

Intermine data mining platform for C. elegans and related nematodes

Anatomy Term :

Definition  descendent cell of post-embryonic blast cell P3, posterior in hermaphrodite. Name  P3.p hermaphrodite
Primary Identifier  WBbt:0008112

4 Children

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
Anterior daughter cell of P3.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in hermaphrodite. P3.pa lineage name: P3.pa WBbt:0004155
Posterior daughter cell of P3.p, fuses into postembryonic large hypodermal syncytium in hermaphrodite. P3.pp lineage name: P3.pp WBbt:0004153
hyp7 syncytium in hermaphrodite. hyp7 syncytium hermaphrodite   WBbt:0008071
nucleus of pedigree P3.p in hermaphrodite. P3.p nucleus hermaphrodite   WBbt:0008114

0 Expression Clusters

80 Expression Patterns

Remark Reporter Gene Primary Identifier Pattern Subcellular Localization
    Expr4691 GFP was detected in epidermal cells including the head epidermal cells hyp1 to hyp5, the hyp7 syncytium, the tail epidermal cells hyp8 to hyp11, and the ventral Pn.p cells. GFP expression was also detected in the excretory duct cell.  
    Expr4383 The eps-8p::nls::gfp reporter is expressed in a variety of cell types including neurons, gut, muscle and seam cells as well as in the VPCs and their descendants. A time course analysis revealed a dynamic expression pattern of eps-8::nls:.gfp in the vulval cells. In mid-L2 larvae, eps-8p::nls::gfp is weakly expressed in all VPCs except for P3.p. Around 6 h later in early L3 larvae, before the first round of vulval cell divisions, expression is strongest in P6.p, lowest in P5.p and P7.p and intermediate in P3.p, P4.p and P8.p.  
    Expr4328 Expressed in all VPCs prior to and during vulval induction. After VPC division, CEH-20::GFP accumulation became restricted to the P5.p and P7.p lineages, where it remained apparent until the late L4 larval stage.  
    Expr4502 A transcriptional reporter for sel-2 in which the 5' upstream region drives nuclearly localized YFP is expressed in the VPCs and their descendants, as well as in many other cell types, including the epithelial cells of the intestine and the rectum, the seam cells, many cells in the head and the tail, and the cells of the ventral nerve cord.  
Picture: N.A.   Marker18 Expressed in tertiary fate VPC.  
New Anatomy_term: male hook precursors (L1-L4). Picture: Figure S3A.   Marker87 Marker for VPC daughters and granddaughters. Expressed in P cells (L1), QL and QR cells (L1-L2), somatic gonadal precursor (L1), V cells (L1), B cell (L1), T cell (L1), ventral cord neurons (L1-L4), Pn.ps (L1-late L2), Pn.pxx (mid L3), male hook precursors (L1-L4), DTCs (L2-L3), vulval cells (L3-L4), uterine cells (L4), vulval muscle (adult), many unidentified cells in head (all), many unidentified cells in tail (all)  
Picture: Fig. 5.   Expr8345 SWD-3::GFP could be observed in all nuclei of embryos starting at approximately the 20 cell stage. In larvae, GFP expression became more restricted and was particularly strong in the nuclei of seam cells, the somatic gonad precursor cells Z1 and Z4, vulval precursor cells (VPCs), distal tip cells (DTCs), intestinal and muscle cells. Strong expression was also observed in neurons from the ventral nerve cord, head, and tail region. In adults, strong expression persisted in the head and tail region, intestinal cells, muscle cells, and cells of the vulva. In addition, in the developed somatic gonad strong expression was observed in the spermatheca and in sheath cells. nuclei
Picture: Fig 3, Fig S2.   Expr8783 Nuclear expression of VRK-1::GFP was observed in neurons and hypodermal cells in the head, VNC and tail of C. elegans larvae. Strong expression was also detected in all VPCs. At the L3 larval stage expression was highest in the primary fated vulva cell P6.p and its descendants. At L4 stage, VRK-1::GFP was expressed at equal levels in all 22 nuclei. One of the two transgenic strains showed additional but very weak VRK-1::GFP expression in some uterine cells. Expression was never observed in the AC with any of the two strains. During division of VPCs, VRK-1::GFP was nuclear during interphase but relocated to the nuclear periphery immediately before cell division. During mitosis the protein was bound to chromatin.
