

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  muscle that controls hermaphrodite rectal opening. Name  rectal muscle
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0005803 Synonym  anal muscle

2 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
Anal depressor muscle of a hermaphrodite animal. anal depressor muscle hermaphrodite   WBbt:0008386
  anal sphincter muscle hermaphrodite   WBbt:0008388

2 Expression Clusters

Regulated By Treatment Description Algorithm Primary Identifier
  Top 300 transcripts enriched in intestinal muscle, rectal muscle according to single cell RNAseq. Top 300 enriched transcripts were determined by log2.ratio of the tpm in the cell type vs the tpm in the other cells * the log2 of the cell.type tpm. WBPaper00061340:Intestinal_and_rectal_muscle
  Single-cell RNA-Seq cell group 92 expressed in: Anal muscle. CellRanger, DecontX, Monocle3, Louvain algorithm. WBPaper00065623:92

25 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
    Expr2033 Expression is seen from 3-fold embryo stage until adulthood. Expression is highly mosaic and seen in a number of cells and tissues. The most common components consist of diffuse expression in the intestine (particularly of young larvae), and in anal muscle cells. Expression is also occasionally seen in the excretory cell and canals, the vulval hypodermis, the pharynx, and hypodermal cells.  
    Expr9764 GFP was expressed at a very low level in body wall muscle, pharyngeal-intestinal valve, intestine and possibly the excretory cell and rectal muscle from L1 to adult. GFP may have been present in all muscle cells. The GFP was weakly nuclear- localized with some cytoplasmic. The GFP was weakly nuclear-localized with some cytoplasmic.
    Expr9944 cah-4b displayed neuronal expression. Only subsets of the adult neurons expressed GFP. In addition to neuronal labeling, strong expression was observed in the hypodermis and various muscle cells including the vulva and pharynx. cah-4b translational fusion protein was expressed most strongly in the excretory cell but GFP labeling was also found in the cytoplasm of various muscle and hypodermal cells.  
    Expr15542 MPS-2 was detected throughout development with broad expression in the embryo, including the epidermis, gut, and differentiating neurons. During larval development, expression becomes weaker and more restricted and adult worms show MPS-2 expression only in a couple of cells, including body-wall muscle, rectal muscle, somato-intestinal muscle, inconsistently in coelomocytes, and robust expression in the AVA neuron, which plays an important role in memory. On the other hand, con- trary to a previous study, MPS-2 was not detectable in the ADF neuron.  
    Expr9738 Very broad GFP expression was seen from late embryogenesis to mature adult. Many cells in the head showed expression including neurons, the pharynx and hypodermis. Many neurons in the tail also showed expression. Body wall GFP expression was observed throughout the length of the body, in the hypodermis and possibly muscle, and was most apparent in the L4. There was also intestinal expression but this varied considerably in intensity between individuals. Finally GFP expression was also observed in the vulva in the L4, probably in the vulval muscles, and possibly in the rectal muscles. Expression was brightest in the L4s and young adults.  
Other strain-- UL403 late embryo(author) = elongating embryo + fully-elongated embryo(curator).   Expr122 Expression begins in precomma stage embryos. It is quite strong, with extensive diffuse cytoplasmic staining as well as nuclear localised staining. Expression is strongest in young larvae, with staining observed in the ventral nerve cord, the circumpharyngeal nerve ring, the head ganglion, the tail ganglion, the retrovesicular ganglion, and in the developing vulva. In older larvae and in adults the strong pharyngeal expression seen in young larvae is less intense and some neuronal processes in the head become apparent (e.g. the motorneuron M1). There is also staining in the pharyngo-intestinal valve and in the seam cells, though expression appears to exclude the nuclei and is generally intermittent along the seam. The defecation muscle group stain as does its axon, DVB. The dorsal cord also stains but is very faint. Two commissures stain (these are also faint), one is located anterior to the vulva, and the other is posterior to the vulva.  
Other strain-- UL513 late embryo(author) = fully-elongated embryo(curator).   Expr128 Expression is seen from embryo to adult in this extensive multicomponent pattern. At the 1.5-fold stage staining is seen in 5 as yet unidentified nuclei, with staining becoming more extensive in the 3-fold embryo. In larvae and adults, staining is seen in the pharynx (including pharyngeal muscle cell nuclei), with many hypodermal nuclei in the head, tail and body also staining. Expression is also seen in the excretory cell nucleus and canals, in the spermathecae, and in the anal muscles.  
