an accordion-like tube that contains sperm and is the site of oocyte fertilization. |
A group of six equivalent cells forms a tightly constructed `valve` that links the posterior bulb of the pharynx to the anterior four cells of the intestine. These six cells comprise a small epithelial channel with a cuticular lining in continuity with the pharyngeal cuticle and link the lumen of the pharynx to the large lumen of the anterior intestine. |
pharyngeal-intestinal valve
cardia |
Longitudinal bands of muscle cells surrounding animal body, with one band running in each quadrant of the body, regulated contraction and relaxation of these muscles cause locomotion. |
body wall musculature
body muscle |
muscle associated with hermaphrodite vulva. |
vulval muscle
the feeding organ, a neuro-muscular pump in the head of the animal, used to ingest food, bacteria suspended in liquid, filter them out, grind them up and transport posteriorly into the instestine. |
esophagus |