Picture: Figure S2. |
SRP-6::GFP was expressed in the socket cells, the pharyngeal-intestinal valve, vulval hypoderm, the spermatheca and spermathecal-uterine junction and the intestine. Corresponding expression was seen in the srp-6::lacZ fusions. |
Picture: Figure 4H, 4I. |
The expression of nfya-2 was restricted to few tissues, including the spermatheca, some neurons in the head and other body regions. Notably, it was highly expressed in intestine cells at all developmental stages. |
NFYA-2 localized to the nucleus. |
Picture: fig. S3 A. |
A transgene containing the sel-10 promoter driving green fluorescent protein (GFP) labeled a subset of neurons including the HSNL, which suggests that sel-10 is expressed in the HSNL. sel-10 promoter driven GFP is widely expressed in body wall muscles (not consistent though), intestine(not consistent), pharynx, distal tip cell, spermatheca, and within nervous system, it is expressed in HSNs, some ventral cord neurons, a bunch of unidentified head neurons and a few tail neurons. --Pers. Comm. from Mei Ding 11-20-07. |
GFP expression was detected at most developmental stages, with the spatial expression depending on the developmental stage of the animal. Neuronal expression of hlh-29 was detected in larvae and adults in both amphid and phasmid sockets, in the ALA and PVT neurons, in the chemosensory and mechanosensory neurons, ASI, ASK, PHA, and PQR, and in neurons of the anterior pharyngeal bulb. Weaker expression was also detected in the ASG chemosensory neurons in some transgenic lines. L1 animals show strong expression of hlh-29 in intestinal cells, and weaker expression in the rectal glands and the pharyngeal muscle cell PM1. By L3 stage, intestinal expression of the hlh-29::GFP is limited to the posterior intestinal cells, and PM1 expression is no longer detected. Expression is also detected in the ventral posterior coelomocytes in the later L3-stage larvae, and in the spermatheca and vulval muscles of L4 and adult animals. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
cnx-1 was expressed ubiquitously in every blastomere of the embryos up to the gastrulation stage but expression became gradually restricted to the head and tail regions at the comma stage during embryogenesis. During post-embryonic development, cnx-1 was expressed prominently in the H-shaped excretory cell, in the neurons of head and tail, in the dorsal and ventral nerve cords, and in the spermatheca. cnx-1 expression was also observed in the spicules of the male tail. The two head neurons expressing cnx-1 are ASK and ADL, and two tail neurons are PHA and PHB. Therefore, cnx-1 is expressed in head neurons including ASK and ASI chemosensory neurons and tail neurons including PHA and PHB. |
Confocal analysis of strains containing the Punc-31::GFP transcriptional reporter revealed expression in the nerve ring, ventral nerve cord motor neurons, preanal ganglion, and head ganglion. Counts of cell bodies in the ventral nerve cord and preanal ganglion revealed an average of 65 +/- 2 (n = 4) GFP-positive cells, indicating that essentially all of the neurons of the ventral nerve cord and preanal ganglion express unc-31. Additional positive identifications were made for SDQ, PDE, BDU, ALM, DVA, DVB, DVC, HSN, and CAN neurons. Because these encompass most of the identifiable neurons in the background of a pan-neuronal expression pattern, authors infer that unc-31 may be expressed in essentially all neurons. All reporter strains also displayed expression in the vulval muscles VM1 and VM2 and occasional expression in what is likely VulE and VulF. Consistent expression was also noted in the UV1 cells and the spermatheca. In summary, CAPS/UNC-31 is expressed throughout the nervous system and in other secretory cells. |
Prominent expression of ORAI-1::GFP was detected in the spermatheca, intestine and hypodermis. In the intact animal, it was unclear whether gonadal sheath cells expressed ORAI-1::GFP, due to the intense fluorescence from the intestine and spermatheca. To examine sheath cell expression further, authors imaged gonads dissected free from a worm strain expressing an orai-1 transcriptional GFP reporter. orai-1 is also expressed in both proximal and distal gonadal sheath cells. |
Intestinal expression appeared to be localized to both apical and basolateral membrane regions. The circumferential ORAI-1::GFP localization pattern is consistent with expression in the basal plasma membrane. Non-circumferential localization is probably due to membrane folding and/or expression at lateral cell borders. The complicated morphology of the spermatheca precluded definitive localization of ORAI-1::GFP to the apical cell membrane. |
CO3H5.2 gene has a broad expression pattern. This includes expression in the pharynx and pharyngeal gland cells, seam cells, spermatheca, stomatointestinal muscle, vulva and body wall muscle. |