Picture: Fig 2.   Expr9007 GFP expression was observed in nearly all cells of the embryo from about the 100 cell stage. In larvae and adults, GFP was detectable in neurons, hypodermal cells and the seam cells, the excretory system, and intestinal cells. We noted expression in the vulval precursor cells and their descendents during mid-larval stages and strong somatic gonadal expression in the early L3 stage through to adult. GFP expression was visible in the nucleus, but restricted from the nucleolus in all expressing cells.
    Expr1083 L3 hermaphrodites showed consistent expression of LacZ in hyp7 nuclei. Consistent expression was also seen in body wall muscles, intestinal nuclei, distal tip cells, and many neurons. In contrast, only occasional expression was observed in the VPCs. nuclei
Integrated transgenic line not described in the article.   Expr1416 When transgenic animals carrying pTG96 on an extrachromosomal array (kuEx75) were examined, the fusion protein, as judged by fluorescence of GFP, was observed tightly localized to the nuclei of most cells. SUR-5 appeared to be expressed in the VPCs. Cell types that express this fusion protein include neurons, hypodermis, Pn.p cells, body muscles, many cells of the pharynx, and a few cells of the somatic gonads. Cells that do not display the fluorescence include B, F, K , K.a, K.p, hyp3, the germ line, and the excretory duct cells. In nonmosaic animals, the intensity varies among the cells. The intestinal cells and excretory cells are almost always very bright, whereas neurons are almost always fainter. Uterine cells and many of the cells derived from the M cell are very faint and often difficult to see. The SUR-5GFP fusion proteins are expressed in all stages of C. elegans development. The earliest expression is at the 100- to 150-cell embryonic stage, and the fusion proteins are expressed throughout development from that stage on. The same expression pattern is seen when this array is integrated into one of the chromosomes. pTG96_1 is still localized in the nuclei of most cells. The expression pattern is the same as that seen from the array containing pTG96 (with NLS), but the nuclear localization is not as tight, and there appears to be some diffusion of SUR-5GFP proteins from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Both constructs are expressed in nuclei; and a relatively small amount of SUR-5GFP fusion protein from pTG96_1 is detected in cytoplasm.
Picture: Figure 2A to 2D.   Expr7865 GFP expression was detected from embryogenesis to adulthood. In embryogenesis, almost all cells, other than those in the gut lineage, showed GFP expression. Before P-cell migration in the L1 stage, expression was detected only in Q cells. After P-cell migration and division, expression was seen in the P-cell derivatives and distal tip cells. In L3, GFP expression was present only in the vulval precursor cells and their derivatives. In L4 and adulthood, GFP fluorescence was detected only in some neuronal cells.  
    Expr3985 Animals carrying this transgene express YFP in many cells throughout development and in the adult, including the vulval precursor cells, hypodermis, intestine, neurons and the body wall muscles.  
    Expr1899 Expression of the construct is first detected during embryogenesis, at the beginning of morphogenesis. evl-20::gfp reporter is strongly expressed in the migrating hypodermal cells throughout the enclosure process. Shortly after the beginning of elongation, evl-20::gfp is turned on in many developing neurons, where it persists through adulthood. (This pattern reflects zygotic evl-20 expression, and it is possible that the maternally produced endogenous gene product is also present in the early embryo. However, such maternal expression cannot be recapitulated by the reporter construct due to the germline silencing effect.) In larva, the construct is expressed in a subset of developing tissues. The reporter construct is highly expressed in all 22 cells of the vulva in mid L4 stage. No apparent difference in levels of expression between cells adopting primary and secondary vulval fates can be seen. evl-20::gfp expression can first be detected in P5.p to P7.p during the two-cell stage, after the first round of VPCs divisions. GFP expression was observed in the somatic gonad during L2 to L4 stages. The expression was the strongest in the uterus, although it was also detectable in the spermatheca, sheath cells, and the distal tip cells (DTC). Expression of the construct in the vulva and the gonad was undetectable in adult worms. GFP expression is also seen in many cells during male tail development, with the highest levels found in the proctodeum. As mentioned previously, evl-20 is also expressed in most neurons during larval stages and in the adult worm.  