Reporter construct derived from clones that rescue emb-9 phenotype. Transgenic Marker: rol-6(su1006). late embryo(author) = fully-elongated embryo(curator).   Expr518 Body wall muscle cells, hmc and MS.pppaaa show expression in early embryo. In later embryo through adulthood, stain accumulates between the hypodermis and four body muscle quadrants, and surrounds the pharynx, intestine and primordial gonad at L1 through adulthood. Presumptive GLRDL, GLRDR, GLRL, GLRR, GLRVL, GLRVR, coelomocytes, and anal muscles show expression in addition to body muscle cells at L1, L2, L3 L4 and adult. Distal tip cells of developing gonad in L2, L3, and L4. Spermathecal cells and distal ends of gonad show expression at L4 and adult. Vulval and uterine muscles in adult. Also expressed in two to four posterior intestinal cells. Preceding lima stage, intracellular. Later, extracellular around muscle quadrant-hypodermis interface, pharynx, intestine and gonad. Gonad and muscle stain intracellularly, pharynx and hypodermis do not. Four antibodies to type IV collagen gave same expression pattern.
CeSKIP(skp-1) is likely part of a two-gene operon. The first gene of this operon is bir-1. RT-PCR with primers derived from bir-1 and CeSKIP in combination with SL1 and SL2 primers demonstrated that bir-1 was SL1 trans-spliced and CeSKIP was SL2 trans-spliced. Reporter gene fusion type not specified.   Expr1923 Embryos expressed CeSKIP::gfp ubiquitously beginning at approximately the 30 cell stage. The expression of CeSKIP::gfp continues in larval development and adult animals although the level of expression varies in different tissues. The most pronounced expression is in pharyngeal cells, in head and neurons, neurons of dorsal and ventral neuronal cord, in muscle cells, and epidermal cells mostly in head and in tail, and in some seam cells. In L4 larvae and adults, egg laying muscle cells, and anal muscle cells are also strongly labeled.  
EC610   Expr2000 PHF-5 shows a striking accumulation correlating with the entry of C. elegans embryos in the morphogenetic phase of development. In the first embryonic division stages of C. elegans, no PHF-5::YFP-signal could be detected, while a first expression became visible in the embryonic stage of 100 to 250 cells in the nuclei of two neighboring single cells localized in the central part of the embryos. The expression domain of phf-5::yfp remarkably extends in the following morphogenetic stages of development and shows a dominant distribution highlighting the embryonic pharynx of pretzel-staged embryos and the region of the posterior (rectal) opening. In young larvae, phf-5::yfp expression is restricted to the pharyngeal muscle, to polyploid gut cell nuclei, to body wall muscles, and to the anal muscles. With ongoing development, the PHF-5::YFP-signal is almost restricted to the pharynx of adult C. elegans. --precise ends. At higher magnification, the pharyngeal expression shows a slight nuclear predominance while a cytoplasmatic distribution paints the pharyngeal tissue in a homogeneous manner as well does the expression pattern in the body wall muscles. phf-5::yfp distribution in polyploid gut cells is restricted to the cell nuclei.
Legacy Data: "Bauer PK" "Mounsey A" "Royall CM" "Hope IA" Date 1997-07.   Expr94 Expression of this neural pattern is first seen prior to the embryonic comma stage, and extends through to adulthood. Strong staining is seen in the ventral nerve cord and its cell bodies, in the retrovesicular ganglion, the circumpharyngeal nerve ring, and in the rectal muscle group involved in defecation (anal depressor, sphincter muscle and intestinal muscle). The DVB neuron which innervates this muscle group also exhibits staining. Weaker staining can be observed in the dorsal nerve cord and in some commissures possibly of VD or DD type. Staining appears to be in foci along the commissures.  
    Expr9756 Strains generated for this reporter gene fusion appeared quite mosaic with most individuals showing few GFP expression pattern components. Several cells expressed GFP in and around the posterior pharyngeal bulb. GFP expression was also observed in the intestine. Rarely, GFP expression in the pharyngeal-intestinal valve and hypodermis was observed. Approximately 4 cells [possibly rectal muscle] sometimes gave GFP expression in the tail.  
Transgenic Marker: rol-6(su1006).   Expr543 Expressed in ventral nerve cord, nerve ring, preanal ganglion, body wall muscle cells, pharyngeal muscles, anal muscles, vulval muscles; intestinal cells in adult.  
Other strain-- UL952   Expr2026 Expression is seen from 3-fold embryo stage, through all larval stages and through to adulthood. Punctate cytoplasmic and nuclear expression is quite extensive and is seen throughout the worm in bodywall muscle and hypodermis. More specifically the vulC cells of the vulva frequently show strong expression, as do cells of the defecation muscle system. Punctate cytoplasmic and nuclear expression is quite extensive and is seen throughout the worm in bodywall muscle and hypodermis.