Young embryos did not present a GFP signal, but expression was observed in late embryogenesis and at all stages of postnatal development: eggs, L1, L2, L3, L4, and adults. Adult animals showed stronger expression than did larval stages and eggs; this was also proved by RT-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), suggesting potential developmental dynamics in atx-3 function. Both transgenic strains had a generalized expression pattern, with a strong signal in the spermatheca and vulval muscle . High fluorescence was observed in neuronal dorsal and ventral cord and neurons of the head and tail. Expression was also observed in the hypoderm, body muscles, and coelomocytes. |
frh-1::gfp1 showed a complex expression pattern, which includes a number of neurons in the head. This construct also stains the muscle cells of the pharynx, intestinal cells, body wall muscle cells and spermatheca. This construct was expressed in neurons that showed dendritic projections toward the mouth, suggesting that they may be sensory amphidic neurons. Costaining with DiI, which stains amphidic neurons in C. elegans, confirmed the amphidic nature of these cells. |
frh-1::gfp3, which does not contain the frh-1 gene but contains all the 5 sequence present in frh-1::gfp1, was not expressed in amphid neurons, suggesting the presence of a regulatory sequence within the frh-1 gene that would drive the expression of the gene in head neurons. On the other hand, the frh-1::gfp3 was expressed in the pharynx, gut cells, spermatheca, and body wall muscles, as the frh-1::gfp1, indicating that frh-1::gfp1 would contain most of the necessary sequences for frataxin expression. |
strong bwm, vul, mu int, occaisonal weak pharyngeal, spermatheca, faint VNC, head neurons; embryonic bwm starts at 3-fold and very strong in L1s. |
strong pan neuronal; spermatheca; faint vulval mu; rare and faint bwm in adult; neuronal starts at bean with strong at 3-fold. |
Faint vul, sphincter, anal dep, mu int; faint head neurons; rare spermatheca; bean to L1 see head bwm?- 4 quads of single to double cells GFP+ that don't exactly look like bwm close to bwm position - could be unhappy bwm due to exp? |
Strong but mosaic bwm; spermatheca; head neurons; 3-fold embryo strong bwm, no earlier embryonic seen. |
No detailed description on life stages. |
ZK795.3::GFP expression pattern includes spermatheca, hypodermal cells, pharynx and the excretory cell and channels. In the L3 stage, expression was seen in the vulva, and in P6.p descendants. |
Note that genes on extrachromosomal arrays in transgenic worms are usually not expressed in gonads because of strong silencing effects. |
CDC-48.1::GFP was expressed from embryos through to adult worms and predominantly in spermatocytes at L4 larvae stage, and in spermathecae at adult stage. |
No obvious difference in expression was observed between this particular mir-84::gfp fusion gene and one in which 8.1 kb of sequence upstream of mir-84 was fused to yellow fluorescent protein, kindly provided by A. Yoo and I. Greenwald. |
Transgenic mgEx674[mir-84::gfp] animals expressed GFP in the lateral hypodermal seam cells and other cells. The mir-84::gfp reporter was expressed in seam cells during early larval stages in some transgenic animals, although expression was more prevalent in L3-stage and older animals. |
No GO_term assigned. |
Expression of GFP-UNC-78 was detected in the pharynx, body wall muscle, spermatheca, and vulva. |
The GFP-UNC-78 fusion protein localized in a striated pattern in live animals. |
More detailed studies are required to identify the cellular domains in which STIM-1::GFP is expressed. It should be noted here that the absence of detectable STIM-1::GFP expression in tissues other than those shown does not rule out a functional role for STIM-1 in other cell types. The 1.9-kb stim-1 promoter used in these studies may lack regulatory information required for cell-specific expression. In addition, STIM-1::GFP expression levels may be below detection levels in other tissues. More definitive identification of STIM-1 expression sites awaits the development of suitable antibodies for immunolocalization. |
Prominent expression of STIM-1::GFP was detected in the spermatheca, gonad sheath cells, the intestine, and neurons in the head. Expression was also detected in uterine epithelial cells. STIM-1::GFP-expressing head neurons are likely amphid and/or inner labial (IL) neurons. Expression of STIM-1::GFP in the intestine was heterogeneous. The anterior and posterior intestine expressed the reporter very strongly while expression was weaker in the midsection. |
Intestinal STIM-1::GFP appeared to be localized to membrane and submembrane regions. Confocal Z-sections also revealed a prominent punctate localization in the anterior intestine and sheath cells. STIM-1::GFP expression showed a striking localization to a reticular structure in the posterior intestine. This reticular structure resembles the ER of C. elegans intestinal cells. |
