

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  embryonic cell Name  ABalppa
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0006741

3 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
embryonic cell ABalppaa   WBbt:0005944
embryonic cell ABalppap   WBbt:0006112
nucleus of pedigree ABalppa ABalppa nucleus   WBbt:0001137

0 Expression Clusters

32 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
    Expr10426 Inferred Expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
Sequence: Z28377 Z28375 Z28376.   Expr12 Embryonic expression consisting of three components. 1. A subset of cells in the AB lineage, initially organized in two clusters, from when the AB lineage is dividing to give 32 cells until the lineage forms 128 cells. Descendants of AB.alpa, AB.alpp, AB.araa, AB.plaa, AB.plpa, AB.praa, AB.prpa. 2. Members of the D cell lineage, starting as Da/Dp divide and ending once 16 cells have been generated in this lineage. 3. Z1 and Z4, from the end of their migration to the germ line progenitors, until shortly after hatching.  
Other strain-- UL123   Expr103 This strain exhibits strong expression in the embryo. Expression is first seen in the 50-80 cell embryo and extends through to adulthood. It appears that most of the AB cells in the embryo stain, and what appears to be the cells of the C lineage. Some embryos exhibit staining in the two rows of nuclei that are the E lineage. All embryonic staining is very intense, and it spreads to the cytoplasm giving blue embryos, therefore obscuring the DAPI staining, making it difficult to count the number of cells in the embryos as each component begins expressing. This intense staining fades as the embryo ages, sometimes leaving blue comma stage embryos with no distinct nuclei staining. Hypodermal expression is seen in the 3 fold stage of embryogenesis and in young larvae which most probably are C-derived hyp-7 nuclei. Expression weakens as the worm gets older and is much less frequently expressed in adults. Some adults do show staining in the anterior hypodermal nuclei (hyp-3, hyp-4) and in the anterior hypodermal seam cells, also some nuclei stain in the tail.  
This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr706 NHR-2 is detected in the nuclei of embryos as early as 2-cell stage. The protein is present in every nucleus until the 16-20 cell stage then no longer detected in germline precursor P4 and its sister D but at this point expression in other cells increase. No staining during or just after mitosis. 28-cell stage: Staining in E and MS descendants, variable expression generally weak particularly in E cells. Staining in ABplp and ABpr descendants also variable but can be quite strong. The other 10 AB cells and 4 C cells exhibit reproducible strong expression. 51-cell stage: No expression in descendants of E. Staining in C cells, many AB cells and some MS cells (particularly those in anterior and dorsal positions). As embryogenesis progresses NHR-2 expression is restricted to anterior and dorsal regions of embryo. 250 cell stage: Nuclei staining include (but not limited to) Cp descendants contributing to hyp7 synctium, many but not all AB descendants. NHR-2 last detected in one or a few nuclei in vicinity of excretory cell before expression ceases at early comma stage.  
In situ hybridization showed that ceh-13 mRNA was not present at early embryonic stages. It appeared first in E.p and then in the AB.xxxp cells, only a short time before CEH-13. Transgenic Marker: rol-6(su1006). Subcellular localization: : Nuclear in E.p, cytoplasmic in AB.xxxp. Nuclear in E.p and Ab.xxxp daughters. In situ hybridization showed that ceh-13 mRNA was not present at early embryonic stages. It appeared first in E.p and then in the AB.xxxp cells, only a short time before CEH-13. Transgenic Marker: rol-6(su1006).   Expr513 Expressed weakly in intestinal precursor, E.p, at 26-cell stage embryo at the beginning of gastrulation. Expressed in E.p and AB.xxxp daughters and in D.a and D.p. See Expression pattern 512 for expression later in development. Nuclear in E.p, cytoplasmic in AB.xxxp. Nuclear in E.p and Ab.xxxp daughters.
    Expr1633 First, pKK52 expression begins at the 28-cell stage in all four granddaughters and 16 great-great granddaughters of the MS and AB founder cells, respectively; this expression continues in many, possibly all, of their descendants until around the time of hatching. Second, expression becomes more pronounced in seam cells about 1 hour after their birth. This seam expression remains strong throughout embryonic and larval development, but becomes slightly reduced in adults. Third, robust expression is also seen in several cells in the head region, at least some of which are cells in the nervous system (neurons and/or support cells), beginning at approximately the comma stage and continuing through adulthood. For simplicity, this component of the expression pattern was referred as nervous system expression, although the precise identity of these cells were not determined.  