No official name given to beta-filagenin yet. This distribution is identical to the localization of myosin A and B. In contrast, antibody to paramyosin labeled all C. elegans muscles, and served as a control for the more restricted localization of beta-filagenin.   Expr1442 The antibody labeled the thick filament-containing A bands of the bodywall muscles and the anal-intestinal muscles, but not the pharyngeal muscles. The antibody labeled the thick filament-containing A bands of the bodywall muscles and the anal-intestinal muscles.
    Expr12842 An oga-1::GFP reporter construct was expressed in most muscles of the animal including body wall, pharyngeal, vulval and rectal muscles. Expression was also observed in the nerve ring, spermatheca and coelomocytes.  
Essentially same pattern as seen for emb-9 (see Expression Pattern 518). Reporter construct derived from clone that rescues let-2. Transgenic Marker: rol-6(su1006). A transcriptional lacZ fusion construct with more 5' upstream sequences showed little activity.   Expr519 Body wall muscle at embryo. Presumptive GLRDL, GLRDR, GLRL, GLRR, GLRVL, GLRVR, coelomocytes, and anal muscles show expression in addition to body muscle cells at L1, L2, L3 L4 and adult. Distal tip cells of developing gonad in L2, L3, and L4. Spermathecal cells and distal ends of gonad show expression at L4 and adult. Vulval and uterine muscles in adult.  
    Expr9829 GFP expression was observed in the L1, in the 12 P cells, 6 down each side. The transgenic strains may show considerable mosaicism as in many worms the GFP could only be seen in the 6 cells on one side. GFP expression seems to continue during P cell migration but possibly not in all P cells. GFP was also seen in 1 to 3 cells in the tail (which may be rectal muscles as they were located either side of the rectum) and 2 to 4 neurons in the head from L1 through to adulthood (although the strength of fluorescence was reduced in later stages). The GFP expression pattern looked very similar to that for C-terminal (see strain UL4024) and ref-2a N-terminal (see strain UL4017) reporter fusions assayed for ref-2 using a similar strategy.  
    Expr13150 The medium-sized sms-1 isoform is expressed in all muscles including body wall muscle, head and tail muscles, vulval muscles, pharyngeal muscles, and anal muscles.  
    Expr9364 The tni-2 and tni-3 genes were also expressed in the same cells of body wall, vulval and anal muscles, but while tni-2 was uniformly expressed in body wall muscles, the tni-3 gene was strongly expressed in the head, vulval and anal muscles. Expression of tni-2::gfp was observed in the vulval and anal muscles in addition to those muscles detected with tni-2::lacZ. This was the result of the inclusion of a longer 5' upstream region of tni-2 that includes the NdE-box enhancer for vulval expression. Sub-cellular localization within the body wall muscle: Myofilaments +/- Dense bodies
    Expr1194 Staining in the body wall muscles, the vulva muscles, and the minor muscles of the anal region.  
Some staining of pharyngeal muscle may come from cross reaction with the second troponin C isoform, as suggested by the high degree of sequence homology between these proteins.   Expr1195 Body wall muscle expression can be seen in embryos and carries on throughout the life of the animal. In older animals vulva and anal muscle expression can also be observed.  
    Expr9810 GFP expression was observed from the comma stage embryo. The GFP may be in the P cell lineages from late embryogenesis and through the L1 stage but this seems to disappear at the L2 stage. A few cells in the body wall expressed GFP in older larvae and adults; this may be muscle but was very weak and may be hypodermis in the head. There may also be GFP expression in vulval and rectal muscle in the L4 and young adult. No intestinal expression of GFP was detected.  
    Expr9814 Intestinal GFP expression was observed from the L1 to the adult. The GFP was largely nuclear-localized but with some cytoplasmic fluorescence. GFP may have been present in the P cell lineages in the L1, in the hypodermis either side of the head, and possibly some body wall muscle in the head. Vulval and rectal GFP expression may be in muscle cells. UL4026 showed stronger GFP expression than UL4025 or UL4008, but this was still weaker than observed for strains expressing N-terminal reporter fusions for klf-3, generated by a similar strategy (see UL4047 and UL4006).  
    Expr10614 The expression of the pI1U2061R tni-1::rfp reporter was only observed in body-wall muscles as aggregated signals, compared with the tni-2::gfp expression. The pI2U2624 tni-2::gfp reporter was expressed in body-wall muscles including head region, vulval and rectum muscles. The pI3U3698R tni-3::rfp reporter was expressed in body-wall muscles including head region, vulval and rectum muscles.  

0 Life Stages

2 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
The passageway in the hindgut between the posterior intestine, the rectal valve and the opening to the exterior. rectum   WBbt:0005773
Association of cells with a common embryological origin or pathway and similar structure and function. Usually, cells of a tissue are contiguous at cell membranes and may be of one or more types. Tissues aggregate to form organs. Tissue   WBbt:0005729