Longitudinal bands of muscle cells surrounding animal body, with one band running in each quadrant of the body, regulated contraction and relaxation of these muscles cause locomotion. |
body wall musculature
body muscle |
the feeding organ, a neuro-muscular pump in the head of the animal, used to ingest food, bacteria suspended in liquid, filter them out, grind them up and transport posteriorly into the instestine. |
esophagus |
Complement of nervous tissue (neurones, nerves, receptors and support cells) serving to detect, relay and coordinate information about an animal`s internal and external environments and to initiate and integrate its effector responses and activities. |
nervous system
H-shaped cell associated with the excretory system, largest cell in C. elegans. |
excretory cell
excretory canal cell |
any of 20 large epithelial cells which form a tube and are mostly situated as bilaterally symmetric pairs around the tubular lumen. Each of these cell pairs forms an intestinal ring ( II-IX int rings). The most anterior intestinal ring (int ring I), however, is made of four cells. Intestinal cells contain large nuclei with large nucleoli and numerous autofluorescent granules in their cytoplasm. |
intestinal cell