

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  Interneuron, short process in posterior ventral cord Name  LUAR
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0004491 Synonym  lineage name: ABprpppaapap

1 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
nucleus of pedigree ABprpppaapap ABprpppaapap nucleus   WBbt:0002180

0 Expression Clusters

49 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
    Expr11375 eat-4 is expressed in 78 of the 302 neurons of the adult hermaphrodite, which fall into 38 neuron classes (out of a total of 118 anatomically defined neuron classes in the hermaphrodite). Most of these neurons are either sensory- or interneurons. Only two motorneurons utilize glutamate; both are located in the pharynx.  
    Expr1261 Expressed in a subset of neurons in the pharynx and in the extrapharyngeal nervous system. Expression was also noticed in intestine cells(int1-int9). In the pharynx, eat-4 was found to be expressed in M3, NSM neurons, and possibly I5, but not in muscle. Clear and consistent eat-4 reporter expression was found in 15 different anatomical types. ADA, ALM, ASH, ASK, AUA, and AVJ or AIN, AVM, FLP, IL1, LUA, OLL, OLQ, PLM, PVD, and PVR.  
Picture: N.A.   Expr8675 Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in pm5, MC. Weak or rare expression in pharyngeal epithelium, pm1, pm2, pm3, pm4 pm6, pm7, pm8, g1, g2, rectal gland cells. Expression in the nervous system: ADE, AIY, ALM, ALN, AVA, AVK, AVM, BDU, CAN, DAn, DVA, DVB, DVC, FLP, HSN, LUA, PLM, PLN, PVC, PVM, PVP, PVQ, PVT, PVW, RID, RIS, SDQ, URB, MC. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in HSN. Faint hypodermal expression of inx-7 is seen around two-fold stage and becomes stronger by threefold stage.  
    Expr1164 Transgenic animals that carry this construct show GFP expression in a variety of tissue types. GFP expression is observed in the intestine, and the posterior cells express GFP more intensely than the remaining intestinal cells. Other cells include the rectal epithelial cells, the pharynx, the somatic gonad, and vulval hypodermal cells. In addition, the IP3 receptor is expressed in hypodermal cells of the tail, rectum, and head. Pharyngeal expression is restricted to the muscles of the metacorpus, isthmus, and the anterior portion of the terminal bulb (m4, m5, and m6). This construct was only expressed in neurons LUA and PDA. GFP is expressed in the gonad sheath cells, spermatheca, spermathecal valve, and uterine sheath cells. GFP is expressed in the vulval hypodermal cells.  
Picture: Fig 3.   Expr8679 Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in anterior arcades, posterior arcades, pharyngeal epithelium, pm4, pm8, g1, g2, vir, K.a/K' cells. inx-11 is more strongly expressed in the most posterior (int 9) intestinal cell. Weak or rare expression in pm1, pm2, pm3, pm5, pm6, pm7. Expression in the nervous system: CEPsh, DVC, LUA. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in utse. In developing larva stage, expressed in uterus, sperm (spermatocytes, spermatids). Expression of inx-11 appears in pharyngeal tissue around two-fold stage, and by three-fold stage, strong expression becomes restricted to g1, g2, pm4, and pm8. inx-11 is expressed in the hypodermal cells of the animal in postembryonic stages.  
  [ser-2::gfp] transcriptional fusion constructs. Ser-2 reporter constructs were generated by using a PCR fusion protocol, using pPD95.75 as a template for green fluorescent protein (gfp). For all gfp fusion primers listed, gfp vector sequence is indicated in lowercase, and gene-specific sequence is indicated in uppercase. [ser-2::gfp] translational fusion. A translational fusion of the whole ser-2 locus to gfp was created by using an in vivo recombination technique. Specifically, two overlapping PCR fragments, one containing the 5' part of a locus, the other containing the remainder of the locus PCR-fused to gfp, were coinjected into the worm. Recombination of these two fragments via the homologous region leads to the expression of a full-length ser-2::gfp fusion. Expr2707 Expression using the upstream regulatory regions of exon 1bc (ser-2prom2::gfp) is mostly restricted to the AIYL/R, AIZL/R, RID, DVA, BDUL/R, SIADL/R, and SIAVL/R interneurons. Less consistent expression is observed in PVT. In addition, expression is observed in the RMEL/R motor neurons. Outside the nervous system, expression can be observed in the excretory gland cells. No more transcriptional regulatory information is contained within intronic regions by generating a fusion of gfp to the full coding genomic ser-2 locus using an in vivo recombination technique([ser-2::gfp] translational fusion. Transgenic animals expressing such a construct show an expression pattern similar to the one observed with the ser-2prom1::gfp construct. The upstream regulatory region of the third splice form, containing exon 1d(ser-2prom3::gfp), drives expression exclusively in two sensory neuron classes, OLL(L/R) and PVD(L/R). ser-2prom1::gfp is expressed in the AIY interneuron class and a set of unidentified neurons. These neurons were identified as head and tail interneuron classes, namely AVHL/R, AUAL/R, AIYL/R, RICL/R, SABVL/R, RID, RIAL/R, SABD, SDQ, CANL/R, DA9, LUAL/R, ALNL/R, and PVCL/R. In addition to its expression in neurons, ser-2prom1::gfp is also expressed in pharyngeal cells (NSM neurons and pm1/6 muscles) and in head muscles. In males, expression can be observed in posterior dorsal and ventral body wall muscles, the male-specific diagonal muscles, and several posterior neurons likely to be CP neurons.  
    Expr1870 Expression of CFI-1 was identified in mid-late embryos (twofold and later) and throughout larval development and in the adult. CFI-1 was expressed in a small number of cells in the head and tail regions of the animals, with occasional faint staining in ventral cord neurons. In the head, only neurons and muscle cells expressed CFI-1. In the tail, only four neuronal cells expressed CFI-1. A cfi-1::GFP fusion gene was expressed in a pattern similar to that observed with anti-CFI-1 antisera. Using the cfi-1::GFP and anti-CFI-1 antisera a number of the cells expressing cfi-1 was identified based on their anatomical positions and neuronal morphologies. CFI-1 protein was expressed in IL2 and URA neurons, and in the AVD and PVC interneurons. Weaker expression was detected in the PVC sister neuron LUA. Most, if not all, head muscle cells expressed CFI-1, and m6 and m7 muscles in the pharynx expressed the protein as well. A small number of other cells also stained occasionally. CFI-1 protein is localized to nuclei of staining cells.
Picture: Fig 3.   Expr8694 Expression in the alimentary canal: Strong and consistent expression in M5, I1, I3, I6, NSM. Weak or rare expression in posterior arcades. Expression in the nervous system: Phsh, ADA, ADE, ADL, AIN, AIY, ALM, AUA, AVA, AVD, AVH, AVJ, AVK, AVM, AWB, BDU, CAN, CEP, DAn, DBn, DDn, DVB, DVC, FLP, HSN, IL1, IL2, LUA, OLL, PDA, PDB, PDE, PHA, PHB, PHC, PLM, PLN, PVC, PVD, PVM, PVN, PVP, PVQ, PVR, PVT, PVW, RIB, RIC, RIF, RIP, RIS, RME, SDQ, SIA (early larva), SIB (early larva), SMB (early larva), SMD (early larva), URA, URB, VAn, VBn, VCn, VDn, M5, I1, I6, NSM. Expression in the reproductive system: In adult stage, expressed in vulval muscle, uterine muscle, HSN, VCn. In developing larva stage, expressed in HSN, VCn, and anchor cell.  
    Expr3135 C47A10.6 expressed in both head (labial) and tail neurons (phasmid PHCL/R). C47A10.6 also showed medium to strong expression in scattered nonchemosensory neurons.  
    Expr3012 Expressed in AUA, BAG, DA, DD, DVB, LUA, PHC, PVC, SAB, URX, VD, uv1, head muscle. Faint or variable expression observed in socket cells. Male specific expression in Ray 4.  
Promoter 6-1   Expr15340    
Promoter 1   Expr15337    