Picture: Fig. 1.   Expr8653 Expressed throughout the animal, initiating expression in early embryos, and acculminating in the adult with intense expression in the pharynx, seam cells, distal tip cells (DTCs), somatic gonad and vulval precursor cells (VPCs), vulva and spermatheca. The GFP::ALG-1 protein is localized in the cytoplasm and can be detected highly concentrated in subcellular granules.
Other strain-- UL403 late embryo(author) = elongating embryo + fully-elongated embryo(curator).   Expr122 Expression begins in precomma stage embryos. It is quite strong, with extensive diffuse cytoplasmic staining as well as nuclear localised staining. Expression is strongest in young larvae, with staining observed in the ventral nerve cord, the circumpharyngeal nerve ring, the head ganglion, the tail ganglion, the retrovesicular ganglion, and in the developing vulva. In older larvae and in adults the strong pharyngeal expression seen in young larvae is less intense and some neuronal processes in the head become apparent (e.g. the motorneuron M1). There is also staining in the pharyngo-intestinal valve and in the seam cells, though expression appears to exclude the nuclei and is generally intermittent along the seam. The defecation muscle group stain as does its axon, DVB. The dorsal cord also stains but is very faint. Two commissures stain (these are also faint), one is located anterior to the vulva, and the other is posterior to the vulva.  
Clone: pUL#JRH7F10   Expr7747 Expression observed from early embryo to adult. Early and mid embryo expression is weak and general. Intestine and excretory cell. Dorsal nerve cord, ventral nerve cord, two other head nerves lateral to posterior pharyngeal bulb. Possibly artifactual expression in head muscles.  
Clone: pUL#JRH/AE8   Expr7691 3 components. 1. Vulval precursor cells, becoming stronger first in P6p and then in P5p and P7p, retained in P3p,P4p and P8p. Oddly always appears in 3 cells anterior of P5p, not 2, as if P2p is also expressing. 2. 4 cells around body in posterior of L1 larva that divide to give 8 cells and then expression lost. May be muscle cells. 3. Half of uterus closest to vulva. Some cells expressing early in somatic gonad may be precursors. Some possible background in anterior body wall muscle.  
Reporter gene fusion type not specified. This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr689 let-60 ras::lacZ. The Vulval lineage: First detected in L3 larvae (before vulval induction). Faint staining observed in P3.p-P8.p. Staining becomes stronger as VPCs begin dividing and fusion protein is expressed through adulthood. Faint staining observed in hyp7. Strong staining in vulA, vulB, vulC, vulD, vulE and vulF. Myoblast lineage: L1 (shortly after division of M) - Staining detected in M.d and M.v. Late L1, faint staining in progeny of M.v (body muscle) including SM (progeny of M.d (body muscle) ceases staining). L3: 8 progeny of SM (vulval muscle) stain before and after differentiation in muscle cells. Gonadal lineage: At hatching Z1 and Z4 gonadal cells stain. Progeny Z1 and Z4 that form distal tip cells (dtcs) and dtcs stain throughout larval development-adulthood. L4: Anchor cells (ac) of somatic gonad stains transiently at apex of invaginating vulva and continues until late L4 when ac nucleus fuses with uterine tissue. L4-adult expression (but not lacZ) Intense gfp near germline nuclei along border of distal arm of the gonad and in some places extended into the rachis. Muscle: L1-adult: All body wall muscle cells stain. Pharyngeal muscle pmp3-8 begin staining in L1 and continue until adulthood. Hypodermis: Begin staining in L2-3 larvae but consistent staining does not occur until the L4 stage and continues until adulthood. Hypodermal cells staining include V and H lineage-derived seam cells and V and H derived lateral hypodermal cells. Ventral hypodermal cells derived from P lineage also stain weakly but consistently in the adult. Intestine: Intestinal cells of late L1 larvae stain briefly during their terminal division. No staining after L2. Nervous system and excretory cells: extensive staining but not entirely at hatching throughout development. Beginning L1 - adulthood: Many ventral cord neurons stain positively identified include FLPL,R AVKL,R and either AIMR or AIYR based on co-staining with an anti-FMRF amide and an anti-galactosidase antibody. Nucleus of excretory cell stains in L1 to adulthood.  