See Expr1633 for pKK52 expression pattern.   Expr1634 pKK41 is expressed in the same groups of cells as the elt-5 translational reporter (pKK52), but the relative expression levels are different. Whereas the elt-5 reporter is strongly expressed in both seam cells and the nervous system during the comma through pretzel stages, the elt-6 reporter is strongly expressed only in the nervous system. Only weak expression of the elt-6 reporter is apparent in seam cells and in the AB and MS descendants during embryogenesis, but the seam expression becomes stronger during larval development. Strong expression of the elt-6 reporter in the nervous system continues throughout larval development.  
    Expr514 E.p and daughters during gastrulation, then fades during morphogenesis. No staining seen in larval or adult intestine; AB.xxxp and their daughters during gastrulation; D.a and D.p during gastrulation; unidentified anterior embryonic cells, other cells in AB, MS and D lineages throughout embryogenesis. Strongly expressed in H2L, H2R, V1L, V1R at comma stage embryo. Also seen in anterior dorsal hypodermal cells and anterior body wall muscle cells at comma stage Embryo. Ventral nerve cord, lateral hypodermal and dorsal hypodermal cells show strong expression at L1. H2L and H2R show weak expression at L1. V1.pxx cells do not show expression at L1, but all V1 through V4 descendants show expression at L2. Expressed in male tail at unspecified stage.  
    Expr10432 Inferred Expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10284 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10425 Inferred Expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10447 Inferred Expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10448 Inferred Expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10329 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10338 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10213 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10446 Inferred Expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10408 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10431 Inferred Expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10313 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10323 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10332 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10334 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10212 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10377 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10316 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10328 Inferred expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10452 Inferred Expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10453 Inferred Expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  
    Expr10456 Inferred Expression. EPIC dataset. http://epic.gs.washington.edu/ Large-scale cellular resolution compendium of gene expression dynamics throughout development. This reporter was inferred to be expressing in this cell or one of its embryonic progenitor cells as described below. To generate a compact description of which cells express a particular reporter irrespective of time, the authors defined a metric "peak expression" for each of the 671 terminal ("leaf") cells born during embryogenesis. For each of these cells, the peak expression is the maximal reporter intensity observed in that cell or any of its ancestors; this has the effect of transposing earlier expression forward in time to the terminal set of cells. This metric allows straightforward comparisons of genes' cellular and lineal expression overlap, even when the expression occurs with different timing and despite differences in the precise time point that curation ended in different movies, at the cost of ignoring the temporal dynamics of expression, a topic that requires separate treatment. For simplicity, the authors use the term "expressing cells" to mean the number of leaf cells (of 671) with peak expression greater than background (2000 intensity units) and at least 10% of the maximum expression in that embryo. Quantitative expression data for all cells are located here: ftp://caltech.wormbase.org/pub/wormbase/datasets-published/murray2012/  

4 Life Stages

Remark Definition Other Name Public Name Primary Identifier
  The whole period of embryogenesis in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, from the formation of an egg until hatching. embryo Ce WBls:0000003
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 100-290min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Proliferate from 28 cells to 421 cells. Referring to the whole period of gastrulation. gastrulating embryo Ce WBls:0000010
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 0-350min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Proliferate from 1 cell to 560 cells. From start of first cleavage until cleavage is over. proliferating embryo Ce WBls:0000004
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 120-135 min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Contains 51 cells. 51-cell embryo Ce WBls:0000011

2 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
embryonic cell ABalpp   WBbt:0006486
cell that exists in and is part of an embryo. embryonic cell   WBbt:0007028