Focusing on larval development, we found that LIN-12::mNG::3xFlag was expressed in all postembryonic mesoderm progenitor cells at the 4M and 8M stages, but was only localized to the nucleus in ventral M-lineage cells, consistent with functions in dorsoventral patterning of the M lineage (Foehr & Liu, 2008). LIN-12::mNG::3xFlag was subsequently visible in somatic gonad cells and in several PN.p cells where lin-12 regulates cell fates (reviewed by Sternberg, 2005). LIN-12::mNG::3xFlag was visible at the cell membrane and in internalized punctae in the P3.p - P8.p cells but localized to the nucleus only in P5.p and P7.p. Following vulval precursor cell patterning, LIN-12::mNG::3xFlag was highly expressed in numerous somatic gonad cells, with nuclear localization in several spermatheca and uterine precursor cells. |
The transcriptional nlp-26 reporter was dynamically expressed in the VPCs and their sister Pn.a neurons in the VNC. In early to mid-L2 larvae, Pnlp-26-nls::lacZ::gfp was expressed in all VPCs and their sister Pn.a neurons. In addition, nlp-26 was strongly expressed in the hyp7 cell at all stages. By the late L2/early L3 stage, nlp-26 transcription was upregulated in P6.p and the P6.a neurons, while expression faded in the other VPCs. nlp-26 continued to be expressed in the P6.px daughter cells of mid-L3 larvae. Note that descendants of the 3° VPCs P3.p, P4.p and P8.p began to express nlp-26 after they had fused with hyp7. |
lin-39::lacZ was frequently expressed in P6.p to P8.p and at lower levels also in P3.p to P5.p of late L2 stage animals. |