morphogenetic embryo. fully-elongated embryo Ce WBls:0000021
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 350-620min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The stage that embryo starts elongation until elongation is over. elongating embryo Ce WBls:0000015
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 290-350min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Proliferate from 421 cells to 560 cells. The stage when embryo just finished gastrulation and is enclosing. enclosing embryo Ce WBls:0000013
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 100-290min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Proliferate from 28 cells to 421 cells. Referring to the whole period of gastrulation. gastrulating embryo Ce WBls:0000010
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 0-350min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Proliferate from 1 cell to 560 cells. From start of first cleavage until cleavage is over. proliferating embryo Ce WBls:0000004
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 390-420min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The shape of embryo looks like a comma. A stage between bean embryo and 1.5-fold embryo. comma embryo Ce WBls:0000017
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 460-520min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The shape of embryo is elongated and double fold. A stage between 1.5-fold embryo and 3-fold embryo. 2-fold embryo Ce WBls:0000019
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 520-620min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The shape of embryo is elongated and tripple fold. A stage between 2-fold embryo and fully-elongated embryo. Also called pretzel embryo or pretzel stage. 3-fold embryo Ce WBls:0000020
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 420-460min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The shape of embryo is elongated and fold back 50%. A stage between comma embryo and 2-fold embryo. 1.5-fold embryo Ce WBls:0000018
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 350-390min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. Emrbyo elongation started but have not formed comma shape yet. The shape of embryo looks like a lima bean. A stage right before comma embryo. Also called lima embryo or lima bean stage. bean embryo Ce WBls:0000016
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 210-350min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Proliferate from 421 cells to 560 cells. The stage before the fast cleavage of cells finishes. late cleavage stage embryo Ce WBls:0000014

3 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
any of two cells that generate all somatic tissues of the gonad proper (i.e. ovary or testis ) and genital ducts (e.g. uterus, vas deferens). somatic gonad precursor SGP WBbt:0007854
cell that exists in and is part of an embryo. embryonic cell   WBbt:0007028
embryonic cell MSpppaa   WBbt:0006734