Lineage expression: V lineage. Transgenic ceh-20(mu290) animals bearing pLY11 were rescued for the QR.pax positioning phenotype, the Muv/Egl, and the Vn.a division phenotype, suggesting that ceh-20::gfp was expressed in cells that require its function for these processes.   Expr3231 ceh-20::gfp expression was detected in QR and QL and their descendants throughout their migrations to the end of L1. V cells and their daughters also expressed ceh-20::gfp. Expression persisted in the descendants of the V cells through the adult stage. At hatching, all P cells expressed ceh-20::gfp. Before the anterior and posterior Pn.p cells fuse, they also expressed ceh-20. In L3 hermaphrodites, expression was maintained in P(3-8).p. ceh-20::gfp expression was identified in several other cell types. These included M, BDU, ALM, HSN, body wall muscle cells, I4, all L1 ventral cord neurons and a few unidentified neurons in the head behind the posterior bulb of the pharynx. In all cells expressing ceh-20, the expression was stronger in the nucleus than in the cytoplasm. ceh-20::gfp expression and nuclear localization did not change in the unc-62(mu232) background.
This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr660 9h after fertilization: strong staining in intestinal and hypodermal nuclei; Weak neuronal staining. Early L1: staining in nuclei of most postembryonic blast cells. Strong staining in nuclei of hypodermic blast cells H1, H2, V1-V6, T and all intestinal (E) cells. Weak staining nuclei of neuroblasts Q1 and Q2, mesoblast M cells and P cells. 9h after fertilization: strong staining in intestinal and hypodermal nuclei; Weak neuronal staining. Early L1: staining in nuclei of most postembryonic blast cells. Strong staining in nuclei of hypodermic blast cells H1, H2, V1-V6, T and all intestinal (E) cells. weak staining nuclei of neuroblasts Q1 and Q2, mesoblast M cells and P cells. Adult: staining observed in the mature oocyte nuclei of hermaphrodites, at meiotic prophase I when the chromosomes are condensed. (Possible artifact, detected in lin-14 loss-of-function mutant strains n536n540, n355n726). In embryo, first observed in embryo at 7h after fertilization (half way through embryogenesis). Strong staining in intestinal and hypodermal nuclei. L3: Pn.p stains weakly before division (staining fades by L4). Occasional weak staining of hypodermal, intestinal and neuronal nuclei and cytoplasm at L2 and L3. Late L1: staining of all nuclei except for neuronal nuclei is weaker. More neuron of the nerve ring and posterior ganglion stain than in earlier stages. Intestinal and hypodermal cell lineages stain strongest at mid to late L1 (Fade entirely by L2) similarly with many of the neuronal cells. Mid L1: staining in nuclei of hypodermic blast cells H1, H2, V1-V6 and T. The nuclei of intestinal (E) cells also stain. Weak staining in nuclei of P cells (staining fades before migration into ventral cord). Strong staining in nuclei of embryo-derived nuclei in hypodermal syncytial cell hyp7, ABarpppapa, ABplaapppp, Cpaaaa, Cpaapa, Cpaapp, Cpapaa, terminally differentiated nuclei from embryonic body muscle also stain for lin-14. Staining observed in nuclei of neuronal cells BDU, ALM, and CAN. All embryonic generated ventral cord neurons and some neurons of the nerve ring and posterior ganglion stain for lin-14. lin-14 is localized to the nuclei.
Lineage expression: H, V, T descandents. This information was extracted from published material (Archana Sharma-Oates, Andrew Mounsey and Ian A. Hope).   Expr661 lin-14 protein is first observed in embryos at ~7 hours after fertilization where most intense staining is seen in intestinal and hypodermal nuclei. ~9 h after fertilization, additional weak staining is observed. lin-14 protein is expressed at high level in the nuclei of most of the post-embryonic blast cells. Intense nuclear staining was observed in the hypodermal blast cells H1, H2, V1-V6 and T and in all of the intestinal (E) cells and weaker staining was observed in both neuroblasts Q1 and Q2, in the mesoblast M cell and in P cells (P1/2, P3/4 and P5/6). During L1, staining is seen in the progeny of the hypodermal blast cells H1, H2 V1-V6 and T and in all of the intestinal (E) cells. Staining in P-cell nuclei fades before migration into the ventral nerve cord but reappears later in some of their progeny cells. The embryo-derived nuclei in the hypodermal syncytial cell hyp7, ABarpppapa, ABplaapppp, Cpaaaa, Cpaapa, Cpaapp, Cpapaa, all stain for the lin-14 protein during the L1 stage. Terminally differentiated nuclei from embryonic body muscle also accumulate the lin-14 protein. Nuclei of many but not all neuronal cells stain with the antibody (e.g. BDU, ALM, CAN but not HSN). All of the embryonically generated ventral cord neurons and some but not all of the neurons of the nerve ring and the posterior ganglion accumulate the lin-14 protein in their nuclei during the L1 stage. Late L1 stage, staining is seen in all nuclei except in the neuronal nuclei staining is much weaker. In addition, more neurons of the nerve ring and posterior ganglion stain than at the earlier stages. Thus, in the hypodermal and intestinal cell lineages, lin-14 protein level peaks during early L1 and fade entirely by L2. In the many neuronal cells, lin-14 protein peak during mid to late L1 and fade by L2. Pn.p accumulates lin-14 protein at the L3 stage, although, very weak staining is seen before the Pn.p cells divide. This staining fades by early L4, In occasional L2 and L3 stage animals, weak staining is observed in nuclei and cytoplasm of hypodermal, neuronal and intestinal cells. Patches of staining in hypodermal or intestinal nuclei is only rarely observed in very old adults. In most adults, staining reappears only in the mature oocyte nuclei of hermaphrodites at meiotic prophase I when the chromosomes are condensed. The oocyte nuclear staining disappears after fertilization. Quantitation of immunoblots show that the level of lin-14 protein relative to a pharyngeal myosin control decreases >= 25-fold from L1 to L2.  
    Expr949 gfp is expressed in a variety of cells, including the HSNs; hyp 8, 9, and 10; B; F; rect D; DVC; some ventral cord neurons; cells in the head; and cells in the preanal ganglion. sem-4 gfp is expressed in the VPCs. Expression in the VPCs is first observable during L2 and persists in the vulval lineages until the vulval divisions are complete. Expression is undetectable again by the mid-L4 stage, before vulval morphogenesis has terminated. Expression of sem-4 gfp in vulval cells is often strongest in the descendants of P7.p.  
    Expr1921 REF-2 was first detected weakly in all 12 P cells just before P-cell migration. REF-2 was present in all P cells as migration occurred and remained in both P cell daughters after division in the ventral cord. This is also the point at which anti-REF-2 staining was strongest. REF-2 then disappears in the Pn.a cell lineage. REF-2 also disappears from the Pn.p cells, although it does so at different rates in different Pn.p cells. REF-2 is present for the longest time in the six unfused Pn.p cells P(3-8).p. REF-2 is also present in P1.p and P2.p shortly after those cells fuse with hyp7, although REF-2 decreases to an undetectable level soon after. REF-2 disappears most rapidly in P(9-11).p, with REF-2 being detectable in only some worms around the time of Pn.p cell fusion. In summary, REF-2 protein levels decrease around the time of Pn.p cell fusion, although they do so less quickly in the cells that remain unfused. REF-2 protein was also detected in the nuclei of the B and Y cells in the tail region during L1. nuclei
    Expr2796 L2 stage worms showed GFP fluorescence in the ventral hypodermis. Expression of Ce-dab-1 within the VPCs and their descendants continued through vulval development, and became restricted to the descendants of P5.p and P7.p by mid-L4. Ce-dab-1 was also expressed in the anchor cell (AC), sheath cells surrounding the amphid neurons in the head, the gut, and several unidentified cells in the anus and uterus of L3-adult animals. However, no Ce-dab-1 expression was detectable in the SMs.  
    Expr861 During embryogenesis they are widely expressed in many or all cells. During larval stages, they are expressed in the seam cells, head neurons, ventral cord, male ray cells and other tail neurons. The reporter genes are also strongly expressed in proliferating cells for example, they are expressed in the vulval precursor cells. In adult animals, the reporters are expressed mainly in neurons. For both reporters, GFP fluorescence was nuclear.  