6 Life Stages

Remark Definition Other Name Public Name Primary Identifier
  The whole period of embryogenesis in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, from the formation of an egg until hatching. embryo Ce WBls:0000003
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 620-800min(hatch) after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. A stage after elongation is over. The last stage of embryogenesis. Also called pre-hatched embryo, late embryo or morphogenetic embryo. fully-elongated embryo Ce WBls:0000021
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 350-620min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The stage that embryo starts elongation until elongation is over. elongating embryo Ce WBls:0000015
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 460-520min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The shape of embryo is elongated and double fold. A stage between 1.5-fold embryo and 3-fold embryo. 2-fold embryo Ce WBls:0000019
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 520-620min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The shape of embryo is elongated and tripple fold. A stage between 2-fold embryo and fully-elongated embryo. Also called pretzel embryo or pretzel stage. 3-fold embryo Ce WBls:0000020
  The C. elegans life stage spanning 420-460min after first cleavage at 20 Centigrade. Cell number remains at ~560 cells, with some new cells generated and some cells go through programmed cell death. The shape of embryo is elongated and fold back 50%. A stage between comma embryo and 2-fold embryo. 1.5-fold embryo Ce WBls:0000018

3 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
embryonic cell ABprpppaapa   WBbt:0006549
neuron of lumbar ganglion, right. lumbar right ganglion neuron   WBbt:0005600
Neuron class of two interneurons with cell bodies situated in the lumbar ganglia. LUA   WBbt:0008031