adult vs dauer larva |
Transcripts that showed differential expression in adult vs dauer lava in N2 animals at 20C. |
N.A. |
Genes with expression level regulated by genotype (N2 vs CB4856) and age at old adults stage (214 hours at 24 centigrade). |
For model 2, authors used 100 permutations to estimate the FDR threshold. Per permutation, genotypes and ages were independently randomly distributed, keeping the among-gene structure intact. Then for each spot (23,232) on the array, model 2 was tested. The obtained P-values were used to estimate a threshold for each of the explanatory factors. Authors also used a genome-wide threshold of -log10 P-value = 2, which resembles an FDR of 0.072 and 0.060 for marker and the interaction age-marker for the developing worms and FDR of 0.050 and 0.065 for marker and age-marker for the aging worms. For the physiological age effect, authors used a log10 P-value = 8 in developing worms (0.012 FDR) and -log10 P-value = 6 (0.032 FDR). |
Genes with expression level regulated by genotype (N2 vs CB4856) at old adults stage (214 hours at 24 centigrade). |
For model 2, authors used 100 permutations to estimate the FDR threshold. Per permutation, genotypes and ages were independently randomly distributed, keeping the among-gene structure intact. Then for each spot (23,232) on the array, model 2 was tested. The obtained P-values were used to estimate a threshold for each of the explanatory factors. Authors also used a genome-wide threshold of -log10 P-value = 2, which resembles an FDR of 0.072 and 0.060 for marker and the interaction age-marker for the developing worms and FDR of 0.050 and 0.065 for marker and age-marker for the aging worms. For the physiological age effect, authors used a log10 P-value = 8 in developing worms (0.012 FDR) and -log10 P-value = 6 (0.032 FDR). |
Bacteria diet: Escherichia coli HB101. Fed for 30 generations. |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression after fed by bacteria E. coli HB101 for 30 generations comparing to animals fed by E. coli OP50. |
DESeq2 fold change > 2, p-value < 0.01. |
Bacteria infection: Bacillus thuringiensis |
mRNAs that showed significantly decreased expression after pathogenic bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis infections comparing to non pathogenic BT (BT247(1 to 10 mix) vs BT407 12h), according to RNAseq. |
Cuffdiff, ajusted p-value < 0.01. |
Bacteria infection: Bacillus thuringiensis |
mRNAs that showed significantly decreased expression after pathogenic bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis infections comparing to non pathogenic BT (BT247(1 to 2 mix) vs BT407 12h), according to RNAseq. |
Cuffdiff, ajusted p-value < 0.01. |
Genes down regulated by mir-243(n4759). |
RNAs that changed at least 2-fold with a probability of p > 0.05 in three biological replicates were considered differentially regulated between wild-type and mir-243. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in skn-1(lax188) gain of function comparing to in N2 at day 2 adult stage. |
fold change > 2 |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in wdr-5(ok1417);skn-1(lax188) comparing to in skn-1(lax188) at day 2 adult stage. |
fold change > 2 |
Bacteria infection: Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14. 24 hours of exposure at 25C. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in N2 animals with 24 hours of exposure to P. aeruginosa PA14 for 24 hrs at 25C, comparing to N2 animals without exposure to PA14. |
DESeq2, fold change > 2, FDR < 0.05. |
Bacteria: B.subtilis |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression when animals were fed by probiotic bacteria strain B.subtilis PXN21 comparing to animals fed with OP50 from L1 till day 1 adult. |
edgeR 3.16.5, FDR < 0.05, fold change > 2. |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression in tetraploid N2 comparing to diploid N2 animals at L4 larva stage. |
DESeq2 R package (1.20.0), fold change > 2, and FDR < 0.05. |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression in hpl-2(tm1489) comparing to in N2 animals. |
DESeq2, adjusted p-value < 0.05, log2 fold change > 2 or < -2. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in BAT525 [hmg-3 (tm2539) / dpy-5(e61) unc-13(e1091) I.] comparing to in N2 at 1-day post L4 adult hermaphrodite stage. |
DESeq 2, fold change > 4, adjusted p-value < 0.05. |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression in eat-2(ad1116) comparing to in N2 at 3-days post L4 adult hermaphrodite animals. |
DESeq2(v1.14.1), fold change > 2, p-value < 0.05 |
Transcripts that showed significantly altered expression in rnp-6(dh1127) animals comparing to in N2 when fed with heat killed E. coli OP50. |
Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) (q-value <0.05) between different samples were identified using the stringtie version 1.3.0, followed by Cufflinks version 2.2. |
Transcripts that showed significantly altered expression in rnp-6(dh1127) animals comparing to in N2 when fed with live S. aureus. |
Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) (q-value <0.05) between different samples were identified using the stringtie version 1.3.0, followed by Cufflinks version 2.2. |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression in nhl-2(ok818) comparing to in N2 at 25C. |
EdgeR, FDR < 0.05, fold change < 0.5. |
Genes found to be regulated by low-copy overexpression of sir-2.1 with p < 0.014. |
N.A. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression in animals fed with JM103 bacteria producing Cry5B, comparing to control animals fed with JM103. |
ANOVA, p-value < 0.05. |
Embryonic class (E): genes that significantly increase in abundance at some point during embryogenesis. |