Picture: Figure 2.   Expr8280 DDB-1::GFP expression was also observed in a subset of cells that do not proliferate during the larval stages, including the lateral hyp7 hypodermal cells, rectal gland and epithelial cells, and a subset of neuronal cells in the head and tail regions. Additionally, adult hermaphrodites exhibit high-level expression in the spermatheca. DDB-1::GFP expression from the transgenic array was not observed in germ cells, but this may be due to transgene silencing in the germ line. In embryos, authors did not observe significant zygotic DDB-1::GFP expression. In larvae, DDB-1::GFP expression was observed in blast cells that proliferate during the larval stages, including seam cells in the lateral hypodermis, P cells in the ventral hypodermis, and intestinal cells. The P-cell lineage has the longest quiescent period between rounds of cell division, and within the P lineage, DDB-1::GFP expression correlates with the proliferative state. P blast cells did not express DDB1::GFP in newly hatched L1 larvae; however, expression was observed later in the L1 stage as the cells began to proliferate. During the L2 stage, the P-cell descendants are either quiescent or postmitotic, and they lack DDB-1::GFP expression. DDB-1::GFP expression resumes during the L3 stage in the P-cell descendants that create the vulva (the vulval precursor cells [VPCs]), as they move from quiescence to proliferation, and expression continues through the L4 stage. In adults, all P cell descendants are postmitotic, and DDB-1::GFP is not expressed.  
Picture: Fig 4.   Expr8785 Transcriptional reporter: Transgenic animals carrying ceh-20p::gfp showed a similar expression pattern to the translational ceh-20::gfp reporter outside of the M lineage, but failed to show expression in the M lineage. Translational reporter: Nuclear GFP signal was detected in a wide array of cells outside of the M lineage, including a subset of embryonic cells, hypodermal cells, gut cells, bodywall muscles, VNC neurons and VPCs. Within the M lineage, CEH-20::GFP was detected in the M cell and throughout the early M lineage. It persisted in the differentiated BWMs as well as in the SMs and all the SM descendants.  
Picture: Fig 4.   Expr8784 unc-62::gfp expression was first detectable during mid-embryogenesis in a subset of cells that include AB lineage derivatives. In newly hatched L1 larvae, unc-62::gfp was observed in multiple cell types including the M mesoblast, as well as a few neurons in the head and tail, and dorsal and ventral hypodermis. In the L1 larva, unc-62::gfp expression continued throughout the M lineage in all dividing M descendants. The GFP signal was transiently detectable in M-derived CCs and BWMs before they terminally differentiate, but remained detectable in the SMs and throughout the SM lineage, including the differentiated vulval muscles. Outside of the M lineage, the neuronal expression in the head and tail was retained throughout postembryonic development, while hypodermal expression appeared more variable. unc-62::gfp expression was also observed in a subset of ventral nerve cord (VNC) cells after the L2 stage and in the P lineage with initial faint GFP expression in P3.p, P4.p and P5.p in L1 animals, which expanded to P6.p, P7.p and P8.p cells at the L2 stage. Upon vulval induction, L3 and L4 larvae displayed strong GFP expression in P5.p, P6.p and P7.p and their descendants, but expression in P3.p, P4.p and P8.p and their descendants became weaker and eventually undetectable by mid-L4 stage. unc-62::gfp expression persisted in all differentiated vulval cells after vulval morphogenesis in adults.  
Picture: Fig 3.   Expr8659 As previously reported, GFP is widely observed during embryogenesis. Similarly, GFP is also generally expressed during larval development, being observed within both dividing and terminally differentiated cells. For example, cells within the seam and intestinal lineages strongly express the Pcki-2::gfp reporter. The VPCs and their descendent cells also express GFP.  

0 Life Stages

3 Parents

Definition Name Synonym Primary Identifier
The third (count from anterior-most) of twelve postembryonic blast cells for ventral cord motorneurons, ventral hypodermis, vulva, male preanal ganglion; ventral hypodermis in L1. P3   WBbt:0006772
cell that has the potential to form structural part of a vulva. vulval precursor cell VPC WBbt:0007809
descendent cell of post-embryonic blast cell P3, posterior P3.p   WBbt:0006891