Moreover, neither the dgn-1::GFP promoter reporter nor the rescuing DGN-1::GFP fusion show expression in muscle. Plasmid pJJ516 was made by inserting GFP from pPD114.38 into the HindIII site near the end of the dgn-1 coding sequence. The product contains GFP inserted after residue 575 of DGN-1, with the final seven DGN-1 residues at the C terminus. Expression of DGN-1::GFP is identical to that of the dgn-1::GFP promoter reporter, and DGN-1::GFP rescues the sterility of dgn-1(cg121). |
In early (pre-morphological) embryos, dgn-1::GFP expression is evident in many epithelial and neural precursors comprising the outer layer of cells. As elongation begins at comma stage, expression becomes most prominent in several specialized epithelial cells, including pharyngeal e2 and marginal cells, excretory cells, the somatic gonad precursors (SGPs) Z1 and Z4, and rectal epithelial cells. Weaker expression is apparent in hypodermal precursors and neuroblasts along the ventral midline. Pharyngeal expression persists through the L3 larval stage, whereas excretory and rectal cell expression persists throughout development. SGP expression persists in SGP descendants, such as the distal tip cells (DTCs), and increases throughout the gonad during the L4 stage. Variable, generally weak expression is seen throughout larval development in several neurons, although PVP neurons show strong expression throughout development. Transient increased expression occurs in new P cell-derived neurons in the ventral nerve cord in late L1/early L2 stage animals. Variable weak expression is seen in hypodermal cells, principally hyp5 in the head. Preceding the L4/adult molt, expression increases in the vulval epithelium. |
Transgenic animals expressing GFP under the control of the zfp-2 promoter showed fluorescence in vulval cells and all somatic gonad structures such as spermatheca, sheath cells, uterine cells and distal tip cells (DTCs). |
Promoter activity with distinct GFP expression in lateral hypodermal seam cells and in the non-seam cell hypodermis was observed throughout development. Additionally, expression was noted in many neurons, including the ventral nerve cord (VNC) and the hermaphrodite specific neuron (HSN). GFP was also observed in various somatic gonad tissues including the anchor cell in larval stages and adult vulval muscle cells, the distal tip cells, a subset of the vulval precursor cells, uterine cells, and spermatheca. |
Expression of fshr-1 mRNA was observed in a number of somatic tissues, with the strongest expression occurring in the intestine. No expression of fshr-1 was detected in the germline when authors used probes to three different regions of the gene. |
Although UBXN-3::GFP was also expressed in embryos, its expression was observed only in spermathecae and nerve cells at adult stage. |
ppk-1::GFP expression was observed in such somatic tissues as gonad sheath and spermatheca, distal tip cells, and uterine and vulva muscles. ppk-1::GFP also showed extensive expression in such neuronal cells as ventral nerve cord, neuronal cell bodies near the nerve ring, and tail neurons. |
Expression of TRPA-1:: GFP fusion proteins was observed in several cell types. In lines carrying the short fusion construct (for example, ljEx107), TRPA-1:: GFP fusion protein was localized to many tissues, including pharyngeal muscle and body wall muscle, the excretory system, the rectal gland cell, vulval epithelium, epithelial cells in the head, and the spermatheca. Sporadic expression was also observed in some head neurons with this construct. |
Transgenic lines generated with the partial protein fusion construct (for example, ljEx109) expressed TRPA-1:: GFP in the same cells as ljEx107 (see Expr4646), but with some additional cells, including the majority of amphid sensory neurons (for example, ASH, AWA, AWB, ASI and ASK) and the phasmid neurons PHA and PHB. |
Transgenic lines generated with the full-length protein fusion construct (for example, ljEx114) expressed TRPA-1:: GFP in the same cells as ljEx107 (see Expr4646), but with some additional cells, including the majority of amphid sensory neurons (for example, ASH, AWA, AWB, ASI and ASK) and the phasmid neurons PHA and PHB. The full-length TRPA-1:: GFP fusion was also expressed in the PVD and PDE in the postdeirid sensilla and the sensory neurons OLQ and IL1. Other neurons in the head and ventral nerve cord also expressed TRPA-1:: GFP. |
The fusion protein was observed at the cilia of sensory neurons, as well as at the cell body. |
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. |
The GFP construct was broadly expressed throughout the animal with fluorescence strongest in the seam cells, body wall and pharyngeal muscle, vulval cells, spermatheca, the tail, and many neurons. |