A modified Welch F statistic was used for ANOVA. For each gene, regressed error estimates were substituted for observed error estimates. The substitution is justified by the lack of consistency among the most and least variable genes at each time point. Regressed error estimates were abundance-dependent pooled error estimates that represented a median error estimate from a window of genes of similar abundance to the gene of interest. A randomization test was used to compute the probability Pg of the observed F statistic for gene g under the null hypothesis that developmental time had no effect on expression. P-values were not corrected for multiple testing. |
Strictly embryonic class (SE): genes that are the subset of embryonic genes that are not also classified as maternal. |
A modified Welch F statistic was used for ANOVA. For each gene, regressed error estimates were substituted for observed error estimates. The substitution is justified by the lack of consistency among the most and least variable genes at each time point. Regressed error estimates were abundance-dependent pooled error estimates that represented a median error estimate from a window of genes of similar abundance to the gene of interest. A randomization test was used to compute the probability Pg of the observed F statistic for gene g under the null hypothesis that developmental time had no effect on expression. P-values were not corrected for multiple testing. |
Genes with significant decrease of expression in NBAS smgl-1(RNAi) comparing to control. |
Bioconductor package LIMMA was used to determine differentially expressed genes. The P-values were adjusted for multiple testing with a false-discovery rate (50). Probe sets with fold-change > 1.5 and q-value < 0.05 were used as a cut-off for C. elegans microarrays |
Expression Pattern Group D, enriched for genes involved in catabolic processes. |
The significance (P 0.0001) of the relative age (time) was used to determine if a gene was differentially expressed between the three age (time) groups. The effect of this factor explaining gene expression differences was used to determine if the expression went up or down during the two age/time periods (t1 - t2 and t2 -t3). Authors used a permutation approach to determine the thresholds for the different mapping strategies. For each of the used models for eQTL mapping, authors used 23,000 permutations. For each permutation, authors randomly picked a spot; each spot could only be picked once. The gene expression and relative lifespan values were than randomly distributed over the RILs (and time points) and used for mapping. In this way, authors obtained a threshold for each of the explaining factors. For the single time points, authors used a FDR of 0.01 to adjust for multiple testing. The genome-wide threshold for this FDR is -log10 P = 3.8 for each of the three time points. For the combined models (t1 to t2 and t2 to t3), authors used a genome-wide threshold of -log10 P = 4, which resembles an FDR of 0.006, 0.001, and 0.006 for marker, age, and the interaction between marker and age, respectively. To determine the threshold for the single gene examples, authors used 1000 permutations as in the genome-wide threshold. The difference is that they use the gene under study in all of the permutations. The P-values for the gene specific thresholds were determined at FDR = 0.05. |
Genes with significantly decreased expression in eat-2(ad465) comparing to N2. |
The criteria for differential gene regulation included a greater than 1.5-fold change in expression compared to wild-type, a false discovery rate less than 0.05, and greater than 10 reads when normalized to the base mean. Statistical analysis and drawing of plots was performed in R using the bioconductor package Deseq (Anders, Huber 2010) and R function gplots. |
Temprature shift to 28C for 24 hours. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression after animals were exposed to 28C temperature for 24 hours. |
Differentially expressed genes wereidentified using DESeq (v.1.18.0) by normalizing readsbased on the negative binomial distribution method andcomparing each HS timepoint to the 0-h control. |
Temprature shift to 28C for 48 hours. |
Transcripts that showed significantly increased expression after animals were exposed to 28C temperature for 48 hours. |
Differentially expressed genes wereidentified using DESeq (v.1.18.0) by normalizing readsbased on the negative binomial distribution method andcomparing each HS timepoint to the 0-h control. |
20C vs 25C |
Transcripts that showed differential expression in 20C vs 25C in mir-34(gk437) animals at adult stage. |
N.A. |
Transcripts that showed significantly decreased expression in nhl-2(ok818) comparing to in N2 at 20C. |
EdgeR, FDR < 0.05, fold change < 0.5. |
Treatment with 2.0mM of HuminFeed until young adult stage (3 days). |
Gene significantly up-regulated by treatment with 2.0mM of HuminFeed until young adult stage (3 days), with a minimum fold change in gene expression of 1.25. |
For selection of DEGs, an unpaired t -test was performed followed by a significance analysis of microarray (SAM) test including a calculation that estimates the false discovery rate (FDR). FDR, reducing on the one hand type I errors for null associations, was set to a non-stringent level of <12.5%, mainly to guard from an increase of type II error and also based on findings by Levine et al. (2011), which described 12.5% as most acceptable optimum level of FDR, representing the 90th percentile of the normal distribution curve. DEGs exceeding a fold change of 1.25 were further analyzed with respect to their functional clustering. This fold-cut-off was chosen to allow an interpretation that is biologically meaningful, akin to the notion that data of sound technical and experimental quality which returns strong, statistically significant, absolute signal intensities is sufficiently robust to justify a fold-cut-off of >1.2. This analysis was conducted using the functional annotation clustering tool of the Database for Annotation, Visualization, and Integrated Discovery (DAVID; Huang et al., 2007). |