

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Expression Pattern :

Pattern  Neuronal expression. In the L1 stage cog-1::gfp is expressed in amphid neurons ADL(L/R), ASE(L/R), and ASJ(L/R). One additional pair of head neurons expresses cog-1::gfp in the L1. This pair is located between the excretory cell and the excretory pore, and is probably either AIA(L/R), SMBD(L/R), SIAD(L/R), or SIAV(L/R). In the tail, phasmid neurons PHB(L/R) express cog-1::gfp. The expression in amphid and phasmid neurons persists to the adult. Additional unidentified cells in the preanal ganglion express cog-1::gfp in late larvae and adults. Other cells in the tail region. The sphincter muscle (mu_sph) and phasmid sheath cells (PHshL, PHshR) express cog-1::gfp in all stages examined. Uterine expression. In the hermaphrodite gonad, cog-1::gfp is expressed exclusively in the dorsal uterine lineage. During the L3 stage, GFP is in the central four great-granddaughters of DU cells (DE4/DE5; DE, dorsal eight). The expression apparently persists in DE4/DE5 descendants, du, uv2, and uv3, until the adult stage, DE2 and DE7 lineages in the dorsal uterus also express cog-1::gfp starting from the early L4 stage. In the late L4, cog-1::gfp in this region is observed exclusively in sujc cells. Each core is surrounded by the spermathecaluterine valve and appears to form a plug which blocks the uterine lumen from the spermathecal lumen. None of the cog-1::gfp fusions, including the rescuing construct, was ever observed to express in any ventral uterine cells, including the anchor cell. Thus, the function of cog-1 in the connection is believed to be a consequence of abnormal gene regulation in the vulva, although a function in the dorsal uterine cells have not been ruled out. Vulval expression. In the vulva, cog-1::gfp is expressed from early L4 to the adult. Cells that express are vulC [P5.ppa(l/r), P7.pap(l/r)], vulD (P5.ppp, P7.paa), vulE(P6.pppl, P6.pppr, P6.paal, P6.paar), and vulF (P6.ppal, P6.ppar, P6.papl, P6.papr). The expression is considerably brighter in vulC and vulD than in vulE and vulF. Occasionally, expression in vulB and vulA was observed. Male expression. The expression of cog-1::gfp in the male was scored mostly in animals containing an extrachromosomal array containing the SmaI insertion. cog-1::gfp is expressed during proctodeal development. eL.aav and eR.aav express cog-1. In addition, proctodeal cells B.pap and B.pppa express cog-1::gfp. Additional expressing cells observed in occasional males include: rep, and P11.pp progeny. No gonadal cells in the male, including the linker cell, expressed cog-1::gfp in any stage of development. Primary Identifier  Expr2276

34 Anatomy Terms

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
a saddle-shaped muscle cell that encircles the intestinal-rectal valve anal sphincter muscle lineage name: ABprpppppap WBbt:0005798
one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil ASEL lineage name: ABalppppppaa WBbt:0003904
one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil ASER lineage name: ABpraaapppaa WBbt:0003903
Amphid neuron, prob. chemosensory ADLL lineage name: ABalppppaad WBbt:0003997
Amphid neuron, prob. chemosensory ADLR lineage name: ABpraaapaad WBbt:0003995
Phasmid neurons, probably chemosensory PHBL lineage name: ABplapppappp WBbt:0004364
Phasmid neuron, probably chemosensory PHBR lineage name: ABprapppappp WBbt:0005659
adult vulval toroid cell, F, formed by fusion of precursors of lineage names P6.papl, P6.papr, P6.ppal and P6.ppar. vulF   WBbt:0006768
adult vulval toroid cell, E, formed by fusion of precursors of lineage names P6.paal, P6.paar, P6.pppl and P6.pppr. vulE   WBbt:0006767
Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally SIAVL lineage name: ABplpapappa WBbt:0004985
Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally SIAVR lineage name: ABprpapappa WBbt:0004983
Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally SIADL lineage name: ABplpapaapa WBbt:0004989
Receives a few synapses in the ring, has a posteriorly directed process that runs sublaterally SIADR lineage name: ABprpapaapa WBbt:0004987
Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally SMBDL lineage name: ABalpapapapp WBbt:0004976
Ring motor neuron/interneuron, has a posteriorly direct ed process that runs sublaterally SMBDR lineage name: ABarappapapp WBbt:0004975
adult vulval toroid cell, C, formed by fusion of precursors of lineage names P5.ppal, P5.ppar, P7.papl and P7.papr. vulC   WBbt:0006765
adult vulval toroid cell, D, formed by fusion of precursors of lineage names P5.ppp and P7.paa. vulD   WBbt:0006766
one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil ASJR lineage name: ABpraaappppa WBbt:0003885
one member of Amphid neurons, single ciliated endings, probably chemo-sensory; project into ring via commissure from ventral ganglion, make diverse synaptic connections in ring neuropil ASJL lineage name: ABalpppppppa WBbt:0003886
Amphid interneuron AIAL lineage name: ABplppaappa WBbt:0003989
Amphid interneuron AIAR lineage name: ABprppaappa WBbt:0003987
uterine-vulva cell, distal (of three ut cells) to the vulva. uv3   WBbt:0006793
uterine-vulval cell, medial position of three ut cells. uv2   WBbt:0006792
Phasmid sheath PHshL lineage name: ABplpppapaa WBbt:0004116
Phasmid sheath PHshR lineage name: ABprpppapaa WBbt:0004114
cell forming dorsal epithelium in central region of the uterus; formed by fusion of four cells. dorsal uterine cell du cell WBbt:0006782
Hypodermis associated with hook sensillum of male, contains nucleus P11.ppaa P11.ppaa lineage name: P11.ppaa WBbt:0004374
Hypodermis associated with hook sensillum of male, contains nucleus P11.ppp P11.ppp lineage name: P11.ppp WBbt:0004372
Hypodermis associated with hook sensillum of male, contains nucleus P11.ppap P11.ppap lineage name: P11.ppap WBbt:0004373
Cell of male proctodeum, post-embryonic pedigree B.pap. B.pap lineage name: B.pap WBbt:0004811

1 Genes

WormBase Gene ID Gene Name Sequence Name Organism
WBGene00000584 cog-1 R03C1.3 Caenorhabditis elegans

0 Life Stages